The Elderly and The Dog-Predstavitev

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The elderly and the dog

mag. Vilma Alina Bezenšek; doctoral student
Faculty of Law
University of Maribor
 Pets can serve as a source of love and happiness for pretty much anyone—but
this is particularly true for older adults. Why? Pets help promote the mental
and physical well-being of the older adults who interact with them
The Pros And Cons To Older Adults
Interacting With Pets And Animals
(1) PRO: It prevents social isolation.

For starters, pets are a great way for older adults to prevent feeling socially
isolated, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Whether they
are without a partner, unable to see friends, have difficulty traveling, or are
simply distant from family members or friends, having a pet can give them
that sense of closeness for which they are searching.
 Plus, having a pet brings about a slew of other scenarios in which older adults
have the opportunity to socialize. “If somebody’s walking a dog, people stop.
It makes people gravitate toward them in general,” and there are tons of
places where other pet-owners congregate for a sense of community like pet
stores, dog parks, nature trails, and the like. Plus, if the older adults have
family, such as grandchildren, it gives people a reason to come over and be
with them—all in all, it facilitates socialization
(2) PRO: It helps them fulfill past roles
and routines
 Having a pet also helps older adults engage in past roles that are no longer
present in their lives, “They’re able to reinforce their caregiving skills and
have a sense of purpose, even if their children and grandchildren are already
grown up,”.
 “They feel like they’re serving somebody,” which can boost their mental
well-being and provide more structure and routine in their day, since many
pets will require feeding, bathing, or playtime on a regular basis.
(3) PRO: There are many neurological
 As mentioned, the purely tactile sensation of petting animals releases feel-
good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in the brain. This increases
happiness and reduces stress, and can even reduce some cardiovascular risk
factors in older adults.
 In general, sensory stimulation is particularly beneficial for older adults as it
helps “nourish the brain”. Sensory stimuli such as touch, sight, and sound are
processed in the limbic system of the brain where two integral organs live:
the amygdala and the hippocampus, responsible for processing emotions and
storing new memories, respectively.
(4) CON: Being a pet-owner is
 “Among other things, being a pet owner is expensive,”. “With older adults,
they’re already concerned about how they’re going to pay for their
medications and doctor’s appointments,” which is why it’s best that any older
adult seeking a pet ensures that they have the disposable income to cover
daily necessities or even in case of emergency veterinary visits.
(5) CON: Unfortunately, animals don’t
live forever
 “Whenever you have an animal, there’s unfortunately always the risk of them
dying,”. And because it’s typically recommended that older adults choose
adult-aged pets instead of babies or pups, the risk of a pet’s unexpected
death is higher. This might trigger feelings of sadness and depression in the
owner— the exact opposite of the intended purpose.
 That said, even in the worst case scenario doesn’t need to be all bad: “It may
be comforting for them to know that they cared for an animal at the end of
its life, and it may even make them more at peace with their own
(6) CON: Not every older adult can
care for a pet 24/7
 Because all older adults experience varying levels of physical and mental
capabilities, it’s possible that some might not be able to care for a pet on
their own. Perhaps they’re regularly in and out of the hospital, have a
disability, or are simply not mobile enough to be a caregiver for an animal.
While this might be frustrating for some—it’s no reason to stress.
 There are several other ways in which older adults can interact with animals,
including programs like pet therapy, volunteer opportunities, and the like.
Ways that older adults can interact with
pets and animals
(1) Animals in your family circle or
 If older adults have family members with pets, they can bring the animals
over to the home of the older adult (or vice versa) so that they have the time
to interact with the animal, Zuckerman says. This allows the older adult to
reap the benefits of the pet-to-owner stimuli without necessitating all the
responsibilities partnered with having a pet in their individual care.
 Older adults can also ask their neighbors or other community members if they
can care for their pets a couple of days per week, or if they can be a
designated person to care for them while the neighbors are away. “This can
help give them a sense of purpose and a reason to get out of the house,”
Zuckerman says, but again, it’s not the full-time responsibility of owning the
pet themselves.

(2) Service dogs

 “Certified pet therapy dogs undergo intensive training. They’re not aggressive
or startled by loud noises,” and there are service dogs taught to help older
adults be more independent and more navigable for the older adult. Their
abilities include (but are not limited to): they can turn off/on lights, press
door-open buttons at wheelchair accessible doors, and retrieve items the
person can’t reach, and aiding in emergencies (i.e. get help if the person falls
, or if the dog senses the person is about to have a seizure). Overall, the
extensive training that service dogs go through to be self-sufficient and
helpful might be the best case pet-ownership scenario for some older adults.
(3) Pet therapy

 There are pet therapy services all over the country that organize home visits,
assisted living facility programs, and hospital check-ins alike,
(4) Volunteering at an animal shelter

 Finally, there are animal shelters where older adults can offer up their time
and resources. “I think volunteering at a pet shelter is integral for the older
population because it gets them out of the house, around animals, and
involved in their communities.
Consider What’s Best For You

 Owning a pet while aging in place is not for everyone, but it can bring a lot of
happiness and love into a person’s life. Ask your veterinarian, family
members, and doctor if this is the right decision for you and your health. All
in all, you can trust this: if you are able to be more involved with pets and
animals, the effects can certainly be life-changing for the better.

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