ADC Lecture - 16

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Lecture 16 11/04/2022

Frequency Division
Multiplexing, Sampling

3. Multiplexing of various information signals is possible.

Multiplexing may be used to transmit several signals simultaneously over a

communication channel.

Dependent on the type of modulation , CWM or Pulse modulation , we multiplex

the information in two different ways.

1 Frequency Divison Multiplexing (FDM)

2 Time Divison Multiplexing (TDM)

Frequency divison multiplexing is used in telephone system ,commercial

broadcast, television and communication networks.

The FDM scheme is illustrated in fig,given below with the simultaneous

transmission of three message signals.

Advantages of Digital communication over Analog Communication

Digital Communication is more rugged than analog communication as it can

withstand channel noise and distortion much better, such is not the case with analog
messages. Any distortion or noise will distort the signal.

2. Another advantage in digital communications over analog communications is that

with the help of regenerative repeaters we can transmit digital signals over
sufficiently long distances, which is not possible in case of analog communication
as they can not be cleaned up periodically because signal and noise are amplified
both in same proportion.

3. Digital communication is more effective in realizing the exchange of SNR for B/W

4.Reproduction with digital messages is extremely reliable without deterioration.

5. Multiplexing of several digital signals can be done.

6. Storage is easy and expensive.

Now the basic steps in converting an analog signal in to digital signal are
1. Sampling
2. Quantization
3. Encoding

Sampling Theorem

The first and foremost step in converting an analog signal to digital signal is
sampling and it is done in such a way that we can reconstruct the signals from the
samples and for that sampling theorem is used.

Sampling Theorem – a signal whose spectrum is bandlimited to B Hz can be

reconstructed exactly from its samples taken uniformly at a rate R.>2B
Hz(samples per second)

Proof: Consider a signal g(t) which is bandlimited to BHz.. Now sampling g(t) by

multiplying it with train of impulses we get


Now let the sample values of the signal g(t) at t= -2Ts, -Ts,0, Ts, 2Ts,………., is
denoted by the series {g(nTs),n= -2,-1,0,1,2…………} . Thus we can represent

Where is a dirac deta function located at time t =nTs

Now we know

Therefore we can write


Now as the impulse train is a periodic signal of period Ts, it can be

expressed as fourier series which can be represented as

Now in order to reconstruct g(t) from we should be able to recover

from and this is possible if there is no overlap between successive cycles


Which requires


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