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- is a form of energy and its is important in our life

like light and sound. Heat keeps us warm, cooks
our food, electricity, drying clothes and does a lot
of other things. Heat travels to different faces of
matter. It travels through solid, liquid and gas.
Heat transfer in 3 ways: Conduction, convection
and radiation
Conduction- heat travels to solids. It is a transfer of energy through direct contact
between the heat source and another object. When this happens, heat energy moves
out of a warmer object into the cooler object due to temperature difference. This heat
transfer continues until both objects reach the same temperature(thermal equilibrium)

- there are materials that is used to flow heat easily and these are conductors and
metal are good conductors that why we use them. Ex: metal, stone, water, copper,
steel, nickel, gold, silver , aluminum
- There are materials which heat passes slowly or not at all. We call them insulators.
Examples are wood, plastic, ceramic, paper, fabric, rubber, glass
1. The heat from the lighted candle travels to the spoon (cold object) by direct contact
causing the spoon to become hot.2
2. . The heat from the water transfer to the ladle by direct contact.
Convection- transfer of energy by the movement of matter.
-transfer of heat by the movement of the heated parts of a liquid or gas. Fluids
include liquids and gases.
- it involves the motion of fluid circulating currents.
Example: When the water is heated in a kettle, the molecules at the bottom get
heated first. The heated molecules move and rise pushing the top molecules, which
are cold, to the bottom that’s why the colder molecules sink and get heated at the
bottom and move up. Warm fluids rises and cold fluid sinks forming circulating
current. The movement continues until the fluid is evenly heated and you see the
bubbles forming.
- Convection is also the reason why we have wind movements and local breezes.
During daytime, air over the land is heated. It rises and expands. Cool air over the
sea moves towards the land that’s why you feel a refreshing breeze by the seaside
during daytime.
Radiation- heat transmitted across empty space or
vacuum or through the form of waves..
Radiant heat- the heat we receive from the sun.
Thermal heat- it is transferred between bodies of
different temperature.
Ex: the heat you feel when you are near a fire source,
the heat given off by an electric heater and the heat
near a hot oven
Instruction: Identify the method of heat transfer in the picture that was
given to your group( conduction, convection or radiation) and tell or
describe why do you say that it is a conduction, convection and
Instructions: On a piece of paper, connect set A to its corresponding
answer or meaning in set B. Write the letter of your answer only.

Set A Set B
Conductors A. Solid which comes into contact with hot
Insulators B. Transfer of heat energy by the
movement of matter
Conduction C. are materials which allow heat to pass
through quickly.
Radiation D. they are poor conductors of heat
Convection E. transfer heat energy in the form of
Instruction: Identify the type of heat transfer
described in the statement and illustrations below.
Write your answers on the space provided before the
.___1. Warm air rises and cold air sinks.
___2. Barefoot walking on the rocky road.
___3. feeling the heat of the metal in your hand.
___4. getting the toasted bread in your hand.
___5. Heat from the bonfire warms your body.

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