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PRESENTED TO: Mam Farah Deeba Chugtai
Presenter: Aimena Assa (3215)
Toba Qayyum
French Education System
The French education system is characterised by a strong State
presence in the organisation and funding of education. On a
national level, it is governed by the Ministry of National
Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and
Innovation in a general framework set by the legislator, which,
according to the Constitution, “lays down the basic principles of
• The official language in education is French.
• State education is free and secular.
• According to the French Education Code, education is
mandatory for every child between the ages of 3 and
16 years.
• In France, education is mandatory and free from 3 to
16 years old. Access to higher education is dependent
on achieving the baccalaureate national diploma.
Stages Of The French Education System

Preschool education is provided in nurseries (pupils aged 3 to

6 years)
Primary education is provided in primary schools (pupils aged
6 to 11 years)
Lower secondary education is provided in collèges (pupils aged
11 to 15 years)
Upper secondary education is provided in general and
technological or vocational lycées (pupils aged 15 to 18 years)
Higher education.
Primary School
• The first two years of preschool are introductions to community living,
begin to recognize letters, develop oral language, etc.
• After kindergarten, the young students move on to the elementary
school. In the first 3 years of elementary school, they learn to write,
develop their reading skills and get some basics in subjects such
as French, mathematics, science and the arts, to name a few.
• Children stay in elementary school for 5 years until they are 10–11 years-
old. The grades are named: CP, CE1 , CE2 CM1 and CM2 .
Middle school and high school
• The compulsory middle and high school subjects cover French language and
literature, history and geography, foreign languages, arts and crafts, musical
education, civics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural sciences, technology.
• After primary school, two educational stages follow:
• Collège (middle school), for children during their first four years of secondary
education from the age of 11 to 14.
• lycée (high school), which provides a three-year course of further secondary
education for children between the ages of 15 and 18. Pupils are prepared for
the baccalauréat or the CAP (Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle).
Higher Education
The Higher Education structure in France is based on the LMD system. LMD refers to the degree
level and stands for “Licence-Masters-Doctorate”. In other words, “Bachelor’s-Master’s-
• There are three types of university degrees :
• Licence (L1, L2, and L3) is an undergraduate degree granted after 3 years of study.
“L1” stands for “year 1” and so on…
• Master’s (M1, M2) is a graduate degree granted after completing 2 years of study.
You must hold a Licence to apply for a Master’s degree
• A doctorate is granted after completing a minimum of 3 years of study.
You must hold a Master to apply for a doctorate
There are two types of Masters Degrees :
• Research > preparing students to go on to doctoral
• Vocational > preparing students predominantly for
professional activities, although this does not
exclude going on to doctoral studies for a minority.

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