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Artficial Intelligence Technologies

in Education
Presented by: Rochelle Carmona
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the education sector

Introducing the basic concepts

Benefits and challenges related to its implementation

Modern AI systems and tools

Research into artificial intelligence (AI) has tended
to increase for a number of reasons.
AI in EducatIon
By design, intelligent technology is a method which uses knowledge to
achieve concrete purpose in efficiency.

AI Concepts

AI Technologies


aI concepts
Future Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
aI Technologies
With the advent of AI in the mid-1950s to the present day,
the proliferation of its methods and techniques has made it
possible to develop intelligent systems which are
increasingly relevant in education and training.

Automated Feedback loops Personalized

Grading for teachers learning

Adaptive learning AI-powered anti-

(AL) cheating system

Strategy maturity

Data governance Infrastructure

Strategy Implementation Model
The model of the implementation process consists of five stages:

Monitor and support

Test and evaluate

Implement and configure

Design and specify

Plan and analyze

To sum up, the role and impact of artificial
intelligence has increased in the education
and learning contexts. The academic sphere
is becoming more effective and personalized
on the one hand, as well as global, context-
intensive (multi-cultural) and asynchronous
on the other.

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