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Content Standard: The learner demonstrate understanding of
concepts and principles in hand and foot spa.

Performance Standard: The learner independently perform

hand spa

Curriculum Guide Code: : TLE _HEBC9-12PS-IIh-j-4

Learning Competencies: 1.1 dispose waste products

including used wax according to Occupational Health and Safety
Center (OHSC) and Department of health requirements.
Objective: Identify the
proper ways of disposing the waste
Knowledge: products including used wax according to
Occupational Safety Health Center (OSHC)
and Department of health requirements.

Perform the proper ways of disposal of waste products

including used wax according to Occupational Safety
Skills : Health Center (OSHC) and Department of Health

Attitudes: Appreciate the importance of proper ways waste disposal of waste

products including used wax according to Occupational Safety Health Center (OHSC) and the
Department of Health
dispose =get rid of throwing

Segregating=is the process by

which waste is separated into
different elements.
• Bagging=a bin bag, rubbish bag, bin
liner, trash bag, or refuse sack is a
disposable bag
Storing=the interim containment of solid
waste, in an approved manner, after
generating and prior collection and disposal.
Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
__________1. Micro-organisms like germs grow on moist dirty surfaces.

________2. Infection control precautions must be followed to protect both personal

service workers and clients.
__________3. To prevent the growth and spread of disease-causing micro-
organisms, foot spas need to be cleaned thoroughly.
__________4. Foot spa’ tools should be cleaned and disinfected between each
__________5. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and
disinfection. disinfection.
\ 1.TRUE
What can you say about the video?
Directions: Divide the class into 3 groups. Give them set of
sample waste products and let them segregate these waste
using the labelled trash bins. They will perform this task in 5
minutes. group 1 will segregate &dispose clinical waste
Group 2. will segregate &dispose general waste
Group 3. will segregate and dispose recyclable waste

Note: Precaution
Kindly use the disposable plastic gloves and wear face mask in doing this activity
Clinical waste includes items such as wax strips, pads and cotton wool
Clinical waste splits into subcategories, including hazardous waste (like
sharps) offensive waste (items potentially contaminated in bodily fluids)
and pharmaceutical waste.
These waste products have to be kept separate and in individual bins. No
throwing needles and cotton buds together. Remember, contaminated or
potentially harmful wastes fall under strict disposal regulations.
General waste is what is says on the tin. If it doesn’t fit into any other type of
Waste Management (like clinical waste, shredding, bulky waste, washroom
waste or recycling), then it’s “general” and good for the standard bin. This could
include anything like uncontaminated tissues or broken coat hangers. Waste
materials should be disposed of properly in an enclosed waste bin fitted with
polythene bag. The bin should be sanitized with disinfectant regularly.
Remember to wear protective gloves while doing this. Any tool or equipment in
poor condition must be repaired immediately, replaced or disposed of properly
so as not to pose danger not only to clients but also to you.
How did you segregate and dispose
the waste products?
Why do we need to dispose the
waste products properly?

What do you think are the best practices in

segregating and disposing the waste
There are several best practices for bagging, segregating, and storing
hazardous waste that will help ensure the safety and compliance of your
waste management program.
 Properly seal items. Prior to storing any hazardous waste items in a bin,
place them individually in a sealed plastic bag to keep items from
commingling and causing a reaction.
 Label containers properly. Once the initial item is placed within a bin,
label the container as hazardous waste and also include the accumulation
start date.
 Scout a safe storage area. Store accumulation bins in a dedicated,
permanent, clean and neatly organized hazardous waste area.
Among the types of waste, which are the
usual waste being produced in doing a
foot spa?
is what is says on the tin. If it doesn’t fit into any other type
of Waste Management (like clinical waste, shredding, bulky
waste, washroom waste or recycling), then it’s “general”
and good for the standard bin. This could include anything
like uncontaminated tissues or broken coat hangers
. Waste materials should be disposed of properly in an
enclosed waste bin fitted with polythene bag. The bin should
be sanitized with disinfectant regularly. Remember to wear
protective gloves while doing this. Any tool or equipment in
poor condition must be repaired immediately, replaced or
disposed of properly so as not to pose danger not only to
Clinical waste includes items such as wax strips, pads and
cotton wool buds.
Clinical waste splits into subcategories, including hazardous
waste (like sharps) offensive waste (items potentially
contaminated in bodily fluids) and pharmaceutical waste.
These waste products have to be kept separate and in
individual bins. No throwing needles and cotton buds together.
Remember, contaminated or potentially harmful wastes fall
under strict disposal regulations
If you are costumer of Alfie and
Joemel Salon in Carabalan, what
will you suggest in order to
improve their waste segregation
and disposal?
Assessment (Formative):
Direction: identify the following it is general waste or chemical waste
Used cotton with blood
Used water with soap and chemicals
Empty plastic bottle of lotion
Used cling plastic wrap

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