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• FEDERALISM is a system of government in which the

same territory is controlled by two levels of government.
Generally, an overarching national government is
responsible for broader governance of larger territorial
areas,while the smallest subdivisions, states, and cities
govern the issues of local concern .
• During the 2016 election, federalism was supported by President Rodrigo
Duterte saying that it will evenly distribute wealth in the Philippines instead of
focusing in manila; the capital city of the country. As a form of government , a
central governing authority and constituents political units constitutionally share
same sovereignty. Applied to the Philippines, the country will be broken into
autonomous regions. Each region will be further divided into local government
units. The regions will have the primary responsibility of industry development,
public safety and instructions, education, healthcare, transportation and many
more. Each region will also take charge of their own finances, plans for
development and laws for exclusive to their area. The national government, on
the other hand will only handle matters of national interests such as foreign
policy and defense, among others. In this system, it is possible for the central
government and the regions to share certain powers.
• During the 2016 election, federalism was supported by President Rodrigo
Duterte saying that it will evenly distribute wealth in the Philippines instead of
focusing in manila; the capital city of the country. As a form of government , a
central governing authority and constituents political units constitutionally share
same sovereignty. Applied to the Philippines, the country will be broken into
autonomous regions. Each region will be further divided into local government
units. The regions will have the primary responsibility of industry development,
public safety and instructions, education, healthcare, transportation and many
more. Each region will also take charge of their own finances, plans for
development and laws for exclusive to their area. The national government, on
the other hand will only handle matters of national interests such as foreign
policy and defense, among others. In this system, it is possible for the central
government and the regions to share certain powers.
• Our current system is that of unitary form,where administrative powers and
resources are concentrated in the national government. Mayors and governors
would have to rely on allocations provided to them through a proposed budget
that is also approved by the national government, a system is prone to abuse.
• There many pros to federal government . Each region may custom fit solution to
problem brought about by their distinct geographic,cultural, and economic
contexts. Regions also have more power over their finances since they handle
majority of their income and only contributes small portion to the national
government. They can choose to directly fund their own development projects
without asking for the national government’s go signal. A federal system could
also promote specialization,since the national government could focus on
nationwide concerns while regional governments can take care of administrative
• There many pros to federal government . Each region may custom fit solution to
problem brought about by their distinct geographic,cultural, and economic
contexts. Regions also have more power over their finances since they handle
majority of their income and only contributes small portion to the national
government. They can choose to directly fund their own development projects
without asking for the national government’s go signal. A federal system could
also promote specialization,since the national government could focus on
nationwide concerns while regional governments can take care of administrative
• A federal form of government could also solve a lot of decade old problems of
the country. It may be a solution to the conflict in Mindanao, since a separate
Bangsamoro region could be established for muslim Mindanao. It could
addressed the inequality in wealth distribution and lessen the dependence in
metro manila, since region can proceed with what they have to do without
needing to consider the situation in tn the capital.
• A federal form of government could also solve a lot of decade old problems of
the country. It may be a solution to the conflict in Mindanao, since a separate
Bangsamoro region could be established for muslim Mindanao. It could
addressed the inequality in wealth distribution and lessen the dependence in
metro manila, since region can proceed with what they have to do without
needing to consider the situation in tn the capital.
• There are also cons to federalism. While it creates competition among regions, it
could also be challenge to achieving unity in the country. There might be regions
which are not ready to govern themselves, or have lesser resources, which could
mire them deeper in in poverty and make development uneven in the country.
There could be issues regarding overlaps in jurisdiction , since ambiguities may
arise where national ends and regional begins, or vice versa. As a proposed
solution to the conflict in Mindanao, we must also remember that the
autonomous region in muslim Mindanao(ARMM) has already been created, and
the conflict still continues. Federalism may not be enough for those who clamor
• There are also cons to federalism. While it creates competition among regions, it
could also be challenge to achieving unity in the country. There might be regions
which are not ready to govern themselves, or have lesser resources, which could
mire them deeper in in poverty and make development uneven in the country.
There could be issues regarding overlaps in jurisdiction , since ambiguities may
arise where national ends and regional begins, or vice versa. As a proposed
solution to the conflict in Mindanao, we must also remember that the
autonomous region in muslim Mindanao(ARMM) has already been created, and
the conflict still continues. Federalism may not be enough for those who clamor
• Any effort to shift the system of government also entails costs, and it would not
cheap. It would cost billions to dismantle the current system and would take a
long time before the system normalizes and irons out its kinks.
• Any effort to shift the system of government also entails costs, and it would not
cheap. It would cost billions to dismantle the current system and would take a
long time before the system normalizes and irons out its kinks.

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