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Introduction of Problem Domain
• Event Management when compared to other traditional professions such as
medicine, law and accounting is relatively a young field. It is an area that is
growing rapidly and now represents hundreds of professionals who are
responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating a wide range of events all
year round.
• Event management is predominantly about creating an experience Bearing in
mind that first impressions last, it is important when embarking on any event
regardless of its scale to take the correct approach and use the right techniques to
ensure that your event is successful

Presentation title 2
• To reserve a room and request room set-ups, equipment management, technology and catering needs for
all events including large-scale or high profile events
• To avoid double-booking and room schedule conflicts
• Assess and report usage and planning for the following year
• To effectively communicate campus event activity to all stakeholders and constituents

Problems in existing system

In the present scenario, existing system has many drawbacks which make it inefficient to
carry on with it. The present working system of the referred company is manual. It is
difficult to maintain all details of events, customers and the services.

Presentation title 3
Details of Analysis
Specifications of Existing system
Manual Registration : Attendees register for events through physical forms or
in person, rather than using online registrations systems
Paper based communication: Communication with attendees, vendors and
sponsors often relies on printed materials such as flyers, brochures and mailed
Face to Face coordination: Events schedules are created and managed using
physical planners or spread sheets, without the aid of digital scheduling tools

Presentation title 4
Limited Analytics: Data analytics is limited with basic metrics tracked manually

Cash Transaction: Payment transactions, including ticket sales and vendor payments, often involve
handling physical cash or checks.

Vendor and Sponsor Relationships: Vendor and sponsor relationships are managed through direct
communication, contracts, and physical paperwork.

Manual Record-Keeping: Event records, including attendance lists, financial transactions, and
correspondence, are maintained manually.

Presentation title 5
Feasibility Study
Technical Feasibility
The system must be evaluated from the technical point of view first. The assessment of
this feasibility must be based on an outline design of the system requirement in the terms
of input, output, programs and procedures.
Operational Feasibility
It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspects. Generally project will
not be rejected simply because of operational infeasibility but such considerations
are likely to critically affect the nature and scope of the eventual recommendations. The
project would be beneficial because it satisfies the objectives when developed and

Presentation title 6
Economic Feasibility
The developing system must be justified by cost and benefit. Criteria to ensure that effort is
concentrated on project, which will give best, return at the earliest.
The following are some other important financial questions asked during preliminary
• The costs conduct a full system investigation.
• The cost of the hardware and software.
• The benefits in the form of reduced costs or fewer costly error

Presentation title 7
Streamline Registration:
Facilitate easy and convenient online registration for attendees.
Simplify the process of collecting participant information and preferences.
Enhance Communication:
Improve communication between organizers, attendees, sponsors, and vendors.
Utilize features like automated emails, notifications, and messaging.
Optimize Planning and Scheduling:
Assist organizers in planning and scheduling events efficiently.
Offer tools for venue selection, session planning, and agenda management.

Presentation title 8
Reporting and Analytics
The most influential event professionals continuously study data and try to improve. As a result,
looking for an event management solution that offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities is

These days, it’s not uncommon for organizations to use hundreds of different tools. To make the
most out of your event management platform, it’s important to choose a solution that easily
integrates with the other tools your team uses every day.

Improve Accessibility
Provide a user-friendly interface accessible from various devices.

Enhance the overall accessibility of event information and updates.

Presentation title 9
Methodology of Project Proposal


 To organize events with ease and comfort of mind
 To track all your event data in one convenient place
 To optimize your event for efficient results

Presentation title 10

1. G Bhavya Sri 20B01A1261

Thank you 2. Ch Bhargavi 20B01A1228

3. E Veneela 20B01A1244

4. G Anusha 20B01A1259

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