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Done By:
Maham Zia
Faiqa Mudassar
Psychotherapy is basically talk therapy which
helps to find out the problems of client at
unconscious level through conversation and
helps them to cope mental illness and
improve emotional difficulties.

● DBT was developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Marsha linehan and
colleagues when they discovered that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
alone did not work as well as expected in patients with BPD or self

● Dialectical means “the existence of opposites” In DBT, people are taught

two seemingly opposite strategies: acceptance ( that their experiences and
behaviors are valid)and change (that they have to make positive changes
to manage emotions and move forward)
● MINDFULNESS: “A therapeutic method that encourages you to focus
on the present”

● Distress Tolerance: “A Technique that use distraction and self-

soothing to cope”

● Emotional Regulation: “Being able to recognize, label and adjust

your emotions”

● Interpersonal Effectiveness: “Improving your ability to communicate


● Freud proposed psychodynamic therapy back in the late 19th century.

● This therapy believes that our hidden thoughts and feelings greatly
impact our behavior, even if we are not aware of them. By exploring
these unconscious patterns and conflicts, psychodynamic therapy
aims to bring them to light for better understanding and healing
Psychodynamic Treatment

Free Association
Express anything

Word Association
Response to stimulus word

Dream Analysis
Investigating the symbolism in
● CBT was introduced by Dr. Aaron Beck in the 1960s.

● Focuses on the link between our thoughts (cognition) & our


● Helps people change thought patterns that cause unhealthy, unproductive, or

incapacitating behavior.

● Thoughts are a lever to manage behavior

“Changed thoughts =Changed behavior”
Gestalt Therapy
● Gestalt therapy was developed by Fritz Perls, a German psychiatrist
and psychotherapist, in the 1940s.
● Gestalt therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the present
moment and personal responsibility.
● It helps people become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors. It also encourages self-acceptance and personal growth.
Client Centred Therapy
● Client-Centered Therapy, also known as Person-Centered Therapy,
was developed by the psychologist Carl Rogers.
● It's a type of therapy that emphasizes the importance of the client's
own experiences, feelings, and perspective.
● The therapist provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment,
where the client feels heard, understood, and accepted. The focus is
on the client's self-discovery and personal growth.
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
● It's a type of therapy developed by psychologist Albert Ellis.
● REBT focuses on identifying and challenging irrational beliefs and
thoughts that contribute to emotional distress.
● The goal is to replace these irrational beliefs with more rational and
helpful ones.
● It's a practical and action-oriented approach that helps people change
their thinking patterns and improve their emotional well-being.

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