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Submitted by S . Priyadharsini

Emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions.

The components of emotional intelligence:

1. Emotional sensitivity 2. Emotional memory 3. Emotional processing ability 4. Emotional learning ability

Feel emotions

Feeling afraid is the first step in the baby trying to meet its survival needs. If it does not feel afraid, it won't take the steps needed to ensure its own safety and survival.
A frightened baby uses its fear to take needed action

Use emotions Communicate emotions Recognize emotions Remember emotions

A more emotionally intelligent baby will do a better job of communicating its fear, and thus will have a higher chance of survival A baby with high emotional intelligence will quickly learn to recognize when the mother or father is angry baby will remember the details of how the mother and father look when they are angry

Learn from emotions

Manage from emotions

The highly emotionally intelligent baby will quickly learn when it does something which angers the parent
A baby with high EI will more quickly learn to manage its own emotions so as not to anger the parents.

Salovey assumes these personal intelligences in his basic definition of emotional intelligence , expanding these abilities into 5 domains :

Knowing ones emotion

Managing emotions Motivating oneself Recognizing emotions in others Handling relations



Emotional literacy is a skill that involves understanding our own & other peoples emotion as well as knowing how our emotions are best expressed for maximum enhancement of ethical & personal power. It is made up of 3 abilities :

The ability to understand ones own emotions The ability to listen others & empathize with their emotions The ability to express emotions productively

Emotional literacy , It enhances ability to handle own emotions leading to improved personal power Improves quality of life around You Improves relations Creates loving possibilities between people Makes cooperation possible Facilitates feeling of group & commitment Being emotionally intelligent : means that you know what emotions you & others have, how strong they are ,& what causes them. Being emotionally literate : means that you know how to manage your emotions because you are aware of them.

Emotional awareness
It means knowing what you feel , knowing what others feel , & finding out the cause of these feelings & knowing the likely effect of our feeling on others. This awareness according to the findings based on the emotional questionnaire give a scale ranging from low to high emotional awareness. Numbness Physical sensation Primal experience The verbal barrier Differentiation Causalty Empathy Interactivity

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