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ACT Road Map

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Level 9, 140 Elizabeth Street NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 672 076 | |
Workshop 1

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Level 9, 140 Elizabeth Street NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 672 076 | |
Recall lecture slides – key factors
Identify three ways the IS organization can be perceived by the rest of
the organization, and how each can influence the IS strategy

Identify six non-technical skills needed to be an effective information

system worker

Identify two benefits of obtaining a certification in an IS subject area

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
• Identify two key management responsibilities in
implementing successful information systems
• State three reasons why organizations employ the Leavitt’s
Diamond model to introduce new systems into the workplace
• Describe four fundamental information system types based
on their sphere of influence

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
• Discuss the traditional and contemporary view of the role that
information systems play in an organization’s value chains
• Identify four benefits of creating a strategic plan
• Identify four drivers that help set the information system
organizational strategy

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
Review and discussion questions
Chapter 1

1.Describe four fundamental information system types based on their sphere of influence.

2.Identify two key management responsibilities in implementing information systems.

3.The four components of Leavitt’s Diamond are technology, processes, structure, and

4.What is the traditional role that IS plays in the supply chain? What is the contemporary role?

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Level 9, 140 Elizabeth Street NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 672 076 | |
Review and discussion questions

5.Identify four key benefits of producing a strategic plan.

6.Identify four drivers that help set the information systems organization

7.Identify three ways the IS organization can be perceived by the rest of the
organization and explain how that perception can affect the IS strategy.
Australian School of Accounting
TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Level 9, 140 Elizabeth Street NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 672 076 | |
Recall Chapter 2

1 2 3 4 5
State four reasons Identify four classes Define the term Identify at least three Identify five
why computer of perpetrators attack vector. commonly used cyberthreats that
incidents have mostly likely to attack vectors. pose a serious threat
become so prevalent. initiate a cyberattack. for organizations.

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
Identify five consequences of Identify five federal laws that
a successful cyberattack. address computer crime.

Discuss how the CIA security

triad can be implemented at
Conduct a security self-
the organizational, network,
assessment of your own
application, and end user
computer and usage habits.
levels to safeguard against

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
Identify eight steps that must be taken to perform a thorough security risk assessment.

Describe five actions an organization must take in response to a successful cyberattack.

Describe the role of a managed security service provider.

Define the term computer forensics.

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
Review and discussion questions
Chapter 2
• 1.Provide four reasons why computer incidents are so
prevalent. Which of these do you think is the most
significant? Why?
• 2. List the four perpetrators most likely to initiate a
• 3. What is the meaning of attack vector?
• 4. Identify three commonly used attack vectors.
• 5. List five cyberattacks that pose serious threats to an

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Level 9, 140 Elizabeth Street NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 672 076 | |

Managers must use information systems to gain competitive advantage

Leavitt’s Diamond helps to successfully introduce new systems into the workplace

Strategic planning helps identify desired outcomes and formulate feasible plans to
achieve objectives

Various IS workers need a variety of skills and certifications

Australian School of Accounting

TEQSA Provider PRV14313 | CRICOS 03847F
Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th
Level 9, 140 Edition.
Elizabeth Street© 2021
NSW 2000 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in1300
Phone: whole or |
672 076 part. |
Computer crime is rapidly growing

Many different types of people responsible for cyberattacks

Summary Many different attack types being used

Countermeasures needed at all levels

• Organizational, network, application, end-user
• Security risk assessments, intrusion detection systems,
authentication methods, and training

Stair/Reynolds, Principles of Information Systems, 14th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or
posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

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