Curriculum Developement

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• According to the history of education, the term ‘curriculum’ was originally related to the concept

of a course of studies followed by a pupil in a teaching institution.

• The concept of curriculum has changed from time to time. Curriculum is the base in education on

which the teaching-learning process and implemented.


Curriculum Process

According to Ralph Tyler, there are four major steps or stages or phases in curriculum construction. They are:

(1) Establishment of educational objectives.

(2) Selection of learning experiences.

(3) Organization of learning experiences

(4) Evaluation of the curriculum.

Formulation and statement of Philosophy:

• Philosophy is a point of view, a belief construct and a speculation about the nature and value of things.

Philosophy and education are intimately related. They can be considered as the two sides of a coin.

• Philosophy of Nursing education is the written statement of the believes, values, ideas, and attitudes which

the faculty as group has agreed upon in relation to health, disease, nursing, nurse, nursing profession,

education, learner, society, patient, nursing education and preparation of nurses

Philosophical Statements (examples)

• We the faculty of the college of nursing believe that the unique function of the nurse is to assist the
individual sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery that he
would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this such a way as to
help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.

• We believe that the practice of nursing requires proper understanding of scientific principles.

• We recognize that nursing is a profession which is influenced by advances in science and technology.
Establishment of educational Goals, Aims
and Objectives:
• These are also statements with regard to the over all goals and aims of the Institution or educational program.

They are also known as curriculum objectives. They are stated in terms of behavioural changes in the learner

as a result of undergoing the specific teaching-learning experiences of the program.

To formulate these, certain factors are to be
considered: These factors are:
• Philosophy of the institute

• Social and health needs of the society

• Needs of the students

• Resources available in the society

• Entry criteria or level of students

• Positions to be held by the graduates

• Minimum requirements specified by the statutory bodies in terms of clinical and other facilities
Selection of Learning Experiences:

• It is the third step in curriculum development. Learning experience is the deliberatively planned

experiences in selected situations where students actively participate and interact, resulting in

change of behaviour. Selection of learning situations together with corresponding learning

activities will comprise the learning experiences. In nursing education, selection of learning

experience is concerned with the decision about the content of the subject matter and clinical,

community and laboratory practice. In short, learning experiences are those experiences which

make appropriate responses among students as indicated in the objectives.

Principles for Selection of Learning Experiences

• There are some principles to be followed in selecting the learning experiences:

• 1.All learning needs should be in relation to the selected objectives

• 2.Learning activities should be in relation to those real life situations where students are expected to practice
after graduation

• 3.There should be active integration between theory and practice

• 4.Reactions sought must be within the range of possibility of students concerned

• 5.Learning experiences should be selected in such a way that the students are kept motivated constantly

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