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The Field of Engineering

ESci 143 – Engineering Management
Lesson 1.1 Functions of Engineers and
Engineers in Various Types of Organizations

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
identify the functions of an engineer and how they are
classified according to the jobs that they have performed.
Motivation Question

What really are the functions of Engineers in our society and

how are they being classified according to the degree of
engineering jobs that they have performed?
means the application of science and math to
solve problems.

The term engineering is derived from the Latin

ingenium, meaning "cleverness" and
ingeniare, meaning "to contrive, devise".
1. The stone bladed axe which was a very useful tool
and the irrigation system used to promote crop
growing – 6000 to 3000 B.C.;
2. The pyramids of Egypt – 3000 to 600 B.C.;
3. Road building by the romans- 600 B.C. to A.D. 400;
4. The production of paper and gunpowder by the
Chinese- 100 A.D. to 1600 A.D.;
5. The production of steam engine and the spinning and
weaving machinery- 1601 A.D. to 1799 A.D.; and
6. The manufacture of cars and household appliances-
modern times.
More examples of the concerns/ problems that engineers
are currently producing solutions are as follows:

1. The production of more food for a fast-growing world population;

2. The elimination of air and water pollution;
3. Solid waste disposal and water pollution;
4. The reduction of noise in various forms;
5. Supplying the increasing demand for energy;
6. Supplying the increasing demand for mobility;
7. Preventing and solving crimes; and
8. Meeting the increasing demand for the communication facilities.

Civil Engineers are also called Engineers for
the People

relating to, or involving the general
public, their activities, needs, or ways, or
civic affairs as distinguished from special
(such as military or religious) affairs
(Merriam Webster)
Field of Engineering Management

Engineers are expected to perform a variety of tasks

depending on their specialization and job level.
It is important to the engineer that he knows what is expected
of him so that he may be able to perform his job effectively
and efficiently.
Functions of engineers

Research - where the engineer is engaged in the

process of learning about nature and codifying this
knowledge into usable theories.

Design and Development - where the engineer

undertakes the activity of turning a product concept
to a finish physical item.
Functions of engineers

Testing – where the engineer works in a unit where

new products or parts are tested for workability.

Manufacturing – where the engineer is directly in

charge of production personnel or assumes
responsibility for the product.
Functions of engineers

Sales – where the engineer assists the company’s

customers to meet their needs, especially those that
require technical expertise.

Consulting- where the engineer works as consultant of any

individual or organization requiring his services. Since
engineers has his/ her own field of specialization, this is the
reason why there are some companies who seek for the
expertise of a certain engineer.
Functions of engineers

Government – where the engineer may find employment in the

government performing any of the various tasks in regulating,
monitoring, and controlling the activities of various institutions, public
or private.

Teaching – where the engineer gets employment in

a school and is assigned as a teacher of engineering
courses. Some of them later become deans, vice
presidents, and presidents.
Functions of engineers

Management – where the engineer is assigned to

manage groups of people performing specific tasks.

Construction – this is where the construction engineer

(a civil engineer) is either directly in charge of the
construction personnel or may have responsibilities for
the quality of the construction process.
Aside from the functions of an engineer, engineers also are
categorized in various types of organization. From the point
of view of the engineer, organizations may be classified
according to the degree of engineering jobs performed:

 Level 1 – those with minimal engineering jobs like retailing

 Level 2 – those with moderate degree of engineering jobs like
transportation companies.
 Level 3 – those with a high degree of engineering jobs like
construction firms.
Lesson 1.2 What is Engineering Management?

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to discuss the
field of Engineering Management and its processes.
Engineering Management

Engineering Management is generally defined as a career that brings

together the technological problem- solving ability of engineering and
organizational, administrative, and planning abilities of management in
order to oversee the operational performance of complex engineering
driven enterprises.

Engineering Management refers to the activity combining

technical knowledge with the ability to organize and coordinate
worker power, materials, machinery, and money.
According to Henri Fayol, “Management is to forecast, to plan, to
organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of

According to Harold Koontz, “Management is the art of getting

things done through others and with formally organized groups”.

According to M.P. Follett, “Management is the art of getting things

done through people”.

According to Theo Halmann and William Scott, “Management is a

social and technical process which utilizes resources, influences,
human action and facilitates changes in order to accomplish
organizational goals”.
Management is a process consisting of planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling.
1.3 How May One Become A Successful
Engineer Manager
Three general preconditions for achieving lasting success as a manager.

1. Ability
2. Motivation to manage
3. Opportunity

Managerial Ability refers to the capability of an engineer manager to

achieve organizational objectives effectively and efficiently

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