Communication Skills Lecture 3 &amp 4

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Course Name BSE 1114

Lecture Three and Four

Instructor Mrs. Moreen Kabarungi

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The journey so far...
Recap of the Last Lecture

By the Time we ended the Lecture, Students should

have been able to understand the Following Concepts;
1)Process of Communication

2)Types of Communication

3)Levels of Communication

4)Communication and the Organization

5)What Makes a Good Communicator

Today’s Lecture & Talking
By the End of the Lecture Students Should be able to understand
the Following Concepts;
1)Define Your Understanding of Effective Communication

2)Effective communication in an Organisation

3)The 7C’s of Effective communication

4)Barriers to Communication

5)Communication Patterns
Understanding effective communication
Although we can all communicate, not all our
communication acts are effective. We must all strive to
be effective communicators.

Effective Communication is that communication

which produces results.

It is communication where the intended message is

delivered clearly, and the desired feedback is achieved.
It is communication that does not give room for
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Communication can be effective or it can be
misunderstood leading to ineffectiveness.

 Meaning !! , communication must be effective. Ineffective

communication is expensive to the participants because it
blocks results.

 Inother words communication is a matter of effectiveness.

Effectiveness is a measure of outcome. Effective
communication therefore results in the form of desired

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Effective Communication is communication
that conveys information to another person
efficiently and so achieves desired outcome.

It is important to note that not all

communication are effective.

This course aims to help the learners to become

effective communicators both at the university
and later in their professional fields.

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Effective communication in an

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Effective communication cycle

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Effective communication is an inseparable part
of successful organizations.


Better communication skills at workplace

enables the employees as well as the employer
to function smoothly and effectively, which
leads to higher performance and higher

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Impacts of having a better and clear
communication in an organization or any

1. Enhanced Job Satisfaction

2. Increased Productivity
3. Good Relationships with Co-workers
4. Optimum Utilization of the Resources

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1. Enhanced Job Satisfaction

Providing job satisfaction to its employees forms

the key element for a successful organization.

Open communication between the managers,

subordinates and other vendors creates a hazzle-
free environment and each of the employees feels
considered upon.

This helps to build loyalty and trust with in that


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2. Increased Productivity

Improper communication leads to lack of

information and wastage of useful resources,
whereas better communication leads to better
understanding of the matter, which in turn
improves the productivity and the turn around

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3. Good Relationships with Co-workers
 Open communication is highly important for each
employee to understand different view points and

 Team work is very essential for any organization to be


 Good relationship among the team members uplifts the

team spirit and that leads to a positive well-rounded
growth for the employees as well as the organization.

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4. Optimum Utilization of the Resources

Each organization should make sure that there are

enough communication channels established with in
the organization which helps its employees to have a
friendly and healthy environment.

Clarity in communication also helps the managers

and the employees to plan and schedule different
resources so as to ensure optimum utilization.

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Feel free to share your opinions

What could be some of the impact of

effective communication in organizations
that were not included in the above slides.

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Without strong communication, employees

won't even understand what the manager
wants them to accomplish.

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Criteria for effective communication – Within an

1) Provide a Structure
2) Solve Problems Together
3) Practice Strong Visual Communication
4) Practice Conflict Management
5) Consider Cultural Issues
6) Cultivate Extraverted Qualities
7) Practice Strong Written Communication

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1) Provide Structure
a)A manager must develop a structure for communication in the
workplace. This means mapping the communication channels for each
aspect of, employees must understand whom they must go
to for approval after completing a project.

b)Managers should announce well in advance when meetings will be

held, so employees can prepare questions and feedback.

c)They should also require weekly reports from employees on how

they performed that week, and how they expect to perform in the
coming week.

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2. Solve Problems Together

To cultivate team spirit, managers must lead

team members in solving problems together.

A good leader seeks input from team

members and leads brainstorming sessions in
which they collaborate on solutions.

This ensures team members feel interested

in solving the problems.
3. Practice Strong Visual Communication
data visually helps managers
communicate the information better.

Graphs, charts and tables should help

people understand information
immediate. This means ensuring they
have a clear purpose for the image, not
just adding it to make a presentation
look flashy.

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4. Practice Conflict Management

A good manager develops a conflict-management

policy to address conflicts before they start.

Additionally, he communicates the protocol to

employees so they will take responsibility for
managing conflicts wisely.

He must be a good listener to solve conflicts, and he

should refrain from taking sides.

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5. Consider Cultural Issues
• A manager must understand how cultural
backgrounds affect communication. An employee
from a different culture or subculture may perceive
the manager's words and actions differently than
someone from the manager's culture.

• A good manager strives to learn what is polite and

acceptable, both verbally and non verbally, in the
cultures and subcultures of her employees.

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6. Cultivate Extraverted Qualities

A manager must also strive to communicate

confidently, knowing when to be firmer and when to
be more relaxed.

In a meeting with his team, eg. he must make eye

contact with all team members, speak assertively,
maintain confident posture, and speak with emphasis,
not in a monotone.

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7. Practice Strong Written
A strong manager strives to have clear,
concise and well-organized writing. He/she
also strives to keep his/her in-office
correspondence free from typos as well as
inaccurate statements.

Strongwriting helps employees to see their

manager as more professional.
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Short break

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7 C’s of effective communication

The 7 Cs provide a checklist for making

sure that your meetings, emails, conference
calls, reports, and presentations are well
constructed and clear so your audience gets
your message.

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7 C’s of effective communication

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According to the 7Cs, communication needs to be:

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When writing or speaking to someone, be clear

about your goal or message. What is your purpose in
communicating with this person? If you’re not sure,
then your audience won’t be sure either.

Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message

or goal at a time, rather than trying to achieve too
much at once.

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Clarity in communication has
following features:

• It makes understanding easier.

• Complete clarity of thoughts and ideas enhances

the meaning of message.

• Clear message makes use of exact, appropriate and

concrete words.

2) Conciseness
Conciseness means wordiness, i.e, communicating
what you want to convey in least possible words
without foregoing the other C’s of communication.

When you are concise in your communication, you

stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience
doesn’t want to read six sentences when you could
communicate your message in three.

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Concise communication has following

• It is both time-saving as well as cost-saving.

• It underlines and highlights the main message as it avoids

using excessive and needless words.

• Concise communication provides short and essential

message in limited words to the audience.

• Concise message is more appealing and comprehensible

to the audience.

• Concise message is non-repetitive in nature.

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3) Concreteness
 Concrete communication implies being particular and
clear rather than fuzzy and general.

 When your message is concrete, then your audience

has a clear picture of what you’re telling them. There
are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts. Your
message is solid. Look at these two examples:

1. The Lunchbox Wizard will save you time every day.

2. How much time do you spend every day packing your kids’
lunches? No more! Just take a complete Lunchbox Wizard
from your refrigerator each day to give your kids a healthy
lunch AND have more time to play or read with them!
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Concrete message has following

• It is supported with specific facts and figures.

• It makes use of words that are clear and that build

the reputation.

• Concrete messages are not misinterpreted.

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4) Correctness

When your communication is correct, it fits your


Andcorrect communication is also Factual error free


Correctnessin communication implies that there are

no grammatical errors in communication.

Correct communication has following

• The message is exact, correct and well-timed.

• If the communication is correct, it boosts up the
confidence level.
• Correct message has greater impact on the
• It checks for the precision and accurateness of
facts and figures used in the message.
• It makes use of appropriate and correct
language in the message.


 When your communication is coherent, it’s


All points are connected and relevant to the

main topic, and the tone and flow of the text
is consistent.

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6) Completeness
• In a complete message, the audience has everything
they need to be informed and, if applicable, take

• Does your message include a “call to action”, so that

your audience clearly knows what you want them to

• Have you included all relevant information – contact

names, dates, times, locations, and so on?
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Completeness (2)

 The communication must be complete. It

should convey all facts required by the

The sender of the message must take into

consideration the receiver’s mind set and
convey the message accordingly.

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A complete communication has following
• Complete communication develops and enhances reputation of
an organization.
• Moreover, they are cost saving as no crucial information is
missing and no additional cost is incurred in conveying extra
message if the communication is complete.
• A complete communication always gives additional
information wherever required. It leaves no questions in the
mind of receiver.
• Complete communication helps in better decision-making by
the audience/readers/receivers of message as they get all
desired and crucial information.
• It persuades the audience.
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7) Courteous/consideration
Courteous communication is friendly, open, and
honest and does not illicit emotions.
Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of
Effective communication must take the audience
into consideration, i.e, the audience’s view points,
background, mind-set, education level, etc.
There are no hidden insults or passive aggressive
tones. You keep your reader’s viewpoint in mind,
and you’re empathetic to their needs.

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Courteous/consideration (2)
You must always put yourself in the shoes of the
person you are talking to and ask yourself how you
would feel if you were to be addressed the way you
are addressing your receiver.
Consideration in communication creates a healthy
work environment.
Courtesy in message implies the message should
show the sender’s expression as well as should
respect the receiver.
The sender of the message should be sincere, polite,
judicious, reflective and enthusiastic.
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Courteous message has following
• Courtesy implies taking into consideration both viewpoints
as well as feelings of the receiver of the message.
• Courteous message is positive and focused at the
• It makes use of terms showing respect for the
receiver of message.
• It is not at all biased.

Saying No

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 We say “yes” to satisfy or pacify someone’s request while

simultaneously calculating a last minute excuse to get out of
what we agreed to.

 We decorate the “NO” with a fancy explanation.

 We simply cave into the request and show our displeasure

with grunts, and muttered curses.
When it comes to saying no we believe we are going to hurt
the other person’s feelings if we do not comply when in
actuality agreeing against our will to do something we really
do not want to do is probably doing the requestor more of a
dis-service. It undermines the trust and respect between both
of you.
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You have a choice you can say no but you can do it
politely. The trick is knowing how to say it and when to
say it.
 If someone tries to pressure you into doing something
you really donot want to do or have time to do, the less
you engage them the better for you. This means that you
should say “No thank you”. I am very sorry. I am very
busy. Thank you I will rather walk home.

The key is just to say NO but to shut up after wards. If

you continue to engage the requestor more than likely
the conversation will result in an argument. In other
words you donot owe anyone explanation ( bosses,
proff, parents) You are in charge of your own time.

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 If somebody is rude in their request for something ( that is
shouldn’t you dump that good for nothing boyfriend or
girlfriend of yours? Do not return rudeness with rudeness
instead refuse to engage that person you do not argue
issues because you do not accept the bias of their opinion.
(it is their problem and not yours).

You say “how nice of you to take interest in my private

affairs.” And if you really do want advise on your
relationship ask someone who has your best interests at
heart not someone who wants to crush your feelings.

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 If you have to say no to some body very close
to you, please do whatever you possibly can to
get across your love and the sympathies. In other
words do not say” I have something else to do.”
This implies that something else has priority
over them instead say something like
 “ it is going to hurt me to miss your party, but
there’s nothing I can do to change my schedule
at the last minute. However I will be thinking
about you.”

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 If you have to say no to an authority figure
(proffs, parents, boss, class president,
supervisors) let them know what your
obligations are. Most of the time they simply
don’t have a clue. A response like “ I am
currently working on project x and will
probably be late”. The key is not to be
confrontational or defensive when responding.
I know this is much easier said than done.

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 If someone is trying to sell you or get you to
contribute to something you donot want or
need just simply say “I am sorry but I am not
interested” and cut it off. There are always
people out there who think it is more polite to
listen to a person’s entire sell pitch. To this
you respond. People who sell are only about
trying to pass time of day. So your guilt
induced politeness is serving no one especially

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1. I/ we will think about it.

2. I/ we will communicate later.
3. I/we shall see what I/we can do about it.
4. It “might” be possible.
5. I/we shall look into it.
6. I/ we will get back at you.

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Do not look for arguments; you can not win
a bitter argument when you must disagree
(as it often necessary) do it tactfully. Never
say the other person is wrong and you are
right. Besides avoiding bruised feelings it
is more effective to admit that you see the
reasoning of the other side and then quietly
to point out those reasons which you believe
to be more compelling.

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Asking will depend upon how often you
ask, whom and how effectively you ask. The
most important is how often you ask.
Communication skills will demand that you
apply the law of average which will be
more than off set any deficiencies you may
have in the whom you ask and how
affectively you ask.

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 Focus on the positive. You have a wide range of
possibilities when it comes to selecting adjectives to
describe yourself. They are easy to find in a dictionary
example: Able, tiny, accessible, accommodating,
accurate, achiever, lovely, amiably, assertive.

Besides improving your view of yourself it is often

important to develop a better view of others. Sometimes
it is difficult to think well of certain people you deal with
but you are to try. Even though it is a struggle, you can
find some good points in everyone if you search heard

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For example, you can write your name find the
appropriate or good adjectives to describe
 Happy Moderate
 Assertive Outgoing
 Realistic Lovely
 Radiant Laughs
 Intelligent Young
 Elegant
 Tolerant

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 Proven value of smile: Besides the fact that it
is just a plain feeling that feels better when you
go through life with a smile, there is a provable
shilling, advantage to a happy expression. To
verify this simply recall the face of your favorite
musician, waiter or waitress, dancer, etc.

She is a smiler, isn’t she? Greets you with a

wide one every time you go there. Her service
may not always be the best, she gets fewer
complaints and bigger tips than her co-workers.

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 The Magic “Yes” Sign: Communicationists
and psychologist tell us that it pays to smile
when asking for order, they say the sales
persons who uses a smile is flashing a subtle
“yes” sign at us. We are inclined to echo the
visual yes with a verbal one. Research
organizations invariably stressed the need for
the interviewers to smile when approaching a
prospective interviewee. It relaxes both ends.

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Handle your ego’s tenderly: Everyone has an
ego some bigger than others and all of our egos
bruise easily. That is because the ego in its
broader sense is your self esteem (your pride).
If you destroy a person’s human dignity, that
person is going to get even with you at some
time in some way.

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