Physics 1

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State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

Using Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle, show that a free electron cannot exists within the nucleus
of an atom.
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, formulated by German physicist Werner
Heisenberg in 1927. The principle states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of properties, such as
position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. Mathematically, the principle is often expressed as:

This principle implies that the more precisely one knows the position of a particle, the less precisely one can know its
momentum (and vice versa). This is not due to experimental limitations but is a fundamental feature of the quantum world.
Now, let's consider the case of a free electron (negatively charged particle) attempting to exist within the nucleus of an atom
(which contains positively charged protons and neutrons). According to classical physics, the electron should eventually be
attracted to the positively charged nucleus due to electrostatic forces, collapsing into it.
However, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle comes into play when we try to precisely determine both the position and
momentum of the electron. As the electron gets closer to the nucleus, the uncertainty in its position decreases. According
to the uncertainty principle, this decrease in position uncertainty must be accompanied by an increase in the
uncertainty of momentum (Δp). The increase in momentum uncertainty implies a higher kinetic energy.
As the electron gets very close to the nucleus, the increase in kinetic energy becomes significant, and it is energetically
unfavorable for the electron to be in such a confined space. The electron's kinetic energy would increase to the point where it
would escape the vicinity of the nucleus, preventing it from stably existing within the nucleus.
In summary, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, by setting limits on the simultaneous knowledge of position and momentum,
helps explain why a free electron cannot stably exist within the nucleus of an atom according to classical physics.
Derive the time independent Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimension.
What is the wave function? Give its physical significance and properties.
The wave function, often denoted by the symbol ψ, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It is a
mathematical function that describes the quantum state of a physical system, providing information about the
probability amplitude of finding a particle in a particular state.

Physical Significance:
The wave function's physical significance is related to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. The square of
the absolute value of the wave function, ∣ψ∣2, represents the probability density of finding a particle at a specific
position in space. In other words, the probability of finding a particle in a given region is proportional to the
magnitude squared of the wave function in that region.

Properties of the Wave Function:

1.Normalization: The wave function must be normalized, meaning that the total probability of finding the particle
over all possible positions must be equal to 1. Mathematically, this is expressed as

2.Complex Nature: In general, the wave function is a complex-valued function. The complex nature allows it to
encode both the amplitude and phase information of the quantum state.
3.Continuous or Discontinuous: The wave function can be either continuous or discontinuous, depending on the
system. For example, in the case of a free particle, the wave function can be a continuous function, while in a
potential well, it may be piecewise continuous.
Discuss conditions for laser actions, population inversion and meta stable state
1. Monochromatic (One Wavelength)

2. Coherent (same phase)

Discuss the construction and working of GaAs semiconductor laser.
Discuss the construction and working of GaAs semiconductor laser.
While a computer can trump the human brain in many ways, they can still only essentially read binary or base 10; 0’s and
1’s. This is one of the main reasons a barcode looks the way it does. Think of the black and white as 0’s and 1’s, or on and
Considering what we know about the light reflection, the black parts don’t reflect very well; therefore, they are recorded
as a 1. However, the light scanner recognizes the white sections, so they are seen as 0’s.

Each element of a 1D barcode (1 digit in barcode language) is divided into seven vertical modules consisting of individual
bars and spaces. The computer interprets these groups as 1 digit only. For example, the number 1 is 0011001 (or a series
of spaces and bars). So, while you may not necessarily notice it, there are, in fact, 95 evenly spaced columns on each
barcode, all with separate detailed data.

However, there are a variety of diverse types of barcodes. The most common type is UPC or Universal Product Number
restricted to around 20 alpha-numerical characters. Any more than that would need a QR (2D Barcode) code.
Essentially a barcode is a way to encode information in a visual pattern that a scanner can read. It is a rapid way of
inputting numerical data, and there is no doubt that they make processes much easier and quicker.
Doppler Cooling

This is a mechanism that can be used to trap and slow the motion of atoms in order to cool a substance. In simple terms, a
stationary atom sees the laser neither red nor blue shifted and it does not absorb the photon.

An atom that is moving away from the laser sees it as red shifted; therefore, it does not absorb the photon. However, an atom
moving toward the laser sees it as blue shifted and absorbs the photon, thus slowing down the atom. This photon makes the atom
excited, thus moving an electron to a higher quantum state. The atom re-emits a photon and because of the fact that its direction is
random, there is no net change in momentum over many photons.

The essence of the working principle is that the vast majority of photons that come anywhere near a particular atom are almost
completely unaffected by the atom. This atom is also nearly transparent to most frequencies or colors of photons. A small number of
photons happens to resonate with the atom in a very few narrow bands of frequencies, which is a single color rather than a mixture
of colors like white light.

The atom likely absorbs the photon for a brief moment of time when one of these photons comes closer to the atom. Then the atom
re-emits a similar photon in some random and unpredictable random direction. The common idea that lasers increase the thermal
energy of matter is not major in examining these individual atoms.

If an atom is practically motionless in the sense that it is a cold atom and the frequency of the laser which is focused upon it can be
controlled, most frequencies do not affect the atom as it is invisible to those frequencies. There are therefore only a few points of
electromagnetic frequency that have an effect on that atom. When the atom is at those frequencies, it can absorb a photon from the
laser. This causes it to transition to an excited electronic state as its electron moves to a higher quantum state while also later picking
up the momentum of that photon. The atom must now be expected to drift in the same direction as the photon was traveling
because it now has attained the photon’s momentum.

After a short moment, the atom will now be seen emitting a photon in a random direction, which is caused as it relaxes to a lower
electronic state. The atom will likely give up its attained momentum and become motionless again. This is especially likely if the
photon that the atom emits is in the direction of the original photon. But if the photon is emitted in an opposite direction, the atom
will therefore have to provide momentum in that opposite direction. This means that this atom will have to gain even more
momentum in the direction of the original photon.
This is to be done as so in order to conserve momentum, with double its original velocity. In most cases, the photon usually speeds
away in some other direction, giving the atom some sideways thrust. The frequency can be changed by changing the positioning of
the laser by using a monochromatic laser light that contains a frequency a little below one of the resonant frequencies of this atom.
This is the state at which the frequency will not directly affect the atom’s state.

If the laser was to be positioned so that it was moving towards the observed atoms, then the Doppler Effect would raise its frequency
and at some specific velocity, the frequency would be precisely correct for the atoms contained to begin the absorbing of the
photons. Beginning with a laser frequency that is well below the resonant frequency, the photons from any laser pass through the
majority of atoms.

Atoms that will be moving rapidly towards a certain laser catch the photons of that laser, thus slowing down the atoms until those
atoms become transparent again. That is, atoms that will be rapidly moving away from that laser are transparent to that laser’s
photons, but they are rapidly moving towards the laser but directly opposite it. On a graph of the velocities of the atoms, atoms
moving rapidly to the right correspond with stationary dots far to the right, and atoms moving rapidly to the left correspond with
stationary dots which are far to the left.

There is a narrow band on the left side which is linked with the speed at which those same atoms start absorbing the protons from
the left laser. Atoms in that sideband are the ones that interact with the left laser. When a photon from the left laser bumps into one
of these atoms, it suddenly slows down an amount corresponding to the momentum of the photon. Whereas if the photon is
released by the area some distance directly to the right, then the dot is redrawn that same distance to the left, also putting it back to
the narrow band of interaction. But in most cases, the photon is released by the atom in some random direction and the dot is
redrawn at that same quantum distance in the opposite direction. As the laser frequency increases, there is a contraction in the
boundary, thus pushing all the dots on that graph towards zero velocity. This is the given definition of ‘cold’.

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