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FinTech Innovations:

Transforming Digital Banking

Presented by Rico Lim

• Define the role of artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain in
digital banking.

• Explore the current trends and developments in digital banking.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in
Digital Banking

Risk Optimization Enhanced Customer Support

AI can analyze large amount of data to identify patterns Provides personal customer support and helps customer
of suspicious activity real time. with their task and queries.
Role of Augmented Reality
in Digital Banking
• Facilitating Decision-Making
Banks offer customer a new way to interpret banking info, making it
easier to comprehend complex financial data and helps customer to
• make
Facilitating Decision-Making
more informed decisions in their finances .

• Visualizing Banking Information

• Visualizing Banking Information
Used to display various digital info such as charts, graphs and other
data in a visual or interactive way.
Blockchain in Digital Banking

Smart Contracts

Automated self-executing contractual agreements.

Financial Inclusion

Include more people in digital banking

VII. Current Trends

Rise of Neobanks Mobile Payments Revolution

All transactions are done online, it’s secure and Make transaction anytime, anywhere. Faster transaction
convenient than traditional banks. process.
In summary, this topic underscores the pivotal role of FinTech innovation,
specifically focusing on the roles and impact of artificial intelligence, augmented
reality, and blockchain in the area of digital banking. As we navigate this era of
technological innovation, financial institutions are urged to embrace these
innovations not only to meet current customer expectations but also to anticipate
and cater to the evolving needs of the market.
Thank You !!!

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