Aquatic Vertebrates

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1 the body : Fishes are typically characterized by streamlined bodies with scales covering their skin. They have fins for locomotion, gills for breathing, and a tail for
propulsion. - *Senses*: Fishes have well-developed sensory organs, including eyes for vision, lateral lines for detecting water movements, and taste buds located all over
their bodies. They also have a keen sense of smell. - *Digestive System*: Fishes have a simple digestive system with a mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestine. Some
species have specialized structures for grinding and processing food. - *Circulatory System*: Fishes have a two-chambered heart that pumps blood through their gills for
oxygenation and to the rest of their body. - *Respiratory System*: Most fishes breathe through gills, extracting oxygen from water. Some species, like lungfishes, can also
respire through lungs or specialized structures. - *Excretory System*: Fishes excrete waste through their kidneys, primarily as ammonia. They also excrete some waste
through their gills.
2Classification and Most Representative
Orders: - Fishes belong to the class Pisces
within the phylum Chordata. They are further
classified into multiple orders, with some of
the most representative orders being: -
Perciformes (e.g., perch, bass, and clownfish)
- Salmoniformes (e.g., salmon and trout) -
Cypriniformes (e.g., carp and minnows) -
Siluriformes (e.g., catfish) - Rajiformes (e.g.,
stingrays) - Tetraodontiformes (e.g.,

Habitats: - Fishes inhabit a wide range of aquatic environments, including oceans, seas, rivers,
lakes, ponds, and even estuaries. Their habitats can vary greatly depending on the species

3 LOCATION Fishes typically have a life cycle that includes fertilization, hatching from eggs, and
development into juvenile fish. Many species undergo metamorphosis during this process.
5 AND 6

5)Fish live in almost all of the world's large

bodies of water, including streams, rivers,
ponds, lakes, and oceans. Some fish live on
the surface of the water and some live in the
depths of the ocean. There are fish that live in
fresh water and others that live in salt water.
7 AND 8
• 7) We need ecology to insert ourselves into a harmonious and peaceful
ecosystem The loss of any species can generate negative changes in
ecosystems, also create an imbalance that disturbs the environment and
generates unhealthy systems, which in turn produce an alteration in other
living beings, causing new diseases or the expansion of their borders.

• 8) Local Examples: - The specific local examples of fishes will depend on

your geographical location. Common local examples in different regions
could include species like salmon in North America, cod in the North
Atlantic, tilapia in Africa, or clownfish in the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific.

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