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Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University

Ranchi Jharkhand

Community Ecology

Presented by - Deepa Swati

Semester - Sem III
Session - 2022 - 2024

 Defination
 Characteristics
 Elements of communites
 Size and structure
 Pattern community
Topic – Community Ecology
 Definition

 Community ecology represents the population of all species

living and interaction in an area at a particular time.

 The characteristics of communities. The community exhibit a number of

characteristics,such a diversity,density,dominance,composition
 1-species diversity - a biotic community has producer cosumer and
decomposer because the share a higher percentage of energy flow
 2_Growth and structure –community is usually described in term of growth
 3_Dominance_in each community ,one or a few species dominate either in
number or in physical characteristics or both over the other species .The
dominate species are called _Ecological dominants
 4_succession_sucession is very important in development of develops as a result of directional change in it with
Elements of communities

 1_primary producer _ plants and alge that make food through photosynthesis.
 2_Herbivorous_feed on primary producer
 3_carnivores_(predator)_feed on herbivores
 4-omnivores_feed on plants and animals
Structure and Size

Communities may be small,consisting a few species population in a small space ,

or large , comprising several species populations in a large area .Larger once
extend over areas of several thousands of square km ,as forests, other such as
desert etc.

Very small sized communities are the group of microbes in such micro habitats
as leaf surface , fallen log ,litter ,soil etc.
Pattern Community

 At each stage different species plants and animals may be present.

 As succession progress,new organisms move in, others may die or move out.
 There are two types of succession
 . 1_primary succession
2_secondary succession
Primary Succession
 Primary succession is the beginning step of ecological succession after an extreme
disturbance, which usually occurs in an environment devoid of vegetation and other
 Ecology is studied at the community level to understand how species interact with each
other and compete for the same resources. The interactions among populations of
different species play a major role in regulating population growth and abundance.
Thank You

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