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Pose estimation using

media pipeline

•Submitted By:
• Mohammad Farrukh
Reg no: 398565
• Sajid Ali
Reg no: 366087
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•In this project we have integrate the human pose estimation
algorithms with iot in a closed loop system

•The system utilizes mediapipe library to detect landmarks of

human in order to measure the lengths between different
joints in a body.

•The project encompasses the hardware design involves

analyzing sensor data, typically from camera to understand
and track the poses of individuals or objects.

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Components of the System:

• RFID Module: The RFID

module serves as the primary
identification tool. Each
individual is assigned a
unique RFID tag, and the
RFID module reads these tags
to identify and record

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Components of the System:

• ESP NodeMCU 8266: The ESP NodeMCU 8266

is responsible for processing the RFID data and
facilitating communication with the cloud. Its Wi-
Fi capabilities enable seamless connectivity to the
internet, making it an ideal choice for real-time
data transfer.

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Components of the System:

• Google Sheets: Google Sheets

serves as the cloud-based
repository for attendance data.
When attendance is recorded, the
ESP NodeMCU 8266 securely
uploads the information to a
designated Google Sheets
spreadsheet, providing a centralized
and accessible location for
attendance records

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System Workflow:
• RFID Tag Identification: Individuals carry RFID tags,
which, when brought into proximity with the RFID
module, are identified and their unique IDs are extracted.
• ESP NodeMCU Processing: The ESP NodeMCU 8266
processes the RFID data, associates it with the
corresponding individual, and prepares it for upload.
• Wi-Fi Connectivity: The ESP NodeMCU establishes a
secure Wi-Fi connection and uploads the attendance data
to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
• Real-time Data Access: Authorized personnel, such as
administrators or educators, can access the attendance data
in real-time through the Google Sheets interface, enabling
timely decision-making.

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•Step 1: Install Necessary Libraries

•In the Arduino IDE, install the following libraries:

 MFRC522 library for RFID module.

 LiquidCrystal_I2C library for the LCD module.

 HTTPSRedirect.h library

•Step 2: Store data on Rfid Card

 Serial monitor display and saving the data

Step 3: Google Sheets Setup .

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Thanks for your time

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