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Science, Technology, and Society

Course Code: GEC 2

Credit Unit: 3

Mr. Antonio D. Salvador Jr.

Historical Antecedents in
the Course of Science &
STS theory & the
History of Science
In the development of the history of science
and scientific ideas in the heart of the society,
the histories of the individual scientific
disciplines have played an enormously
significant role to scientific revolution.
The history of STS
science and&technology
theory the is full of
great works that haveofmarked
History Sciencea turning point
in which society is transformed by science and
• discuss how the ideas of science and technology
affected the society and environment and vice

• Identify inventions and discoveries that changed

the world over the course of history; and
• discuss the scientific and technological
development in the Philippines.
Ancient Times
Ancient Times" is the time from the last
centuries of pre-history (usually 4000 BC
in Civilization games) and lasting until just after
the fall of the western Roman Empire in about
500 AD, In the ancient times, people were
concerned withSTS transportation
theory & theand navigation,
communicationHistoryand ofrecord-keeping,
Science mass
production, security and protection, as well as
health, aesthetics and architecture.
Transportation/ Navigation
Transportation was significant during that time
because people were trying to go places and
discover new horizon. They travel to search for
food and find better location for their settlements.
They also travelled to trade their surplus goods in
exchange for things that they lacked.
STS theory & the
Navigation assisted them in their journeys to
History of Science
unfamiliar and strange areas in the world. It
allowed them to return home after they discovered
new places.
Communication/ Record-keeping
Communication was essential in their endeavors to
discover and occupy new places. They needed a
way to communicate with the natives of the areas
they visited so as to facilitate trade and prevent
possible conflicts.
Record-keeping was also important since they
needed to rememberSTS theory & thethey have been to
the places
and document History of Science
the trades they made with each
other. It was also vital to keep record of their history
and culture so they could establish their identities.
Weapons and Armors:
Weapons and armors were important as well in the
discovery of new places or the establishment of
new alliances with other tribes. As such, the
development of weapons and armors for the
security and protection was considered a major
STS theory & the
Conflicts were common especially if different
History of Science
groups struggled to control vital resources. Stronger
nations tended to invade weaker ones so they could
take much needed resources.
Conservation of Life
Health is one of the primary challenge they faced.
The early people might have been successful in
harnessing the rich resources that the world could
provide, but Survival post a great problems.
 Different illnesses and diseases that comes
from natural and man –made.
Given this predicament, science and technology
played a major role in the discovery of cures and if
not the prevention of illnesses.
In order to integrate their needs - for better
 Transportation
 Establishment
 Infrastructures - construction into bigger and
The developmentSTS in this field &
theory allowed
the humans to
build structures that would
History of address
Science their specific
needs and wants. Some of the structures built
during the ancient times still exits today.
Development in engineering also ushered in the
introduction of Architecture. Other might see
architecture as a mere style, but during the
ancient times, elaborate architectural design were
signs of technological advancement of a particular
In the generations to theory & the
come, architecture would be
considered a status of Science
symbol among nations of how
advanced their technology. It is also considered as
establish identity of a nation.
Major Technological Advancement: Ancient Time
The early achievements of the ancient time of
 Sumerian Civilization
 Babylonians Civilization
 Egyptians Civilization
 Greek Civilization
STS theory & the
 Roman Civilization
History of Science
 Chinese Civilization
Describe the gradual application of knowledge up to
the contemporary time.
Sumaria is located on the
southernmost top of ancient
Mesopotamia. They are
known for their high degree
of cooperation with one
another and their desire for
great things. This desire push
them to develop many
things connected with
science and technology.
Contributions of Sumerians: Ancient times
One of the major contributions
of the Sumerians is the
development of the first writing
system. (Ancient History of
Encyclopedia). It is a system that
utilizes word pictures and
triangular symbols which are
carved on clay using wedge
instrument and left to dry.
Uruk City
City of Uruk – It is a great wonder
not only because it is considered
to be the first true city in the
world but also for the way it was
erected using only by mud and
clay from the river, which they
mixed with reeds, producing
sunbaked bricks – a true
engineering feat.

2013 © University of Nizwa

The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Another engineering and
architecture feat in Sumerians
Ancient time known as mountain
of god. Constructed same as the
City of Uruk, using sun-baked
bricks. The temple serves as a
sacred place of their chief. The
temple showcases elaborate and
intricate Sumarian Architecture
but also remarkable technology
used to build it.

2013 © University of Nizwa

Irrigation and Dikes
Sumerians created dikes and
irrigational canal to bring water to
farmlands and at the same time
control the flooding of the rivers.
This method was considered as
one of the world’s most beneficial
engineering works. Through the
dikes and canals, Sumerians were
able to enjoy year-long farming
and harvesting, which increased
their food production.

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Sumerians created sailboats for
transportation. Boats were used
to carry large quantities of
products and were able to cover
large distances.
Sailboats were essential in
transportation and trading as well
as in fostering culture,
information and technology

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Sumerians part of history was the
invention of the wheel since
specialized tools needed to create
it were already available.
The first wheel were made not for
transportation but for farm work
and food processes. With the use
of wheel and axle, mass
production was made easier for
the farmers to mill grains with
less effort in less time.
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Roads (Stone-Paved Made)
Sumerians developed the first
roads in order to facilitate faster
and easier travel.
Roads were made as Stone-pave
of sun-baked bricks that lay down
on the ground. They later poured
bitumen, a black sticky substance
similar to asphalt, to smoothen
the roads.
Babylonian civilization emerged
near the Tigris and Euphrates.
The Babylonians were great
builders, engineers, and
architects. One of their major
contributions is the hanging
garden of Babylon, one of the
seven wonders of the ancient

2013 © University of Nizwa

Hanging Garden
Hanging Garden of Babylon is
one of the greatest wonders
of the world ever existed that
can only marvel by its beauty
from stories of historian and
painting portray. It was said to
be a structure made up of
layers upon layers of gardens
that contained several species
of plants, trees and vines.
Egyptian civilization located in
North Africa, an early civilization
famous of its legacy about
engineering specially regarding
the infrastructures establish by
the pharaohs.
Egyptians have also contributed
other practical things that the
world now consider essential.

2013 © University of Nizwa

Egyptians have also contributed other practical
things that the world now consider essential:
 Paper or Papyrus
Hieroglyphics – System of Writing using symbols
 Cosmetics
 Wig
 Water Clock/ Clepsydra –
widely used as a timekeeping
device during the ancient time
Greece is an archipelago in
the southeastern part Of
Europe. Known as the
birthplace of western
philosophy and mathematics.
Greatest invention includes,
Coliseums and Olympics and
also in Science and
Alarm Clock
One of the most utilized gadgets
today that was invented by the
ancient Greeks. The purpose
was to tell an individual when to
stop or when to start with
complicated mechanism to time
the alarm. They made use of
water, small stones or sand that
dropped into drums which
sounded the alarm.
Water Mill
It is also considered as one of the
most important contribution of
Greek civilization to the world.
It is use commonly in agricultural
 milling of grains – for food
The Roman Empire was
perceived to be the strongest
political and social entity in the
west. It was considered to be
the cradle of politics and
governance during that period.
Because the Roman Empire
was so large, other civilizations
looked up to it as their model
in terms of legislation and
codified laws.
Roman have also contributed other practical
things that the world now consider essential:
 Newspaper
 Bound Books or Codex
Roman Architecture is one of
the most visual contributions of
the ancient Roman Empire to
the world. Roman architecture
was considered a continuation
of Greek architecture. However
Roman architecture was still
regarded as pioneering in
engineering technology on
architectural designs establish
in the past.
Roman numerals were use as a
rate of increasing
communication and trade
among nations specifically to
address the need for standard
It is considered as the oldest
civilization in Asia, if not the
World. Also known as the
middle kingdom, China is
located on the far east Asia. It
was famous among other
ancient civilizations because of
its inventions and contribution
to industry in the ancient time.
China have also contributed other practical
things that the world now consider essential:
 Silk
 Tea Production
China’s Architecture man-made
that could be seen from outer
space is said to be the largest
and most extensive
infrastructure that the nation
built. It was constructed to keep
out foreign invaders and control
the borders of China. Made of
stone, brick, wood, earth and
other materials.
China’s most interesting inventions
is Gun Powder. Mixture of
charcoal, sulfur and potassium
nitrate to create an elixir of life but
then they accidentally invented a
black powder that could actually
generate large amounts of heat and
gas in an instant.
The start of the middle ages was marred by
massive inventions and migrations. Wars
were prevalent during this time and great
technology was needed in the fields of:
 weaponry
navigation STS theory & the
mass food History
and farmofproduction
Trade and commerce among nations
increased, which resulted in greater
demands for transportation technology.
Some of the most innovative minds came
from this period.
Middle ages was theory & theas the Age of
Exploration. History of Science
Printing Press
Johann Gutenberg was able to
invent the printing press, a more
reliable was of printing using a
cast type. He utilizes wooden
machines that extracted
STS theoryjuices
& the
from fruits, attached to ofthem
History a
mental impression of the letter,
and pressed firmly the cast metal
into piece of paper.
Microscope–another invention
in the time of Middle Ages.
Zacharias Janssen develop the
first compound microscope.
Purpose: People were able to
observe organisms STS that were
theory & the
normally unseenHistory
by theofnaked
eye. The key in discovering new
means in preventing & curing
various illnesses.
Telescope–another invention
in the time of Middle Ages.
Galileo was considered the
first to invent the telescope.
Purpose: To help people for
better navigation
STS theory and& the
observed a remote object.of Science
Canon–another invention in
the time of Middle Ages.
It was an idea in 1259 by the
Chinese, which were made
of bamboo tubes with clay
pellets. STS theory & the
Purpose: To help people
History as
of Science
their offensive tools but also
defensive instrument .
The booming world population during the
19th century onwards demanded that more
goods be produced at a faster rate.
The greatest challenge of modern times to
science and technology are :
 Food processing
STS theory & the
 Medicine -History
Health of Science

STS theory & the

History of Science
PETROLEUM REFINERY – (Powering homes &
 Samuel M. Kier – was able to invent
kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene
was later on referred as “illuminating oil”.
The development of kerosene established
STS theory & the
the petroleum refinery industry.
History of Science
Telephone– (Trade and Exploration)
 Alexander Graham Bell’s– invented the

STS theory & the

History of Science
Calculator– (Arithmetic Calculation)
The creation of modern calculators did not only
pave the way for easier arithmetic calculation, but
also resulted in the development of more complex
processing machines like the computer.
STS theory & the
History of Science
Despite being considered a developing country,
the Philippines also contribute to the global
advancement of science and technology. It is
quite remarkable to note the ingenuity of
Filipinos despite the lack of resources.
Many of the discoveries and&
STS theory inventions
the made by
Filipinos were History
Sciencefrom indigenous
materials or created to adapt to the harsh
tropical environment.
Some of the world renounce Filipino
inventions are the following:
Roberto del Rosario invented
the Karaoke Sing-Along
System in 1975. The Filipino
inventor is credited as the only
holder of the karaoke machine
patent and is partially
responsible for the popularity
of karaoke in the Philippines

2013 © University of Nizwa

Some of the world renounce Filipino
inventions are the following:

The Salamander is the brainchild of
Victor Llave and his team at H2O
Technologies, an innovation and
technology company. Designed over
a period of more than 24 months,
the Salamander, even in its earliest
stages, is clearly a testament to the
ingenuity of Filipino engineering.

2013 © University of Nizwa

Some of the world renounce Filipino
inventions are the following:

A salt lamp is an LED lamp powered
by the galvanic reaction of an anode
with salinewater. The anode must be
replaced approximately every six
months and the saline water
daily;sea water is usable. The salt
lamp was invented and is marketed
by Aisa Mijeno, a Filipinoinventor and

2013 © University of Nizwa

Some of the world renounce Filipino
inventions are the following:
A team of researchers from the
Department of Science and Technology
– Industrial Technology Development
Institute bagged the highly-respected
Dangal ng Bayan Presidential Award
which was conferred during the 114th
Philippine Civil Service Anniversary
last month in Malacañang Palace,

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• These inventions are being recognized and
being used all over the world.According to the
Filipino Inventors Society Secretary Fortunato de
la Peña, "we may lack of resources, but our
minds are filled with
knowledge" which STSis theory
true. & the
• As a Filipino, History
we knowofhow to be patient and
how to curl when the
blanket is short meaning, we find ways in every
problem that we face.
List and discuss in groups the Inventions
Filipinos has made.

STS theory & the

History of Science

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