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Overview & Introduction
Cellular Adaptations are :
 Functional & Structural
 Reversible adjustments
 An altered steady state is achieved
 Due to stress, stimuli or changing environment

Reversible changes in size,number,metabolic activity phenotype or

functions of cells in response to stimulus or stresses or any other
change in their environment.
 Increase in size of cell
 Resulting in enlargement of organ, tissue
 No change in number of cells in pure hypertrophy
 Due to increased functional demand or by hormonal
 In non dividing cell, only hypertrophy occurs
Physiologic hypertrophy :
 Enlargement of size of uterus in pregnancy
 Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles as in athletes

Pathologic hypertrophy :
 Hypertrophy of cardiac muscles in cardiovascular diseases.
 Hypertrophy of smooth muscles in pyloric stenosis.
Mechanism of hypertrophy
Cardiac hypertrophy
 Reduction of cell growth & number

Due to
 Decreased work load
 Lose of innervation
 Diminished blood supply
 Inadequate nutrition
 Aging
 Loss of hormone stimulation
Physiologic atrophy :
 Atrophy of lymphoid tissue with age
 Atrophy of thymus with age
 Atrophy of gonads after menopause
 Atrophy of brain with aging

Pathologic atrophy :
 Atrophy of kidney in atherosclerosis of renal artery
 Atrophy of brain in cerebral atherosclerosis
 Wasting of muscles immobilised in cast
 Starvation atrophy leads to general weakness & anaemia
 Atrophy of pancreas in obstruction of pancreatic duct
Mechanism of atrophy :
 Decreased protein synthesis
 Increased protein degradation
 Increase in number of cells
 Resulting in enlargement of tissue or organ
 Only occurs in cells capable of dividing
 All body cells do not posses hyperplasia

 Neoplasms loss growth regulatory mechanism

while hyperplasia persists as long as stimulus
Physiologic hyperplasia :
 Hyperplasia of female breast at puberty
 Hyperplasia of pregnant uterus
 Proliferation of endometrium after
normal menstrual cycle
 Regeneration of liver

Pathologic hyperplasia :
 Endometrial Hyperplasia due to oestrogen excess
 Benign prostatic hyperplasia in old age
 Skin warts
Mechanism of hyperplasia
 Growth factor driven
proliferation of cells
 Increased output of new cells
from tissue stem cells
 Reversible change
 One type of cell to another type of cell
 Due to abnormal stimuli

Reverts back to normal on removal of stimulus but if

stimulus persists for long time, metaplasia may progess to
dysplasia & further cancer.
Divided in two types :
I) Epithelial metaplasia (Squamous & Columnar)
II) Mesenchymal metaplasia

Squamous Metaplasia :
Squamous metaplastic change due to chronic
may be mechanical, chemical or infective.
In bronchus in heavy smokers (normally pseudo stratified columnar)
In stones in ducts at different locations
Columnar Metaplasia :
Transformation to Columnar epithelium
• Intestinal Metaplasia in healed chronic ulcers
• In Barrett’s oesophagus change of squamous to columnar in lower oesophagus

: Mesenchymal Metaplasia
transformation of one type of mesenchymal
tissue to another
• In arterial wall in old age
• In cartilage of larynx and bronchi in elderly people
Mechanism of Metaplasia
 Reprogramming of stem cells
 Triggered by exogenous stimuli

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