Good CV and Cover Letter

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How to Make

a Good CV &
Cover Letter

- What can you do?

- What do you want to do?

When you want a job

• Who can do the job
• Fits in the organization

The employer wants a

• Compliment each other (consistent)
• Can work on their own

CV and Application
(Cover) letter
CV Interview
Making a
Vitae -CV
• Your personal, Professional Description
• Concrete, Concise, Informative
• Easy to read with a glance
• Writing to a specific job and/or employer

A good CV is…
1. A date
2. Your picture
3. Your personal Information
• Name
• Contac information
• Date and place of birth, etc.

A good CV has.. (1)

4. Education background
• Degrees
• Current/latest first
• Schools
• Year of graduation/ number of study points/credit
• Major and Minor subject

A good CV has.. (2)

5. Work Experiences
• Title/ position
• Name of employer/company
• Employment period
• Short description of the company
• Task and responsibilities
• What you did
• What you achieve
• In proportion of the company

A good CV has… (3)

5. Skills
• Language Skills
• IT skills
• Proficiency (excellent, good, basic)

6. Position of Trust
- Active participation e.g. students organization
- networks

A good CV has.. (4)

5. Hobbies

• Active Hobbies (positive value)

A good CV has.. (5)

• Don’t assume that the reader understand what you mean
• Different position have different meanings in different
companies (clarity)
• Something that is ordinary for you can be very special
somewhere else
• Don’t take unnecessary risks

A good CV has the

Thinking for the reader
Writing a
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
• Always address to the applied position and/or employer
• Answer the criteria the employer is looking for
• What you have to offer the employer

Cover Letter
1. First paragraph
• Introduce yourself
• Be brief
• Professional perspective
• Why the position and company interest you – show your

Cover Letter
2. Second paragraph
• Your Competence
• Study the job advertisement
• Match the position’s requirements with your relevant
• Be concrete, give examples

Cover Letter
3. Third paragraph
• You as an employee
• Your personality
• The way you work

Cover Letter
4. Last paragraph
• Final Detail
• When you can start
• End salutation

Cover Letter
• Always call, if given the chance
• You will get ideas on that to emphasize on your cover latter
1. keep it short
2. Be clear about what job you are applying for
3. Show that you have researched the company
4. Address it to the right person
5. Use standard business fonts

Five Easy tips

• Application go the career menu (search with keywords)
• Carefully fill in the whole form
• Use complete words, avoid abbreviations
• Tell about your self: cover letter

Applying via employers’

web pages
• Your role and responsibilities on a concrete level
• The result and meaning of your work, significance for the
• Who you’ve worked with
• What tools you’ve worked with
• The scale and proportion of your work; comparison to
other tasks.

The employer is
interested in…
Make your own (1) CV and (2) Cover letter –
situation: 10 years from now (2031) -

based on one of the following advertisements


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