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His Second Trip

Away from the

On February 3,1888 to escape the
wrath of his enemies, he left the
country ( with spy on his stail) and
began his journey to other
countries just six months after a
stay in calamba. He left the country
passing Hong kong and was
welcomed by Filipino residents,
among them, Jose Maria Basa,
Balbino Mauricio, and Manuel
Yriarte, the son of the mayor of
He visited Macao and stayed at the home of Don Juan
Francisco Lecaros, a Filipino gentleman married to a
purtoguese lady. During his stay, he visited casinos, theaters,
cathedral and churches and saw the famous grotto of
Comoens. He also studied the Chinese. Their Lifestyle and
customs and made an interesting observation.

The Dominican Order was the richest religious order is

Hongkong. It engaged actively in business. It owned more
than 700 houses for rent and many shares in foreign banks. It
had millions of dollars deposited in the banks which earned
fabulous interests.
Don Juan Francisco Lecaros

dDon Juan
Japan He left Hong Kong for Japan. It is
said that one of the happiest moments of
rizal was his visit in the land of the Cherry
Blossoms, where he stayed for a month and
a half and the place where he fell inlove in
spite of Leonor Rivera.
He arrived in Yokohama February 28 1888
but left for Tokyo the next day and visited a
friend, Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of
Spanish legation. And although wary, that
his movements in Japan were monitored by
the Spanish authorities, he, nevertheless,
accepted the invitation to stay at the
Spanish Legation for economy and
furthermore, to show proof of his innocence.
In Tokyo, he studied the Japanese Language
and as usual, he visited the museums,
libraries, art galleries and shrines and the
"charming" villages of Meguro, Nikko
Hakone and Minashota. While promenading,
he came across a group of musicians and much
to his delight, were Filipinos, Rizal in his
memoirs was impressed by Japan, by their
customs and culture, as well as the attractive
and beautiful sights,among which were the
1. The Beauty of the country- its flowers,

mountains streams, and scenic Panoramas

2.The Cleanliness, politeness, and 3. The picturesque dress and simple and charm

mountains streams, and scenic industry of the of the Japanese women.

Japanese people

4. There were very few thieves in Japan 5.Beggars are rarely seen in the city streets, unlike
so that the houses remained open day Manila and other cities.
and night, and in the hotel room one
could safely leave money on the table
In spite of the beauty of Japanese sceneries and the
customs and culture of th Japanese people, there was
one aspect of their life that he did not like and that
was the use of rickshaws driven by men. He felt
disgusted at the way a human being was employed
like an animal.

One day, he saw a pretty Japanese women passing

through the legation and fell in love with her. He could
have stayed in Japan, married the girl, and probably
lived happily ever after, but he had a mission.
He left for Yokohama on April 13, 1888, bound for the United States. On the ship, he
met a Japanese journalist, who was to become an important person in his life. Tetcho
Suehiro was a fighting journalist, novelist, and champion of human rights. Both
became very good friends, for they shared the same sentiments on injustice and
tyranny. Both had the same talent of using the pen for arousing peoples sentiments
against an idea or issue
The shared each other company in their travel through San Francisco, across the
United States and New York, with Rizal acting as his interpreter.
Their association made the travel pleasant and short. They bade each other
“goodbye” each to his own destination in London. But Rizal had created a deep
impression on the journalist, who later made remarks about him.
Mr. rizal … young as he was, he was proficient in seven languanges
Rizal was an open- hearted man … He was an accomplished; good at picture, skillful in
exquisite was work, especailly..
… Frank and daring fellow, fond of various arts, especially good at dearing…
The United States
He arrived in the United States on April 28, 1888 at the time when the
country was in turmoil over the issues of racial prejudice and slavery.
So that when the the ship Belgic docked on the ports of San Francisco,
and its passeengers were prevented from deboarding, the carrying of
643 Chinese coolies was actually the issue but used quarantine as an
excuse. Coolie labor was not only cheap but also displaced many white
laborers and preventing the entry of Chinese coolies was favorable to
the whites and being an election year, their votes were important.
After a week, Rizal and other passengers were released later. He
stayed in San Francisco for only two days, saw the Golden Gate and
wrote in his diary his impressions of the millionaire Leland Standford
who was the founder of Standford University. From San Francisco, he
proceeded to Oakland by ferry boat and boarded a train for his trip
around the continent; taking his supper at sacramento,his breakfast in
Reno, Nevada, the so-called “The Biggest Little City in the World” the
next day.
Everyday on the train, he wrote the events of the day and the
impressions of the American Continent. He wrote of seeing for the first
time an Indian Clothed in semi-European suit, and in Ogden of its
irrigation system, of the beautiful banks of Salt Lake City, the trees in
Colorado and the big cityof Omaha, and the Missouri River which he
compared with the Pasig River. He reached Chicago , and in passing
through Canada saw the Niagara falls and compared it with the
Pagsanjan Falls in Laguna.

The Next day, on Sunday morning, May 13 1888, he finally reached New
York, thus ending his trip across the American Continent. Rizal had
good and bad impressions were positive on the progress of the country,
of the great cities, the big farms, the flourishing industries and workers
I factories which brought about high standards of living, the better
opportunities to immigrants, and of the natural beauty of the land.
What discouraged him was the inequality among the
people, the racial prejudice, against the blacks, the
Japanese and the Chinese. His negative impressions of
America can be well summed up in the words “America is
the land par excellence of freedom but only for the

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