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IB ePortfolio Year 11

Design | May 2024

“Designing for connectedness ”

Orientation in Space and Time

Key concept: Communication


Statement of
Design can impact interactions.
E-Portfolio Timeline
E-portfolio Timeline 2022-23 Due On
Criterion A Draft (Inquiring and analysing) 19th Nov 2023
Criterion A Final 8th Dec 2023
Criterion B Draft (Developing ideas) 4th Dec 2023
Criterion B Final 25th Jan 2024
Criterion C Draft (Creating the solution) 11th Feb 2024
Criterion C Final 3rd March 2024
Criterion D Draft (Evaluating) 25th Feb 2024
Criterion D Final 8th March 2024
Final Design E-portfolio Submission + Authentication 15 March 2024
MYP Design E-Portfolio Total Page Limit 40 Pages
Appendix (including Bibliography) Total Page Limit 10 Pages
Criteria MYP Assessment Strand Page Limit
Ai Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience 1

P Aii
Identify and prioritize the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
Develop a detailed design brief which summarizes the analysis of relevant research

a 8 Pages Criterion A Draft Due for Formative Feedback

Criterion A Final- after improvements/ implementing next steps
19th Nov 2023
8th Dec 2023

Bi Develop a design specification which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution 1-2
Bii Develop a range of feasible design ideas which can be correctly interpreted by others 6-7
Biii Presenting the chosen design 1-2

Biv Develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution 3-4
15 Pages Criterion B Draft Due for Formative Feedback 4th Dec 2023
Criterion A Final- after improvements/ implementing next steps 25th Jan 2024

L Ci

Construct a logical plan that describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

Demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution


Ciii Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended
Civ Fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution 2 (or 4min video)
11 Pages Criterion C Draft Due for Formative Feedback 11th Feb 2024

Criterion A Final- after improvements/ implementing next steps 3rd March 2024
Di Design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution 2
Dii Critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification 2

it Diii
6 Pages
Explain how the solution could be improved
Explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience
Criterion D Draft Due for Formative Feedback
25th Feb 2024

s Criterion A Final- after improvements/ implementing next steps 8th March 2024
Inquiry Questions


1. What are types of
communication? 1. How does design
impact interactions?
2. How do we adapt our We are now connected
communication for our 2. How has human more than ever.
interactions? interaction
adapted/changed over
3. What makes an time?
interaction either
positive or negative?

Inquiry questions such as these should be developed by teachers and students

Globalization and sustainability
How is everything connected?
Possible Explorations:
• Students will explore the interconnectedness of
human-made systems and communities

• the relationship between local and global


• how local experiences mediate the global

• the opportunities and tensions provided by


• the impact of decision-making on humankind

and the environment
Target Audience & Suggested solutions
Suggested Solutions:
Product Design
• The redesign of a school space or community space that allows for connection and
• Furniture design which facilitates face to face connection (must include the room
design and how the furniture is allocated)
• A multi-player board game that allows for connection
Who will you design for?
• A physical or virtual object that facilitates team-building
The student must target
one of the following Digital Design
audiences/clients: • A virtual space that allows for purposeful connection (gaming, study group space,
virtual meeting space, etc.)
• Virtual travel
• School community
• A virtual tour of your school for prospective new students
• A virtual tour or experience for visitors / travellers
• Local community • A virtual platform
• to connect / exchange / interact for people with similar interests
• A digital community • for IB Student Projects (PYP Exhibition, MYP Personal Project, DP Extended Essay)
Reading Resources
Connect globally in the new era - immersive virtual events Facilitating collaborative learning through classroom furniture selection
Relationship-centred design Mobility in the classroom for face-to-face learning
esign/ ptions-for-face-to-face-learning
a3e57670ef Sustainable workplaces: when community and technology create companies

School virtual tours
Website to find newspapers published around the world
Popular news stories in each country shown visually
Virtual trip travels
Research about human connection in virtual places
Project management collaborative apps to analyze
The (virtual) reality of the hybrid workplace
y Collaborative drawing, design and collaboration online

Virtual classroom Metaverse and discord
Criterion A
Inquiring and analysing

Criteria MYP Assessment Strand Page Limit

Ai Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a 1
specified client/target audience
Aii Identify and prioritize the primary and secondary research 1
needed to develop a solution to the problem
Aiii Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution 2-4
to the problem
Aiv Develop a detailed design brief which summarizes the 1-2
analysis of relevant research
8 Pages Criterion A Draft Due for Formative Feedback 19 Nov 2023
KEYWORDS: inquire, analyze, problem, Lesson
innovative, solution, target audience, client, 2
Learning Objective explain and justify the need for a solution to E-portfolio, describe, explain, justify
the problem for your client/target audience

Learning Outcome
What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
Writing a Problem Statement (1 Page)
Describe the need for solution to a
 A paragraph describing the situation in connection to the (3-4) outlines the need for a problem for their chosen Target
Global Context solution to a problem for a
specified Audience based on prior knowledge and
 A paragraph about your chosen specific problem/ issue client/target audience ​ understanding
explained using some secondary research to support​it ​
(5-6) explains the need for a
 A paragraph identifying the target audience and solution to a problem for a Explain the need for solution to a problem
explaining how they are impacted by this problem: specified for their chosen Target Audience supported
SUPPORTED with evidence (Primary & Secondary)​ client/target audience ​
​ by Secondary Research
 Identification of ways in which the problem may be (7-8) explains and justifies
currently solved the need for a solution to
a problem for a client/ Justify the need for solution to a problem
 Conclusion of the problem statement listing possible ways target audience for their chosen Target Audience using
of solving the problem relevant Primary Research
 All the used resources must be added to the bibliography
at the end of the document MLA​
Extension Task: Research and comment on a few
already existing Solutions​for your chosen
Problem as part of your problem statement
Criterion: A3 | INQUIRING & ANALYZING | ANALYZE SIMILAR PRODUCTS KEYWORDS: analyze, range, existing, Lesson
inspire, aesthetics, Cost, Customer,
Environment, Ergonomics, Size, Safety, 3
Learning Objective analyze a range of existing products that inspire a Function, Materials
solution to the problem in detail

Browsing the internet (secondary) OR by looking around you (primary) find some existing
products which are similar to the one you intend to create.
Learning Outcome
What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
Existing Product Analysis (2-4 Pages) All students will observe and describe the key
design features of 2-4 products similar to their
intended solution
 4 products are selected to analyse which may currently (3-4) analyses one existing product
solve the chosen problem/ be linked to your intended that inspires a solution to the
solution (paste url below each picture) problem ​ Most students will analyze the existing products
​ similar to their intended solution using ACCESFM
 Refer to ACCESSFM or CAFEQUE to analyse all the key (5-6) analyses a range of existing or CAFEQUE
design elements products that inspire a solution to
the problem ​ Some students will Evaluate the Strengths and
 All product features are analysed and any strengths/ ​ Weaknesses ( or SWOT) of the products similar to
weaknesses are identified (7-8) analyses a range of existing their intended solution
products that inspire a solution to
 A short discussion is added to summarise inspiration the problem in detail
Extension Task: Summarise the design
taken from this analysis for your intended solution
aspects they find inspiring and relevant to
design their own intended solution

Check Next Page for further guidance

Existing Product Analysis

Include a clear
picture of the
Product you are
KEYWORDS: construct, research plan, Lesson
primary, secondary, priority, justification, 4, 5
Learning Objective construct a detailed research plan, which identifies and data, summarize, key findings
prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to
develop a solution to the problem

Learning Outcome
Research Plan (1 Page) What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
 Tabular format to organize the research (3-4) outlines a research plan, which
plan identifies primary and secondary research All students will list several relevant questions
needed to develop a solution to the they will need to answer in order to successfully
 A set of context specific and technical problem, with some guidance ​ solve their chosen problem and indicate the level
questions​ of priority/ importance for each question
(5-6) constructs a research plan, which
 The priority and importance of each identifies and prioritizes primary and
Most students will describe a relevant method of
question is stated secondary research needed to develop a
solution to the problem, with some research for each question (Primary and
 A variety of Primary and secondary guidance ​ Secondary)
resource are used​
(7-8) constructs a detailed research plan, Some students will justify the relevance of their
 Justification of relevance of the question which identifies and prioritizes the research question and chosen method of
and chosen research method primary and secondary research needed research
to develop a solution to the
 The Used source is cited in MLA​format problem independently
Extension Task: Summarize your research
data into main points/ Key Findings

Check Next Page for further guidance

Research Plan
You are encouraged to formulate a list of questions in order of importance that will help prioritize and guide their research. You will need to identify:
• the questions that need to be answered to solve the problem
• the relevant data that needs to be collected
• where the data will be sourced from
• whether sources are primary or secondary
• which sources are essential, and which are desirable.

Sample Templates Additional Guidance

Research Priority + Reason/ Method of Research Source Cited All primary research is carried out by the student, who collects his or her own data. Examples include:
Question/ Topic Reason Justification (with justification) (MLA) • conducting interviews, surveys and polls with a target audience and/or client
• interviewing experts over the telephone
• writing letters or emails asking for specific information about a product from a client
• observing users interacting within the situation and making notes
• analysing products that have things in common with the problem
• investigating the work of other designers of existing products
• conducting market research such as surveys, questionnaires and interviews through focus groups
• experimenting with materials, tools and processes

Secondary research involves using data collected by other people. Examples include:
• analysing data from a website or book
• reading accounts of a problem written by another person
• analysing articles in magazines, journals and newspapers
Note – The main findings MUST be presented in an additional column or • downloading data from a marketing website
separately below the table (within the 2 page limit for this strand) • viewing videos about how to use materials, tools and processes
Criterion: A4 | INQUIRING & ANALYZING | DESIGN BRIEF KEYWORDS: develop, design brief, Lesson
summarize, analysis
Learning Objective develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the
analysis of relevant research

Learning Outcome
Design Brief (1-2 Pages)
What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
 The problem targeted is briefly outlined​ (1-2) develops a basic design
brief, which states the findings of relevant All students will outline what their intended
 The target audience is identified​and their research. ​ solution is and how it will be made based on
concerns discussed Secondary research
(3-4) develops a design
 The solution that will be created is mentioned brief, which outlines the analysis of releva Most students will describe how their intended
nt research. ​ solution will solve the problem(s) faced by the
 How this intended solution will solve the target user based on their Primary research
problem and benefit the target audience is (5-6) develops a design
discussed in detail brief, which explains the analysis of releva
Some students will explain the situation, the
nt research.​
 A clear idea of the intended solution is target audience, intended solution and its impact
presented based on and clearly linked to the (7-8) develops a detailed design brief, on the target audience based on the analysis of
research and analysis of the previous 2 strands which summarizes the analysis of relevant relevant research
Extension Task: Briefly discuss how your intended
solution is linked to the ‘Big Idea’ for this Unit:
“Effective collaboration can be enhanced
through design in a highly interconnected
Check Next Page for further guidance
Design Brief

Discuss and list the Main findings from your research.

Start with first introducing the 'Problem'
Include all general information about your intended solution.

Additional Guidance

1. Always start the design brief with “I am going to design and make .....”. This is followed by a
general description of the type of device you feel will answer the design problem.

2. Do not be too specific. The brief should be a general description that allows you flexibility
regarding the type of product you intend to make. For example, if you are designing an automatic
animal feeder it may be a good idea not to say the type of animal it is for, at least not at this stage
in the project.

3. Do not be specific about materials. It may be wise to avoid stating the exact materials it will be
manufactured from (eg. pine, steel, perspex etc...). Instead describe the materials to be used as
strong, tough, flexible, natural, manmade, recycled, water-proof or similar general descriptions.

4. Mention points such as; safety, general size, what it will do (it’s functions), general properties of
the materials needed, who it is for (eg children), basic cost of manufacture or a lower and upper
cost limits, circuit requirements and other points you feel are important.
Criterion B
Developing ideas

Criteria MYP Assessment Strand Page Limit

Bi Develop a design specification which clearly states the 1-2
success criteria for the design of a solution
Bii Develop a range of feasible design ideas which can be 6-7
correctly interpreted by others
Biii Presenting the chosen design 1-2
Biv Develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams 3-4
and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen

15 Pages Criterion B Draft Due for Formative Feedback 9 Dec 2022

KEYWORDS: develop, design Lesson
specifications, explain, success criteria, 1
Learning Objective develop detailed design specifications, analysis, justification
which explain the success criteria for the design of a
solution based on the analysis of the research

Design Specifications should be based on the

analysis of your research from Crit A

Learning Outcome
Design Specification (1-2 Pages) What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
All students will develop 8
 The Design Specifications should be in the format (3-4) lists some
“The PRODUCT must/ should/ may……because…….”​ design specifications, which design specifications using ACCESSFM and
relate to the success criteria
for the design of a solution​ state reasons for at least 5
 The Design specifications should include all necessary as
well as desirable design features (5-6) develops design Most students will develop 8 to 10 design
specifications, which
 The Design Specifications must be ‘SMART’ as they will outline the success criteria for specifications along with
be used to evaluate the design ideas as well as the success the design of a solution​ simple Justifications
of the final product​ (7-8) develops detailed design
specifications, which explain the Some students will develop 8 to 10
 The design Specifications must be justified and linked to the success criteria for the design of a detailed design specifications along with
analysis of the research in Crit A solution based on the analysis of
the research Justifications with reference to research
Extension Task: Design relevant testing methods
to test 1 of your design specifications
Design Specifications

Design specification is “a set of considerations, constraints and requirements Guidance for writing Design Specifications with Justification
for a solution: what the solution must or must not have to be successful.” Detailed Example

Simplified example:

Ensure your Design Specifications are SMART!

Specific Can I be more precise about this?

Measurable Can this specification be measured? (success criteria)

Achievable Will I actually be able to make this?

Relevant Can this specification be justified and linked to

authentic research?
Testable How will I test to see if this specification is met?
(relevant testing methods)
Criterion: B | DEVELOPING IDEAS | DESIGN SKETCHES KEYWORDS: develop, range, feasible, Lesson
appropriate mediums, annotation,
interpreted, Isometric, Orthographic, 2,3
Learning Objective develop a range of feasible design ideas, using an appropriate perspective
medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can
be correctly interpreted by others

Develop show your evolving thought process through multiple sketches

a range 3 or more design ideas
Learning Outcome
of feasible design ideas possible to make (Practicality of materials/ construction)
Using an appropriate Pencil sketch, colours, outlining with marker, apps like photoshop/ CAD, card What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
medium(s) models where needed
All students will develop 2 feasible design idea
and detailed annotation Describe/ explain your design in detail using ACCESSFM
sketches (3D). They will annotate this drawing
which can be correctly • Use correct drawing techniques (perspective/ isometric/ orthographic) simply using relevant points from ACCESSFM
interpreted by others • Get User/Peer feedback to see how others understand your design

Most students will develop 3 feasible design idea

sketches (3D) along with Front/ Side/ Top Views.
Development of Design Ideas (6-7 Pages) They will annotate these drawings in detail using
relevant points from ACCESSFM
 A proper medium is used to sketch the designs (paper, sketching (3-4) presents a few feasible designs,
equipment, digital app)​ using an appropriate medium(s) or
annotation, which can be interpreted Some students will develop 4 feasible
 Initial ideas (8-10 are sketched freehand) by others​ design idea sketch (3D) along with Front/ Side/
(5-6) develops a range of feasible design Top Views. They will annotate these drawings in
 4 feasible Design Ideas are sketched​and annotated in detail ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) detail using relevant points from ACCESSFM. They
and annotation, which can be interpreted
 Use technique like colouring, shading, crating, Isometric/ oblique/ by others​ will also develop either a physical or a digital
different orthographic views, exploded views, paper/ card model of their design
modelling (7-8) develops a range of feasible design
ideas, using an appropriate medium(s)
 Show the evolution of your idea and product details through and detailed annotation, which can be Extension Task: Get Peer-feedback on your design ideas
sketches and annotation correctly interpreted by others to see if they can be correctly interpreted by others
Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas (1-2 pages)

• 6 to 10 absolutely different
ideas/ concepts

• It is okay to not follow all

design specifications here

• A couple of sketches per

idea showing the concept/
form/ function

• 2 Dimensional sketches/
line drawings

• Simple 3D sketches
(perspective/ crating)

• Hint of colour/ texture of

the materials

• Simple annotation of key

Developing your Idea/ Concept
Developed Idea (4-5 pages)
• 4 ideas which you develop further
• These 4 match most of your specifications and are
more feasible than other Initial Ideas

• 3D sketches- oblique/ isometric/ perspective

• Orthographic (front, top, side)
• Separate components/ parts/ Exploded Views/ Cross-
sectional views

• Use colour, thick & thin lines and shading to enhance

the visual quality of your sketch

• Human Interaction to give a clear idea of scale and

ergonomic details

• Detailed annotation of all parts (explain how they

meet the requirements of the design specification and
to explain design thinking)
Further Development
Further Development (1-2 pages)

• ​ aking simple card and

CAD models and
simulations used to test
ideas and ensure they
meet the specification

• Paper/ Card/ Foam models

• Prototypes of a part of the

product to test a
mechanism/ grip etc.

• Three-dimensional CAD
models for visual/
aesthetic development
Criterion: B | DEVELOPING IDEAS | EVALUATION & JUSTIFICATION KEYWORDS: present, justify, critically, Lesson
reference, design specification, client
feedback, evaluation 4
Learning Objective present the chosen design and justify fully and critically its selection
with detailed reference to the design specification

Different methods of evaluating your design ideas: Learning Outcome

What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
1. Matching against Design Specifications
2. Client Feedback All students will match their designs against the
design specifications give reasons/ justify where
3. Listing Pros/ cons of the designs the specification was not met to select their Final

Evaluation of Design Ideas + Final Design (1-2 Pages) Most students will also get User/ Client feedback
on the developed designs and justify the
 The 4 Designs should be peer and client evaluated​ (3-4) justifies the selection of the chosen design selection of their Final Design
with reference to the design specification​
 The 4 Designs should be evaluated against the Some students will also self-evaluate their
design specifications​ (5-6) presents the chosen design
and justifies its selection with reference to the design designs to list pros and cons and justify the
 The Chosen Design must be Justified fully with selection of their Final Design with reference to
reference to the peer, client and specification​ (7-8) presents the chosen design and justifies fully and the Design Specifications
critically its selection with detailed reference to the
 The Final Design Should be RE sketched (ALL) with all design specification
the needed details- could be a CAD model presented Extension Task: Combine the best features from all
showing different views designs to create a product which is successful because of
the combination of the diverse aspects of different
Evaluating Ideas
Evaluation of Ideas
(1 separate Page OR split over the development pages)

1. Evaluate designs against the specification to identify the most feasible

2. Include your own critical evaluation (strengths and limitations of the
features of your own design)
3. Include client’s feedback or opinions
4. Include expert opinion where needed/ possible
Final Design
• Develop the most feasible
solutions that fully meets the
requirements of the design

• Incorporate any changes

required as a result of your

• A 3D image of the Final design,

which clearly shows its details
and features, presented as a
final illustration, separate to
any developmental work

• Highlight details such as

colour, form, texture,
proportion, how the solution
functions and all its features

• Could be rendered on paper

or using a 3D CAD software
Criterion: B | DEVELOPING IDEAS | PLANNING DRAWINGS KEYWORDS: develop, accurate, Lesson
planning drawings, diagrams, ISOMETRIC,
ORTHOGRAPHIC, top view, front view, side 5
Learning Objective develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/ view
diagrams and outline requirements for the creation of the
chosen solution

Learning Outcome
What goes in your E-PORTFOLIO?
All students will draw an accurate and detailed
Orthographic Drawing of their Final Design and
showing all measurements

Most students will include Part/ Assembly drawing

Planning Drawings + Requirements for Creation (3-4 Pages) showing the construction details of their Final Design

 A formal Orthographic Drawing (manually (3-4) creates planning drawings/diagrams or Some students will list details of all parts that need to
drafted OR constructed using CAD) lists requirements for the creation of the be manufactured as well as bought-out items that
chosen solution.​
will be used in the Final Design
 All measurements must be indicated (5-6) develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the Extension Task: List the manufacturing requirements for
 Part/ assembly drawings may be included creation of the chosen solution.​ creation of your chosen design (materials/ equipment/
 Cutting list must be created and any bought- (7-8) develops accurate and detailed
out components must be identified planning drawings/diagrams and outlines
requirements for the creation of the
chosen solution.
Planning Drawings/ Diagrams
Top/ Front/ Side Views

• Drawings may be CAD/


• Orthographic
projections/working drawings
(include accurate details of size,
scale, assembly and production
methods in the

• Assembly Drawings may be used

to show internal/ joining details

• Nets/developments and patterns

are needed in case of any paper/
card/ fabric or such material
being used

• Cutting list of all components to

be made

• List of specifications for any pre-

made/ bought-out ‘Standard
components’ being added

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