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Error correction: 20 sentences for each error!

Bahora- There is/are

Y. Marjona – There is/are + a/an
Aysella – write- yozmoq, buildings – binolar, ‘s (my father’s name) S+V+obj
Jasmina- There is/are (bor), Tey are (ular ...) in (in New York)
Husan- historical(tarixiy) in (in my city)
B.Bobur- There is/are, s (ko’plik- buildings), hospital
J.Behruz – There are (s-ko’plik), S+V+obj. There are many tourist visit Sam.
Beautiful, a/an +adjective+ noun
Z.Behruz – I want to write about, S+verb (to be)+ obj. There are+ plural
Mehribon – I want to write about, Registan square, S+verb (to be)+ obj, I
love ...
Gavhar - S+verb (to be)+ obj, historical city(tarixiy shahar), There is/ are (bor),
Tey are(ular ...)
Error correction: 20 sentences for each
Rayhona – I want to write about, skyscraper, There is a/an,
the ... of the... (the name of my city, the history of my city),
Registon square, adj+noun (there are gardens beautiful)
Hasan – number + noun (twelve region), I want to write about,
a/an +adj+ noun (a popular)
Sevara- , the ... of the... (the name of my city), tourist, visit to,
there is+a/an + noun, skyscraper, kind.
Shahrizoda - number + noun (twelve region) , I love (nimani,
kimni) (qancha) (I love Sam. very much)
Others! Should write accuratly and with coherence!
Ish harakatning bajaruvchisi o’zim
bo’lganimda men Egalik Olmoshini
ishlataman. Kim? Nima?

I play tennis. I like rabbits.

Subject Subject
Ish harakat menga nisbatan bajarilganda
to’ldiruvchi olmoshini ishlataman.
Kimni? Nimani? Kimga? Nimaga?

Can you hear me? You love me.

Object Object
I or me?
Whether to use I or me often
causes confusion.

For example:

Billy and I are twins.

Billy and me are twins.

In this example, ‘Billy and I’ forms the subject of the verb ‘to be’.
Therefore I should be used rather than me.
I or me?

In the following example, me forms

part of the object of the verb ‘to follow’
and therefore should be used rather than

For example:

The dog followed Billy and me.

The dog followed Billy and I.

I or me?

A pronoun used after a preposition must be the object of that

preposition, so me should be always used in this context too.

For example: For, from, to, with, ...

The dog sat behind Billy and me.

The dog sat behind Billy and I.

Between you and me, I don’t like him much.

Between you and I, I don’t like him very much.

Subject pronouns
Object pronouns
Reflexive pronouns.
I – me – mysef
You – you -yourself
He - him -himself
She – her - herself
It – it - itself
You – you -yourselves
We – us - ourselves
Use myself when you are doing
something to you!

For example:

I covered myself in sun lotion.

He asked himself a question.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

we hurt ourselves.
Myself is a reflexive pronoun.

This means that it is used when the object is the same

person as the subject.

I hurt myself.

subject object and reflexive pronoun

Reflexive pronouns are ‘mirror words’ which reflect a word

already expressed (hence the name ‘reflexive’).
By myself
By yourself
By himself
By herself = alone (yolg’iz)
By yourselves
By ourselves For example:
I go on holiday by myself.
By themselves She isn’t with her friends. She
is by herself.
He went camping by himself.
I always do my homework by
Me, Myself and I?

My dad and are hoping to go camping.

me myself I
Me, Myself and I?

I cooked this meal for you .

me myself I
Me, Myself and I?

My brother wants to come camping with my dad

and .

me myself I
Me, Myself and I?

If you would like to discuss this further, please

contact immediately.

me myself I
Me, Myself and I?

I try to look after by eating healthily and


me myself I
Men o’zimni sevaman
Menga o’zim yoqadi
Endi menga farqri yo’q
Kim qanaqa boqadi

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