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This week on our page a journey into the history of.

we are looking at Funza. a beautiful town west of Bogotá

Funza was a very gray and boring town, but it has changed a lot in
the last fifty years.

Adriana Benavides Guapuchera, 49 years old, says:

“When I was young, there weren´t many people in the center of Funza, only on
market days people came to the park to do their shopping. We didn´t have good
roads and there were few cars to transport us, people traveled on horses, donkeys
and sometimes bicycle. Life was somewhat complicated, money wasn´t lacking,
but we didn´t have access roads for tourists to enter the town, the houses were
colonial made of stone and only had one floor, we didn´t have hotels, we didn’t
have good electricity and the service of water was bad.
Funza was a quiet and peaceful place. back then
In addition, we had fish that were typical of our town, the Guapuchas.
Today Funza receives thousands of people, both tourists and
new inhabitants every day, says Adriana,

we have better access roads, the electrical service is much

better and the water service is very good, there are modern
cars, buses, and a shared bicycle service that allow its
inhabitants to move throughout the town.

Life is very easy now in Funza, the houses are big and there are
many hotels, restaurants and shops where you can buy
but the guapuchas are over.

Adriana looks longingly at the park, the flowers, the people with
their pets and sighs, she says “Yes, Funza is very beautiful and all of
its inhabitants work to keep it that way

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