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26 février 2024 Fidal 2023 - © Tous droits réservés 1

9.1 Spain

Taxation of resident investment funds Taxation of foreign investment funds

Spanish Collective Investment Vehicles (hereinafter, “CIVs”) can adopt a corporate form WHT rates have suffered variations during the last years :
(such as the Spanish Sociedad de Inversión de Capital Variable; hereinafter, “SICAV”) or a
fund form (such as a Spanish Fondo de Inversion Mobiliaria; hereinafter, “FIM”). • As of January 1st, 2009 and prior to December 31, 2011, the domestic rate of the WHT
was 19%.
Both are subject to the general 19% flat rate of WHT on dividend income levied by the
distributing Spanish companies. • As of January 1st, 2012, and prior to December 31, 2014, the domestic rate was 21%.

CIVs are subject to corporate income tax (CIT). The applicable CIT rates vary depending on • As of January 1st 2015, and effective until 12th July 2015, the rate was 20%.
certain requirements, such as the number of shareholders, amongst others: • As of 13rd July 2015 and prior to December 31, 2015, the rate was 19,5% .
- if the CIV has under 100 shareholders, they are treated as common taxpayers for CIT • As of 1st January 2016 onwards, the rate is 19%.
purposes, and subject to the general rate;

- SICAVs and FIMs having 100 shareholders or above, are subject to CIT at a flat rate of Domestic refund – UCITS SICAVs or FCPs
1%. In order to benefit from the 1% flat rate, Spanish SICAVs and Spanish FIMs should
also fulfil the rest regulatory requirements set forth Law 35/2003 and the regulations set
by the CNMV (diversification, professional management, supervision, etc.). The EU commission issued a reasoned opinion, dated 25th July 2006 (press release
IP/06/1060), reporting Spain’s discriminatory tax treatment on outbound dividend
payments (not specially for investment funds or SICAVs), and actually raised the issue to
CIVs can offset the upfront WHT against CIT due. If the WHT paid exceeds the final CIT
the European Court of Justice on 22nd January 2007 (Case 2004/4354).
liabilities (which would depend on the characteristics of the CIV and would vary from a 1%
up to a fixed 25%, a refund occurs.
As a reaction to the latter, on March 2010, Law 2/2010 was introduced (in force as of 1st
This applies equally to resident investment funds that are UCITS or AIFs. January 2010), modifying the tax treatment to non residents from a Spanish perspective
and under which UCITS funds would be tax treated equivalently to a Spanish CIV with more
than 100 unitholders.

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9.2 Spain

UCITS are entitled to the refund of any amount exceeding their tax liability in Spain (1%). The Madrid High Court of Justice (“Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid”, 22/09/2021)
found no infringement of Article 63 TFEU in the case of a non resident AIF (resident in
In order for a UCITS to be entitled to the 1% tax rate on its Spanish source dividends and France).
profits, a certificate should be issued by the Financial Authority (AMF or CSSF) certifying
the UCITS compliant status. If a UCITS certificate is provided to the Tax Authorities the The Supreme Court recently published its decision of 5 April 2023, in which it ruled for the
refund is granted. first time on the taxation of dividends obtained from companies resident in Spain by non-
resident AIFs and the possible discriminatory tax treatment with respect to resident
Viability of a EU claim for AIFS alternative investment funds (AIFs).

In contrast, AIFs are subject to 19% withholding tax at source, which becomes definitive The current decision concerns a French hedge fund.
taxation, as the Law does not provide for a mechanism to enable effective taxation at 1% The Court, referring to its previous rulings in 2019 and carrying out an analysis and
(whereas resident AIFs are taxed at 1%). assessment of CJEU Case-law, with continuous reference to the most recent; 30/01/2020,
Köln-Aktienfonds Deka, C-156/17, 07/04/2022, A SCPI, C-342/20, 17/03/2022, Allianz GI-
The 2010 amendment left AIF funds out of the scope, which is why in recent years there has Fonds AEVN, C-545/19, concludes as follows, establishing its jurisprudential doctrine in the
been an increase in litigation in the courts due to the different treatment in taxation, alleging following terms:
infringement of Article 63 TFEU.
1. Firstly, it claims that Spanish legislation on the matter infringes EU law, violating the
The Supreme Court (in recent judgments, 2019 and 2020) has upheld the principle of free movement of capital guaranteed in Article 63 TFEU, as there is no express
infringement of Article 63 TFEU. Although the cases tried concerned harmonized funds regulation on the conditions of comparability for receiving the same tax treatment and there
(UCITS) in years prior to 2010 and of them refers to US funds, the logic of the legal is no procedure for refunding the excess withholding tax borne at source, for a non-resident
reasoning can be extrapolated to AIFs. AIF that is in a comparable situation to a resident AIF that enjoys the more beneficial tax
At the end of 2021, there were some judgments with differing rulings.
It reasons that it is inherent to the principle of legal certainty to expressly regulate the
The National High Court (“Audiencia Nacional, 30/07/2021) found an infringement of documentation and information that must be provided in order to enjoy the tax advantage,
Article 63 TFEU in a case of a non resident AIFs (resident in Germany), albeit with two meaning that, in this case, the absence of regulation by the national legislator cannot be an
dissenting opinions. obstacle which prevents non-resident funds in a comparable situation from enjoying the tax
advantage granted to the resident.

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9.3 Spain

2. In order to carry out the comparability analysis, the requirements demanded of resident 4. The burden of proof of compliance with the comparability requirements must be made
AIFs under the domestic legislation do not have to be fulfilled identically, but rather the more flexible for the non-resident AIF, due to the absence of a domestic regulation that
objective and the content and aim of the domestic legislation must be taken into account. specifies the means of proof to be provided, without being able to demand disproportionate or
Therefore, it must be carried out taking into account the essential elements considered by the difficult documentary evidence. In case of doubt or insufficient evidence, use should be made
domestic legislator to grant favourable tax treatment to resident AIFs, interpreted in the light of the information exchange mechanisms under the DTT and Directive 2011/61/EU AIFMD.
of the Directive regulating the management of AIFs, 2011/61/EU, as well as the legislation
applicable to this type of AIF in their state of residence. 5. The neutralisation of the unjustified discrimination can only be achieved by the provisions
of the DTT if it allows the AIF to deduct in full the withholding tax borne in excess in Spain,
It rules out that the requirements on the minimum number of investors, minimum capital or a confirming that this recovery is at the fund level, not the investor.
certain investment, risk and diversification policy required under Spanish law to grant
resident AIFs the favourable tax treatment have to be applied identically to non-resident AIFs. The Supreme Court has established this jurisprudential doctrine and sets a very important
precedent. The ruling has two separate dissenting opinions, demonstrating the controversy
3. Therefore, the elements to be taken into account for the purposes of the comparability test sparked. These opinions argue that the majority view is too lax; non-resident AIFs should
are as follows: have to comply with the same requirements as resident AIFs under domestic law. This
- The AIF shall be open in nature, in the sense that it attracts capital contributions from the doctrine has been reiterated by the Court in other rulings issued in subsequent days (between
general public, including professional investors, but excluding AIFs that limit access to family 5 and 25 April) with similar dissenting opinions. It remains to be seen whether the Spanish
or personal wealth, or by membership of a particular group. Tax Authorities or the Central Economic and Administrative Court will adopt this Supreme
- The AIF must prove that it is authorised and supervised by the supervisory authority in its Court doctrine when resolving open claims or will stick to the arguments of the dissenting
country of residence. opinions, but there is no doubt that an interesting horizon is opening up for future claims
- The AIF must prove that it is managed by an entity authorised in its country of residence as from this type of funds. Furthermore, as this, doctrine is based on the violation of article 63 of
an Alternative Investment Fund Manager within the meaning of Directive 2011/61/EU on the TFEU which refers to the free movement of capital both between EU Member States and
Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD), by means of a certificate issued by the other countries, we believe that the arguments should apply not only to EU AIFs but also to
supervisory body. non-EU AIFs.

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9.4 Spain

Viability of a DTT claim In the present case

French and the Spanish administrations have exchanged letters on 2005 to agree on the
applicability of the treaty benefits to French Organismes de Placements Collectifs (“OPC”), We recommend filing claims (and potentially appeals) when the amounts at stake exceed
despite the fact that some of them do not have legal personality and are not subject to 150 000 €.
French CIT (even if it could raise some difficulties based on the literal wording of Art. 4 of
the treaty). Based on the data you provided us with, the following funds would be concerned
WHT rates may be reduced to a flat 15% under the Spanish-France Double Tax Treaty. • FAGUS (French AIF FCP) amounts at stake for 2019 to 2022 : 169.347 euros
• GROUPAMA ISR (French AIF FCP) amounts at stake for 2019 to 2022: 158,303,70
Time limitation period euros.

Country Statute of limitation Years reclaimable Deadline

Spain 4 years Q1/January 2019 Before 20 Avril 2023

Chances of success

Teniendo en cuenta los últimos pronunciamientos judiciales y a la espera de la reacción de

las Tax Authorities y/o Tribunales económico-administrativos sobre ellos, es aconsejable la
reclamación para conseguir la reducción de la tributación al 1% y solicitar la devolución del
exceso de retención soportada.

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9.5 Spain
Stage 1 Claim filed with the STA per
Procedure 5-15 months
Preliminary claim rejection
10 days

Final rejection of the refund

1 month

Stage 2* Regional Administrative

3-4 years

Central Administrative Court 2 years

2 months
6 months
Stage 3 Court of Justice

Audiencia Nacional (claims

>150 K€))

Superior Court of Justice

(claims < 150 K€)

Stage 4 Supreme Court *Nota: No obstante, transcurrido 1 año desde que se

presenta la reclamación en el TEAR/TEAC sin que hayan
dictado resolución, por silencio administrativo, es posible
presentar el recurso ante los tribunales de justicia (Audiencia
Nacional/ TSJ)
Stage 5 ECJ

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