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Quran Project

By: Hussain AHmed

Who is the argument mentioned in the
surah in Surah Mujadilah
• Surah Mujadilah is the 58th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, and it mentions an argument between a
woman named Khawlah bint Tha'labah and her husband. The story goes that Khawlah went to Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to seek his help regarding a problem she was facing with her husband.
She explained that her husband had divorced her by saying "You are to me like my mother's back" (an
Arabic expression indicating that the woman is permanently forbidden for her husband). The woman
was distressed because this statement meant that she could never be reconciled with her husband, and
she believed the statement was unjust and untrue. Khawlah requested the Prophet to speak to her
husband, and he initially tried to reconcile the two but the husband rejected any reconciliation. It was
after this incident that Surah Mujadilah was revealed, which addressed the matter and set out some
guidelines for divorce and remarriage. The Surah also socializes the issue of dealing with disputes,
encourages reconciliation, and discourages the use of offensive names for women. In summary, the
argument mentioned in Surah Mujadilah is between Khawlah and her husband over the issue
Who are you complaning about
• : Surah Mujadilah is not a complaint, but rather a chapter that deals with social issues
and provides guidance to Muslims. The chapter discusses various topics, such as
conflict resolution, social etiquette, and the role of believers in society. The chapter
mentions an incident involving a woman named Khawlah bint Tha'labah and her
husband, where Khawlah sought help from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
regarding her marital issues. The surah provides guidance on how to deal with such
issues and encourages reconciliation between spouses. Similarly, it also highlights the
importance of dealing with conflicts and disagreements in a civilized and respectful
manner. Therefore, Surah Mujadilah is not a complaint, but rather provides guidance
on how to navigate social issues in a just and compassionate manner.
Who is arguing with the women
• The name "she who disputes" refers to the woman who
petitioned Muhammad about the unjustness of this method, and the
chapter's first verses outlaw it and prescribe how to deal with past cases of
zihar. The chapter also discusses public assemblies and prescribes
manners associated with it.
Why is Surah Mujadilah named
• The name of Surah Mujadilah is derived from the Arabic word "Mujadilah"
which means "The Disputation" or "The Argument". The surah has been named
as such because it addresses a particular incident of dispute or argument between
a woman named Khawlah bint Tha'labah and her husband. The chapter begins by
addressing the issue of conflict resolution and how it is important for believers to
resolve their disputes in a peaceful and just manner. It provides guidance on how
to deal with such issues and encourages reconciliation between husbands and
wives. Therefore, the name "Mujadilah" is appropriate as the entire surah
revolves around the theme of resolving disputes in a just and respectful manner.
What is the creation that is forbidden in the
surah Mijadilah
• Surah Mujadilah does not mention any specific creation that is forbidden.
As mentioned earlier, the surah mainly deals with social issues and
provides guidance on how believers should interact with each other in a
just and compassionate manner. The surah emphasizes the importance of
resolving conflicts and encourages believers to reconcile with each other.
Furthermore, it also addresses some issues related to domestic life and the
treatment of women in society. Therefore, there is no mention of
forbidden creation in Surah Mujadilah.
What is the virtue we are commanded to
follow In Surah Mujadilah
• Surah Mujadilah mentions several virtues that believers are commanded to follow. One of
the primary virtues that the surah emphasizes is the importance of justice and fairness,
both in individual and societal contexts. The surah instructs believers to be just and to
apply justice even when dealing with their enemies. This virtue is mentioned in the
following verse of the surah: "Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality
to kith and kin, and forbids all shameful deeds, injustice, and rebellion: He instructs you,
that ye may receive admonition." (Quran 16:90) The surah also indicates the importance
of maintaining family ties and treating women with kindness and compassion.
Furthermore, it encourages believers to seek forgiveness from Allah and to turn to Him in
repentance. These are some of the virtues that are mentioned in Surah Mujadilah.

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