Association Amity

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Amity School of Law,Noida

SOC-125, Semester-1

Sociology: An Introduction

Dr. Manisha Jha

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Association Name of Institution

• Association is a group organized for the

pursuits of an interest or group of interests
in common.

• Association refers to any group sharing

common purpose or interest.

Association Name of Institution

• Association is a group of people, formed to

a particular goal. Such a group is not of a
permanent type. Its membership is
voluntary and it can be dissolved after the
attainment of the goal.
• An association is sort of a cooperative unit
having its own organisation, rules and
Definitions Name of Institution

• MacIver – An association is an
organisation deliberately formed for the
collective pursuit of same interest or set of
interests, which its members share.

• Bogardus – An association is usually

working together of people who wish to
achieve certain purposes.

Definitions Name of Institution

• An association is a group of social beings

related to one another by the fact that they
possess or have instituted in common, an
organisation with a view to achieving
specific ends ” Ginsberg

Cont. Name of Institution

• Ferdinand Tonnies, a German sociologist

and a founder of the German Sociological
Association, is best known for his
distinction between ‘community’ and
‘association’, which he elaborated in
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (1887),
translated as Community and Association.

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• Tonnies identified three separate branches

of sociology:

• 1. Pure or theoretical
• 2. Applied
• 3. Empirical

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Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

• The distinction between ‘community’
(Gemeinschaft) and ‘association’
(Gesellschaft) constituted the core of his
theoretical sociology.
• These ‘fundamental concepts’ were to
guide empirical and applied sociology in
the study of the transformation of society
from communal to associational
Cont. Name of Institution

• Although they are ideal types, Tonnies

wanted to use his pair of concepts to
describe the historical transformation of
society of Germany from a rural to an
industrial society.

Gemeinschaft Name of Institution

• Societies characterized by Gemeinschaft

(community) relations are homogeneous, largely
based on kinship and organic ties, and have a moral
cohesion often founded on common religious
• These relationships are dissolved by the division of
labour, individualism and competitiveness; that is, by
the growth of Gesellschaft (association) relationships.
• Whereas Tonnies regarded Gemeinschaft as the
expression of real, organized life, Gesellschaft is an
artificial social arrangement based on the conflict of
egoistic wills.
Gemeinschaft Name of Institution

• Gemeinschaft refers to relationships which are

spontaneous and ‘affective’, tend to be related to a
person’s overall social status, are repeated or long-
enduring (as in relationships with kin), and occur in
a context involving cultural homogeneity.
• Characteristically, these are the relationships within
families and within simpler, small-scale and pre-
modern societies.
• Gesellschaft refers to relationships which are
individualistic, impersonal, competitive, calculative
and contractual, often employing explicit
conceptions of rationality and efficiency.
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• Relationships of this are characteristic of

modern urban industrial societies in which
the division of labour is advanced.
• For Tonnies, such relationships involved a
loss of the naturalness and mutuality of
earlier Gemeinschaft relationships.

Cont. Name of Institution

• Tonnies argues that social relations are

the products of human will;
• he identified two types of will:
• (a) natural will (Wesenwille), and
• (b) rational will (Kurwille).

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Natural will and Rational will

• Natural will is the expression of instinctual
needs, habit, conviction or inclination.
• Rational will involves instrumental rationality in
the selection of means for ends. Whereas
natural will is organic and real, rational will is
conceptual and artificial.
• These forms of will correspond to the distinction
between community and association, since
communal life is the expression of natural will
and associational life is a consequence of
rational will. 15
Name of Institution

Features of Association
• 1. Group of People: An association is a
group of people who form it for the
attainment of common goals.
• 2. Voluntary Membership: Only those
people who endorse the common goals of
the association become its members.
Membership is voluntary and cannot be
imposed on people who do not wish to do
Cont. Name of Institution

• 3. Common Goals: Members form an

association for the attainment of common
objectives. Those who do not endorse
these objectives do not become members
of the association

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Distinction Between Association

and Community
• 1. Membership of associiation is voluntary,
whereas membership of community is
• 2. An association is man-made and
community is natural.
• 3. An association is partial, community is
Cont. Name of Institution

• 4. An association exists within a

• 5. An association is temporary, a
community is permanent.
• 6. Association cannot exist with formal
rules and regulations whereas, community
exists on social conducts.
• 7. In association social control is exercised
by formal means whereas, in community
social control is exercised by informal
means. 19
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• 8. In association, president, secretaries

are the office bearers. There are no such
formal positions in community.
• 9. Pre-condition of the existence of
community is the we-feeling among the
members. In Association there might be
no we – feeling among they members.

Kinds of Associations Name of Institution

1. Political Associations – BJP, Congress Party

2. Religious Associations – Arya Samaj
3. Students Association- ABVP, NSUI
4. Labourers Association – All India Trade Union
5. Professional Associations – Indian Medical
6. Economic Associations – Hotel Owners’
7. International Associations – YMCA, The Rotary
Conclusion Name of Institution

• Therefore, we can say that associations

are simply formed for the fulfillment of
certain goals and are temporary in nature.

• Community however, is of permanent type

and takes care of different facets of human

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