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Group. 5
Arrangerd by
Tiara Mustika 2114201015
Putri Maharani 2114201024
Nabilla Rahma Y.S 2114201042
A. Definition

Covid-19 is the name of the disease caused by

the corona virus. This name is given by WHO
(world health organization) as the official name
of this disease. Covid-19 itself means the
abbreviation pf coma yinn case-2019). Covid-19
is a contagious diases of the respiratory tract,
causeing high fever, coughing, fever, shortness of
breath and sore throat, according to the WHO,.
B. assesment

Client nama : Ny.z
No. Mr :
Age : 35 y.o
Patient Room :
Religion : islam
Entry date : 18-02-2019
Gender : women
Assessment date : 18-02-2019
Status : marriage
Job : Housewife
Latest education : senior high school
Address : melur permai panam, pekanbaru

Name : Tn. L
Age : 40 y.o
Relation : husband
Job : Driver
C. Reason of going to hospital

● The client came to the awal

vross hospital pekanbaru on
18 february 2019, the client
said he was weak, feverish,
coughing, shortness of
breath, no appetite, could
not smell
D. Medical History
1. Current medical history
The client say she feels these symptoms suddenly when he is traveling,
the client say the body feels weak, nausea, vomiting, no appetite,
shortness of breath with a duration of: 19 to 30 times per minute, the
patient’s blood pressure is normal, the client say his body sometimes
warm sometimes cold, the client says he can’t smell and can’t taste food
2. Past medical history
The client suffers from asthma and panic disorder, the client also rarely
controls the hospital
3. Family medical history
The client and his family say there is a family member who suffers from
asthma, namely the clien’s mother
E. Physical Check

Consciousness level : compos mentis

GCS : 15(E = 4, V= 5, M=6
W/H : 57 kg / 160 cm
General state : Good
Vital sign : TD = 120/80 mmH,
Pulse : 80 x/I, R : x/I, T:

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