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From Struggle to Triumph:

A Study of the Hurdles Faced by

Business Owners on their Journey
to Success
• Dichos, Mariah Pheonna
• Amarillo, Angelyn
• Frias, Diosdado
• Takyawan, Angelyn
• Baway, Stephany
Short Intro
"From Struggle to Triumph: A Study of the Hurdles Faced by Business
Owners on their Journey to Success" is likely a research project or
academic study focused on understanding the challenges and obstacles
encountered by individuals who own and operate their own businesses. It
likely explores both external factors, such as market competition,
economic conditions, and regulatory challenges, as well as internal
factors, such as personal struggles, doubts, and decision-making
The objectives of the study includes:

• To Identify the common challenges and obstacles encountered by business owners in their pursuit
of success.

• Explore the strategies and coping mechanisms employed by business owners to overcome these

• Examine the impact of various factors such as industry type, business size, and personal
background on the nature and severity of obstacles faced.

• Provide insights and recommendations to assist current and prospective business owners in
navigating their entrepreneurial journey more effectively;

• Contribute to the existing body of knowledge on entrepreneurship by shedding light on the often
overlooked difficulties faced by business owners.
• The study will be conducted as a narrative study, with a single subject of interest for the

• The study involve gathering qualitative data through interviews with business owners to
delve into their experiences, perspectives, and strategies for overcoming obstacles.

• To know the subject of this study, the participant should be one of the business owner
inside the Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental.

• In order to have a smooth interview, it is necessary for the participant to choose a

comfortable atmosphere where they feel comfortable sharing their struggles to become
Possible questions that could be asked to participants in the study "From Struggle to Triumph:
A Study of the Hurdles Faced by Business Owners on their Journey to Success":

• Can you describe a significant challenge or • How do you balance the demands of running a
obstacle you encountered while starting or business with other aspects of your life, such as
growing your business? family, health, and personal well-being?
• What specific factors do you believe contributed • Can you discuss any lessons learned from failures or
to your success or failure as a business owner? setbacks you experienced in your business?
• How did you overcome the hurdles you faced • In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges
during your entrepreneurial journey? facing entrepreneurs today, and how do you think
they can be addressed?
• What support systems or resources did you find
most helpful in navigating challenges as a • Have you faced any unique challenges or barriers as
business owner? a business owner due to your background, identity,
or industry?
• Have you experienced any regulatory or
• What advice would you give to aspiring
structural barriers that hindered your business's
entrepreneurs who are facing similar challenges on
growth or success? If so, can you describe them? their entrepreneurial journey?
Daily Hustle:
The Unseen Challenges and
Triumphs of Street Food Vendors
Short Intro

"Daily Hustle: The Unseen Challenges and Triumphs of Street Food

Vendors" is a study that examines the day-to-day experiences,
struggles, and successes of individuals in the street food vending
industry.It delves into the often-hidden challenges faced by
vendors, such as managing finances, and dealing with
competition, while also highlighting their moments of resilience
and achievement.
The objectives of the study include:
• Investigate the unique challenges faced by street food vendors in their daily operations.

• Explore the strategies employed by street food vendors to overcome obstacles such as regulatory hurdles,
competition, and variable customer demand.

• Examine the socio-economic factors influencing the success or failure of street food businesses.

• Identify the triumphs and successes experienced by street food vendors despite the challenges they

• Provide insights and recommendations to support street food vendors in enhancing their businesses and

• Raise awareness about the contributions of street food vendors to urban food culture and the local economy.

• The study will be carried out as a phenomenological research in which the participants'
experiences as street food vendors will be investigated.

• The participants of this study must be those people who sell street foods in the area of
Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental.

• In order to learn more about street food vendors' perspectives, experiences, as well as
techniques for dealing with obstacles on every single day, the study intends to gather
qualitative data through vendor interviews.

• The location of the interview will depend on the vendors' places of business, however most
of them are obviously found in the streets.
Possible questions that could be asked to participants in the study "Daily
Hustle: The Unseen Challenges and Triumphs of Street Food Vendors":

• Can you describe a typical day in your life as a • Can you discuss any unexpected obstacles or
street food vendor? setbacks you've encountered while running your
street food business, and how you overcame them?
• What inspired you to become a street food
• How do you manage your finances and deal with
vendor, and how long have you been in this
fluctuations in income as a street food vendor?
• Have you faced any safety or security concerns
• What are some of the biggest challenges you face
while working on the streets? How do you address
on a daily basis while operating your street food these challenges?
• Can you describe a particularly memorable or
• How do you navigate regulatory or legal rewarding experience you've had as a street food
challenges as a street food vendor? Can you share vendor?
any specific examples?
• What advice would you give to someone who is
• What strategies do you use to attract customers considering starting a career as a street food
and differentiate yourself from other vendors? vendor?
Navigating Dual Responsibilities: A
Study on Time Allocation and
Prioritization by Business Owners in
Managing Work and Family
• Dichos Mariah Pheonna
• Amarillo, Angelyn
• Frias, Diosdado
• Takyawan, Angelyn
• Baway, Stephany
Short Intro

"Navigating Dual Responsibilities" is a study

investigating how business owners juggle their work
and family obligations. It examines the strategies they
use to allocate time and prioritize tasks effectively
amidst competing demands, shedding light on the
challenges and successes they encounter in balancing
professional duties with family responsibilities
The objectives of the study include:
• Investigate the time allocation practices of business owners in balancing their work and family responsibilities.

• Understand the prioritization strategies employed by business owners to manage competing demands from
work and family life.

• Explore the challenges and obstacles faced by business owners in effectively managing both work and family

• Identify factors that influence business owners' decisions regarding time allocation and prioritization.

• Provide insights and recommendations to help business owners improve their ability to balance work and
family responsibilities more effectively.

• Contribute to the understanding of the complexities involved in juggling dual responsibilities among business

• With a single area of interest, the study will be carried out as a phenomenological study,
and the researchers will investigate at how business owners balance their time between
their families and their businesses.

• The participant should be one of the business owner who already have a family inside the
area of Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental.

• In order to learn how business owners balance their time between their families and their
businesses, the study will gather qualitative data through interviews with business

• The participant must select a comfortable environment where they are at ease answering
questions in order for the interview to go successfully.
When designing questions for participants in a study on time allocation and prioritization by business owners in managing
work and family commitments, it's essential to cover various aspects of their experiences and strategies.

Demographic Information:
a. What is your age?
b. What is your gender?
c. What is your marital status?
d. How many children do you have?
e. What is the nature of your business?

Work Commitments:
a. How many hours per week do you typically spend on work-related tasks?
b. Can you describe your typical workday schedule?
c. What are the main responsibilities or tasks you prioritize in your work?
d. How do you handle unexpected work demands or emergencies?
When designing questions for participants in a study on time allocation and prioritization by business owners in managing
work and family commitments, it's essential to cover various aspects of their experiences and strategies.

Family Commitments:
a. How many hours per week do you typically spend with your family or on family-related tasks?
b. Can you describe your typical family routine or schedule?
c. What are the main responsibilities or activities you prioritize in your family life?
d. How do you handle unexpected family obligations or emergencies?

Time Allocation and Prioritization:

a. How do you typically decide how to allocate your time between work and family commitments?
b. What factors influence your decision-making process when prioritizing tasks or responsibilities?
c. Have you established specific boundaries or strategies to balance work and family life? If so, can you
describe them?
d. How do you manage feelings of guilt or stress related to balancing work and family obligations?
When designing questions for participants in a study on time allocation and prioritization by business owners in managing
work and family commitments, it's essential to cover various aspects of their experiences and strategies.

Coping Mechanisms:
a. What strategies do you use to manage stress or overwhelm related to juggling work and family commitments?
b. Do you have a support system in place to help you manage both work and family responsibilities? If so, who are they,
and how do they support you?
c. Have you had to make any significant adjustments or sacrifices in either your work or family life to better manage both
areas? If so, what were they?

Reflection and Satisfaction:

a. How satisfied are you with your current ability to balance work and family commitments?
b. What aspects of your approach to managing work and family responsibilities do you feel are most effective? Least
c. Looking back, what advice would you give to other business owners trying to navigate similar dual responsibilities?

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