Procedure Text

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01 02 03
Definition Purpose Generic Structure

04 05 06
Linguistic Feature Example Exercise
Procedure text

What is Procedure Text? Apa itu Teks Prosedur?

Procedure text is a text which contains Teks prosedur adalah teks yang berisi
the informations about how to make tentang informasi cara membuat sesuatu
something or how to use something atau cara menggunakan sesuatu

E.g. How to make salad, How to operate

a computer
Purpose/Social Function
The purpose of procedure text is To explains/To inform/To tell readers how to
make or use something

Tujuan dari teks prosedur adalah untuk

menjelaskan/menginformasikan/menjelaskan kepada pembaca cara
membuat atau menggunakan sesuatu
Generic Structure
Generic Structure of procedure text adalah struktur atau bagian-
bagian yang menyusun suatu teks prosedur. Di antaranya adalah:

1. Goal – Tujuan
2. Materials/Ingredients – Bahan/Komposisi
3. Steps – Langkah-langkah
Linguistic Feature
Linguistic Feature

01 Using Imperative sentence

(Kalimat perintah) – Cut the onion, Stir it with spoon

02 Using Action Verbs

(Kata kerja yang terlihat aksinya) – Cut, Boil, Put, etc

03 Using Connectives
(Kata hubung) – First, second, after that, etc
How to Make Simple Creamy Coffee Milk
1. 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
2. 1 ½ spoons of full cream milk
3. ½ teaspoon of sugar
4. A cup of water
5. A teaspoon
6. A cup
7. Take the coffee powder, sugar, and full cream milk in the cup.
8. Whisk the mixture rigorously by using the spoon until its color becomes light brown.
9. Heat a cup of water in pan and wait until it’s boiled.
10. After that, pour the boiled water into the cup that has the mixture of coffee cream in it.
11. Then, stir it well by the spoon.
12. Once done, a cup of hot coffee milk is ready to be served.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. What are the action verbs that appear in the text?
3. Is there any connectives used in the text? What are those?
Thanks CREDITS: This presentation template was created by
Do you have any questions? Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, infographics &
images by Freepik and content by Sandra Medina

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