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The Philippines

A Century Hence
(Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos)

Hist 131: Readings On Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings

Subtitle Prof. Alfonso C. Balbin, Jr CI

February 28, 2019
Backgrounding this Essay:
1. Written in 5 installments in
La Solidaridad in 1889

2. The Centennial of the French Revolution

provided the backdrop.
• Even predicted that the forces that brought about the
French revolution could prove to be disastrous for Spain in
the Philippines.

3. The 21st year celebration of the Spanish

▪ The Core of the Essay is about socio-
economic and political reforms in the
▪ That unless the reforms demanded were
granted, the Philippines will declare
itself independent from Spain.
Compelling reasons to Grant the needed reforms in
the Philippines.

▪ The Philippines had been under Spain for 300 years; she deserved to be
assimilated. It’s within her right to demand it.
▪ The period was rosy for Spain to grant it—no external enemies to deal
with, navy and army have improved; the bureaucracy better organized;
communication between Philippines and Madrid was quicker and more
dependable, etc.
▪ The Filipinos have remained loyal to Spain for three centuries.
▪ The Filipinos fought side by side with Spain against different casts of
enemies in the Philippines and in the region.
▪ The progress of the Filipinos was unstoppable.
So What Becomes of the Philippines
in a Hundred Years?
Fall into t
hands of Ally i
ts e l f t
another anoth o
ol on ial power er
C natio

To establish a
government of
their own (Federal PIN
Republic) Philippines
I L IP Spanish

ende Spanish
Reforms Demanded by the Filipinos:
1. Free Press — will help Spain govern the Philippines from afar.
▪ Spaniards said: “that freedom of the press is dangerous”.
▪ Rizal said: “History says: uprisings and revolutions have always occurred in
countries tyrannized over, in countries where human thought and the human
heart have been forced to remain silent. If the great Napoleon had not
tyrannized complain in a language unknown to the author­ ities over the press,
perhaps it would have warned him of the peril into which lie was hurled and
have made him understand that the people were weary and the earth wanted
peace. Perhaps his genius, instead of being dissipated in for­ eign
aggrandizement, would have become inten­ sive in laboring to strengthen his
position and thus have assured it. Spain herself records in her history more
revolutions when the press was gagged. What colonies have become independent
while they have had a free press and enjoyed liberty? Is it preferable to
govern blindly or to govern with ample knowledge?
▪ Spaniards said: “free press would endanger the ruler’s prestige, that pillar of spurious governments”.
▪ Rizal said: “We answer that the prestige of the nation is preferable to that of a
few individuals. A nation acquires respect, not by abetting and concealing
abuses, but by rebuking and punish­ ing them”.
2. Representative or two in the Spanish

Objections by the Spaniards:

a. Filipinos deputies are unruly; may become

political trimmers, or act properly.
b. The deputies become separatists.
c. The deputies smell like Igorots
3. Reforms in Education.

4. Reforms in the Justice System

Justice is the foremost virtue of the

civilizing races. It subdues the barbarous
nations, while injustice arouses the weakest.

5. Reforms in the government service through

competitive exam.
Lesson Exam (10 minutes)


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