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Analyze Detailed Statement Sales Rebates
• App ID-W0149
• With this app, we can view an itemization of the business volume for selected condition contract
settlement documents. The Settlement Document Billing documents and the Sales Orders will be relevant
for Business Volume Base.
This app uses the C_DetStmntSlsRbteQr CDS view.
Key features:
We can use this app to view a complete list of the items that were included during the calculation of the settlement amounts when
condition contracts are settled. You can also use the app to group the involved items based on several dimensions, which can assist
you to verify the results of a settlement.
• To display the data, we can use one of the following methods:
• Enter the Display Currency and Exchange Rate Type values
• From the User Actions Menu Settings Default Values, we can specify default parameter values.
• We can view more granular information by dragging the fields from the Dimensions column to Rows column, or drag one of the
available fields from Dimensions and drop into the list of rows.
Analyze Detailed Statement Sales Commission
• App ID-W0147
• With this app, we can view an itemization of the business volume for selected condition contract
settlement documents. The Settlement Document Billing relevant
for sales commission agreements with external sales agents will be the business volume base.
• This app uses the C_DetStmntPurgRbteQry CDS view
Monitor Settlement Documents
• App ID-F4165
• The Manage Settlement Documents app has been renamed. The name of the app is
now Monitor Settlement Documents and it provides the same features and functions as the
app version delivered with the previous release.
• With this app, we can easily get an overview of settlement documents for a selected time period
and specific criteria.
• The app also allows to drill down on cumulated settlement amounts based on settlement
document information. This facilitates the management of settlement documents and helps to
make informed business decisions.
Key Features
• Visual filters to visualize the amounts of settlement documents for various parameters
• A list of settlement documents from where we can directly branch out to other apps to further
process or analyze a settlement document
• A direct link to display additional information for a specific settlement document
• The filter Process Category can be used to easily filter for settlement documents that are part
of a specific process, for example, customer rebates or supplier rebates
Display Settlement Dates
• App ID-F4964
• With this app, we can display a list of settlement dates together with their corresponding
condition contracts. You can filter the list of settlement dates by selecting different filter criteria,
like the settlement date, the settlement date type, condition contract, supplier, customer,
personnel number, sales organization, purchasing organization, or the settlement status.
Furthermore, you can use variants as predefined filters for due settlement dates.
Key Features
• We can use this app to do the following:
• Filter due settlement dates for customer rebates, supplier rebates, commissions, and royalties
by using the corresponding predefined Due Settlement Dates variants
• Filter the list of settlement dates by selecting the settlement status
• Display details in addition to the settlement date including the
corresponding settlement documents or personnel settlement documents
• View additional contract details
• Add a settlement date to an existing scheduling worklist or create a new worklist if required
• Release settlement documents to Finance
Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts

• With this app you can view the business volume for selected condition contracts.
• Key features:
• Use selection criteria, for example, Customer, Condition Contract, or Settlement Date to view
the business volume data for the condition contracts.
Customer 360° View – Version 2
• App ID-F2187A
• With this app, as an internal sales representative, you can gain a comprehensive overview of the business documents
associated with specific customers. For example, you can check the details of business documents that were recently
created for a specific customer. The app displays aggregated data for sales documents, billing documents, and service
documents for a certain period of time.
• Key Features
•Search for a customer using filter criteria (for example, sold-to party, sales organization, and postal code).
•View recently created business documents, recent deliveries, business documents awaiting approval, internal and external
•Provides a quick link to the Customers Overview app with the customer added in the sold-to party filter.
•View various data as displayed in the table below for sales documents, billing documents, and service documents. The
data is displayed in an easy-to-consume manner.Sales documents include sales orders, sales contracts, sales quotations,
sales scheduling agreements, debit memo requests, credit memo requests, sales orders without charge,
and customer returns.
•Billing documents include invoices, invoice cancellations, billing document requests, and preliminary billing documents.
•Service documents include service quotations and service orders.
•Display fulfillment issues in sales orders.
•View products sold to customers.
•Navigate to related apps to view the business document data in detail.
The app displays information under multiple tabs, as follows:
Tab Description
Overview •Displays a list of recently created business documents for the last 30 days.
•Displays both the internal and external contact information of
the customer.
•Displays the recent delivery documents for the last 30 days.
•Lists all the documents that are pending approval.
•Quick link to Customers Overview app with the customer added in the
sold-to party filter.

Business Documents •Displays a list of all the business documents created for a customer.
•You can use the drop-down menu to view various business documents.
•Allows you to navigate to several apps for managing and creating the
related documents.

Fulfillment •Displays all the sales orders that have exceeded their expected time of
•Allows you to navigate to the object page of a specific sales order by
clicking on it.
Product and Prices •Displays the products ordered by the customer. You can also set the
display period for the products.
•View details related to orders such as product ID, product group, order
quantity, and so on.
General Data •Displays the sales areas related to the customer.
•Lists all the types of addresses related to the customer such as standard
address in the sales area.
Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

Sales Volume-Detailed Analysis

App ID-F2235
With this app, you as a sales manager can drill down into your sales volume from different perspectives. Sales
volume refers to the total invoiced sales achieved during a specified period. This is based on invoice items or
debit memo items (debits) that have not been canceled. You can customize a step-by-step analysis path that will
help you identify the root cause behind sales volume fluctuations.
Key Features
•View and drill down into sales volumes according to different dimensions such as time, sales organization,
customer, material, and many more
•Analyze monthly, quarterly, or yearly trend of your sales volume
•Drill down even further into the list of billing document items
•Navigate to billing document details
•Navigate to related apps for sales volume, for example Sales Volume - Check Open Sales
This app uses the following CDS views:
•C_SalesVolumebyYearQuery (for the tile)
Sales Volume - Profit Margin
App ID-F2271
With this app, you as a sales manager can check your sales volume against your profit margin for
your sales organizations. The tile of the app displays the profit margin for the top 3 sales organizations in
percentage, but you can also use other selection criteria.

The app enables you to see at a glance whether your profit margin is low for a particular sales organization or, for
example, for a particular product. The profit margin is an indicator of your company's pricing strategies and how
well you control costs.

You can collaborate with your team by email, or with other sales managers, to gain further insights, for example,
regarding prices or discounts, and to take the necessary action to increase your sales volume, and, as a result,
your profit margin.
The app uses the following key figures:
Key Figure Description Representation Term
Sales Volume The total invoiced sales achieved during Net Amount
a specified period. This is based on
invoice items or debit memo items
(debits) that have not been canceled.

Credit Memos The total amount of credit memos Net Amount, Quantity
during a specified period. This is based
on credit memo items (credits) that
have not been canceled.

Profit Margin The difference Percentage, Net Amount

between sales volume and costs

Credit Memo Profit Margin The difference between credit memos Net Amount
and costs

Net Sales Volume Sales volume minus credit memos Net Amount
Net Profit Margin Profit margin minus credit Net Amount
memo profit margin
Sales Management Overview
App ID-F2601
With this app, you as a sales manager can get a graphical overview of your various sales data on cards. You can
further analyze the data by navigating to related analytical apps from the cards. Using this app, you can gain
comprehensive insights into your current sales situation and respond quickly.

Key Features:
• Each sales topic is represented by card. On the cards we can view relevant KPIs.
• Sales data is visualized in charts and lists
• You can filter results by various criteria, such as sold-to party and sales organization
• You can specify a preferred currency for displaying the results
• You can navigate to related apps to drill down intothe data
Card Description
Incoming Sales Orders •Indicates the total net value or the number of sales order items that are relevant for billing or delivery
•Displays the last four months and lets you compare them to the same period in the previous year
•You can navigate to the Incoming Sales Orders – Flexible Analysis app for more details

Customer Returns •Indicates the total net value of customer return items that are relevant for billing or delivery
•Displays the last four months and lets you compare them to the same period in the previous year
•Navigate to the Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis app

Incomplete Sales Documents •Displays the total number of incomplete sales documents
•Displays the number of incomplete sales documents by document category as a percentage
•You can navigate to the List Incomplete Sales Documents app to view the document and complete the data

Backorder Items •Displays the total number of backorder items

•Displays the four plants with the most backorder items
•You can navigate to the Sales Volume – Backorders app for more details
Profit Margin •Indicates the difference between sales volume and costs
•Displays the sales volumes for the last four months and lets you compare them to their profit margins
•You can navigate to the Sales Volume – Profit Margin app for more details

Blocked Sales Orders •Displays the total net value and the number of blocked sales orders by issue type
•You can navigate to the Sales Order Fulfillment – Analyze Issues app for more details
Overdue Sales Orders •Displays the total net value and the number of overdue sales orders by issue type
•You can navigate to the Sales Order Fulfillment – Analyze Issues app for more details
Customers Overview
App ID-F4645
With this app, you can get an overview of the sales data of one or more customers.
Key Features:
•View various sales measures of customers represented by cards. The data is displayed in an easy-to-consume
manner using charts and lists.
•Filter results by various criteria, such as sold-to party, sales organization, sales group, and so on.
•Specify a preferred currency for displaying the results. You must select the display currency and at least one sold-
to party (customer) in order to see the corresponding sales data.
•Navigate to the related apps to drill down into the data.
Card Description
Frequency of •Displays the average number of sales orders per month for the last 6 months.
Sales Orders •Displays the number of sales orders per month for the last 6 months in a chart.
•Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by: Clicking on the card header to see detailed
information for the last 6 months.
•Clicking on the data point of a month in the chart to see details for that specific month.
Incoming Sales •Displays the average net value of sales orders per month for the last 6 months.
Orders •Displays the net value of sales orders per month for the last 6 months in a chart.
•Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by: Clicking on the card header to see detailed
information for the last 6 months.
•Clicking on the data point of a month in the chart to see details for that specific month.
Open Sales •Displays the list of sales orders that are not completed. This status is based on the Overall Status filter in
Orders the Manage Sales Orders app. The sales orders displayed are ordered by the requested delivery date.
•Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by: Clicking on the card header to see details of all the
open sales orders.
•Clicking on a specific sales order to see only its detailed information.
Rejected Sales •Displays the total number of sales orders that are either partially rejected or fully rejected (Everything
Orders Rejected). This status is based on the Rejection Status filter in the Manage Sales Orders app. The data displayed
in this card is for the sales orders from the last 6 months.
•Displays the number of partially rejected sales orders. Partially rejected sales orders are those where only some
of its items are rejected.
•Displays the number of fully rejected sales orders. Fully rejected sales orders are those where all of its items are
•Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by: Clicking on the card header to see details of both
the partially rejected and fully rejected sales orders.
•Clicking on a specific rejection status to see the corresponding sales orders.
Customer •Displays the total number of items returned by customers for various reasons. The data displayed in this card is for the items
Returns returned in the last 6 months.
•Displays the number of items returned by customers for each reason. The reasons are ordered in the descending order of the
number of items tagged against it.
•Allows you to navigate to the Customer Returns - Return Rate app by: Clicking on the card header to see details of all the
reasons for return.
•Clicking on a specific reason for return to see its details.

Delivery •Displays the delivery performance of sales orders over the last 6 quarters.
Performance •Displays the quarterly data in a chart for the following key figures: Delivered as Requested: Includes sales order items that
have been delivered by the customer's requested delivery date.
•Delivered as Committed: Includes sales order items that have been delivered by the committed delivery date.

Sales •Displays the sales volume against profit margin for the last 6 quarters in a chart.
Volume / •Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Profit Margin app by: Clicking on the card header to see details for the last 6
Profit Margin quarters in a chart.
•Clicking on a specific data point to see details for the selected quarter.

Sales Volume •Displays the net sales volume from all sales areas, which are assigned to the selected sold-to party, for the current year. A sales
by Sales Area area is a combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division.
•Displays the sales volume in each sales area, assigned to the selected sold-to party, for the current year in a chart.
•Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Check Open Sales app by: Clicking on the card header to see details for all the
sales areas.
•Clicking on a specific sales area in the chart to see its details.
Customer •Displays the total number of items returned by customers for various reasons. The data displayed in this card is for the items
Returns returned in the last 6 months.
•Displays the number of items returned by customers for each reason. The reasons are ordered in the descending order of the
number of items tagged against it.
•Allows you to navigate to the Customer Returns - Return Rate app by:Clicking on the card header to see details of all the
reasons for return.
•Clicking on a specific reason for return to see its details.

Delivery •Displays the delivery performance of sales orders over the last 6 quarters.
Performance •Displays the quarterly data in a chart for the following key figures:Delivered as Requested: Includes sales order items that
have been delivered by the customer's requested delivery date.
•Delivered as Committed: Includes sales order items that have been delivered by the committed delivery date.

Sales Volume / •Displays the sales volume against profit margin for the last 6 quarters in a chart.
Profit Margin •Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Profit Margin app by:Clicking on the card header to see details for the last 6
quarters in a chart.
•Clicking on a specific data point to see details for the selected quarter.

Sales Volume by •Displays the net sales volume from all sales areas, which are assigned to the selected sold-to party, for the current year. A sales
Sales Area area is a combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division.
•Displays the sales volume in each sales area, assigned to the selected sold-to party, for the current year in a chart.
•Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Check Open Sales app by:Clicking on the card header to see details for all the
sales areas.
•Clicking on a specific sales area in the chart to see its details.
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