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Biographical Narrative

Group 1
What is a biographical narrative?
• A biographical narrative is the story of a
significant event in a person’s life.
• Biographical narratives should read like stories
and include setting, characters, plot, and
• A biographical narrative is not a biography –
starting with the person’s birth and moving
chronologically through the person’s life.
• Hook – grab the reader’s attention
– Emotional statement
– Question
– Interesting fact
• Thesis
– Introduce the person
– Explain why he/she is significant to you
Body Paragraph 1
• Background information
– May include physical description
– May give details such as age, birth place, etc. if
they are important to the story
– May give details about the person’s character,
personality, abilities, etc.
Body Paragraph 2
• Anecdote 1
– A short account about a particular incident or
event that gives insight about the person
– Make sure to include thoughts, feelings, vivid
descriptions, and dialogue
Body Paragraph 3
• Anecdote 2
– A short account about a particular incident or
event that gives insight about the person
– Make sure to include thoughts, feelings, vivid
descriptions, and dialogue
• Tie the essay together by restating the
significance of the person
• Describe how the person has impacted your
life, why he/she is important, or what you
have learned from him/her

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