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Plant Efficiency

Plant Performance Tracking 2023

Loss 01 – Legal Non-Operating Time

Description: Does not include:

Days not allowed to work due to governmental • Lack of demand
regulations or contracts. • Days where local law and customs allow
operation by providing voluntary work or
extra compensation
Reasons: • Unavailability of labor

• Religious holidays
• Legal mandatory inventory Note:
• Country public holidays
• Country legal holidays • Weekend days when it is not recommended to
work by local authorities have to be part of
Legal Non-Operating time
Loss 02 – No Demand

Description: Does not include:

Hours not scheduled for line production due to • Legal non operating time
lack of market demand or line downtime for the • Force majeure
introduction of new equipment and products • Maintenance time done within Line is out of
following an approved CQV process. Production
• Planned time for tests and trials following
CQV process
• No Demand category can be set only with
approval of Planning department of the plant.
• Lack of market demand.
• Installation, commissioning, qualification and
validation of new equipment ~ CQV Process
Loss 03 – Force Majeure

Description: Does not include:

Line Production stops due to circumstances which • Internal utilities issues
are out of Plant control. • Internal plant fire
• Local labor strikes
• Natural disasters: storm, tornados, hurricanes,
earthquake, flooding, tsunami, fire
• General country strikes
• Utilities supply issues out of our control of the
Loss 04 – Planned Maintenance

Description: Does not include:

Planned line production shutdown to perform • Time to perform autonomous maintenance

maintenance activities. activities
• Projects and tests
• Preparing a line for changeover
• TBM/PM activities based on the maintenance Note:
calendar • Planned Maintenance is planned then it is
• AM Defects resolution
properly reflected in next week production
• Intrusive Condition Based Monitoring (CBM)
plan according to the plant’s weekly
production planning cycle or when the task
comes form Preventive Maintenance program
Loss 05 – Planned Autonomous Maintenance

Description: Does not include:

Planned line production shutdown to perform • Time to perform Planned maintenance
autonomous maintenance activities. activities
• Projects and tests
• Preparing a line to changeover.
• Time to perform scheduled Cleaning,
Inspection, Lubrication, tightening and Note:
removal Defects by operators
• Time to perform activities related to
Loss 06 – Changeovers

Description: Does not include:

The total time to change from one SKU to another • Adjustments required after changeover has
SKU, considering the last good case of packed finished
Finish Good of the prior product to the first good
case of FG of the next SKU to be produced. Note:
• Changeover has finished when Product quality
is in compliance with Quality
Reasons: standard/specification of the SKU and line
reach planned speed and able to run at that
• Time to change from one SKU to another speed stably
• Max ramp up time – see explanation on the
SKU with right application of correct settings Slide 29
in order to have efficient start of the another • No changeover relates stops after changeover
(next) SKU completion
• Allergen changeover or changeover cleaning • Recommended to measure Changeover at
bottle neck machine of Line
for Decaf, flashing are included in changeover • See explanation in the Slide 28 how to treat
time activities in parallel
Loss 07 – Planned Stops

Description: Does not include:

Planned line shutdown to perform specific • Cleaning
activities as scheduled in the production plan • Maintenance
according to plant’s weekly production cycle.
• Time to perform projects not following the
CQV Process. (The GE starts to be measured
in the Verification Phase for projects under
CQV process).
• Time to perform tests (R&D trials)
• Time to perform planned trainings (Safety,
Quality, MOS)
• Time for Line’s team planned meetings
• Meal break (total line has to be stopped with
Loss 08 – Consumables Replacement

Description: Does not include:

Line stoppage to replace/refill of consumables Stoppages to replace/refill consumables due to a
when these are finished due to normal production problem, this will be an unplanned stop:
process/usage. • Minor stoppages
• Breakdowns
• Operational loss
• Time to replace roll of packing material
Loss 09 – Start and Finish Production

Description: Does not include:

Total time to perform all activities to start the • Sanitation
production such as: • Maintenance
Accomplish check list to start/finish the
production, warm-up time/cool down time.
Reasons: • This type of Loss is not applicable for
Lines/Machines running 24/7
• Time to warm-up and perform check list to • This type of Loss is not applicable in case of
start the production no production of Finish Good being produced
• Time to cool down and perform check list to
finish the production
Loss 10 – Labor Management Losses

Description: Does not include:

Any unplanned time that the line is stopped due to • Minor stoppages
management losses. • Breakdowns
• Operational losses

• Waiting for instructions
• Unplanned meeting or time taken for
• Unplanned stoppage due to safety issues in
the line
• Lack of qualified operator to run the line
• Local labor strikes
Loss 11 – Material Shortages

Description: Does not include:

Unplanned time that the line is stopped because • Minor stoppages
packaging materials are not available at the right • Breakdowns
time and place. • Operational losses

• Package Material is not in the line on time to
run the production
• Raw Material is not in the Process on time to
run the production
• Consumables are not in the line on time to run
the production
• Wrong Material delivered - out of
Specification or not in line with BOM
Loss 12 – Minor Stoppages

Description: Does not include:

Unplanned line stoppage with time duration < 10 • Operational losses
minutes. • Breakdowns

Reasons: • This category usually includes stops that are
well under ten minutes and that do not require
• Jam, blockage, crush and obstruct, misaligned maintenance personnel. The underlying
or blocked sensors problems are often chronic.
• Other stoppages < 10 minutes with cause not • In case of automotive data collection system
consider amount of individual minor stops to
immediately identified be able to carucate MTBF.
• Unplanned stoppages to clean the equipment • In case of Maintenance activities to be done on
< 10 minutes the line in order to prevent Breakdown (BD
prevention) – these activities are consider as
Break Down, Operational Loss or Minor
Stoppages based on time used and category
Loss 13 – Breakdowns

Description: Does not include:

Unplanned line stoppage with time-duration ≥ 10 • Minor stoppage
minutes with the need to repair the equipment • Operational losses
component with involvement of maintenance
• Duration of Breakdown has to reflect full
Reasons: duration when the Line is out of operation
• Time to repair equipment component (out – of – service time): from time then the
• Time to replace equipment component line had been stopped due to multifunctioning
till time then the line has been repaired,
adjusted, testes and returned into normal
Loss 14 – Operational Losses

Description: Does not include:

Unplanned Line stoppage with time duration ≥ 10 • Minor stoppages
minutes without the need to replace or repair the • Breakdowns
equipment component.

Reasons: • In case of Maintenance activities to be done
• Problems with Packing material performance on the line in order to prevent Breakdown
(E.g.: foil breakage) (BD prevention) – these activities are
• Equipment adjustments ≥ 10 minutes considered as Breakdown, Operational Loss
• Unplanned cleaning of equipment ≥ 10 or Minor Stoppages based on time used and
minutes category definition.
Loss 15 – Line Delays

Description: Does not include:

Unplanned downtime of any duration where the • Minor stoppage
machine on which GE is measured get stopped • Operational losses
due to a stop of the upstream or downstream • Breakdowns

• Starvation: Upstream equipment is down
• Blockage: Downstream equipment is down
• Internal utility issues
• Internal plant fire
• Starvation of Lines due to delay of process
steps that needs to take place before that Line
Loss 16 – Speed Loss

Description: Does not include:

Equivalent time that the Line is running below the • Any ramp up or ramp down due to another
agreed theoretical cycle time / technical speed for specific losses
the line and the current product (SKU) - Physical
limit due to interaction between machine and Note:
product A (e.g., temperature, centrifugal force, • Speed to be used should be known as technical
acceleration, inertia, reaction time, etc.) limit for the particular line or/and SKUs and has
to be based on the highest output demonstrated
Reasons: during the verification “V” in CQV* in order
to satisfy demand and demonstrate maximum
Line running below the Technical speed due to capacity.
• Pack or Raw material performance which does • In case of highest output speed is not known
not allow the line to run at the targeted engineered design speed can be used.
• Technical Speeds are frozen once per year but
technical speed can be changed based on Plant Manager
• Technical reasons in the line approval with clear reasoning (Technical
• Upstream or downstream process change on the Line, Marketing – new product,
Quality) and appropriate change request process
Loss 17 – Quality Loss

Description: Does not include:

Equivalent time that the line has run and produced • Product on hold does not include product held
due to quarantine time that is part of the
product that fails to meet quality standards and/or product specification e.g. pathogen testing,
time to rework non conforming product to make it sensory evaluation unless it extends beyond
acceptable. the time mandated by the quality plan

Reasons: • Initially this loss must contain the full amount

of FG held due to quality reason. The P E can
• Amount of product which went through later be adjusted after the evaluation of the
quality event is completed and the exact
production line and had to be scraped or quantity of failed product has been determined
reworked (after filler) ~ non RFT. (equivalent time when the line had run and
• Time to rework non conforming product to produced product that fails or/and time spent
make it in specification for rework)
• Quality Loss can be applied only when the
• Finish good not shipped and reworked due to Product is under control of the Plant and did
quality issue not shipped yet. When the Product shipped
Plant Availability = Plant Availability > 95% (Target)

Plant Utilization = Plant Utilization < Plant Availability

Plant Efficiency = Shows how efficient the utilization

time is used by using flowrate.

Maximum Time per Shift = 6 Hour

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