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Effect of

Temperature in
the Speed of
Identify whether the given situations
shows kinetic or potential energy.
•A book resting above the table.
•A rock rolling down a mountain.
•A man jumping off a plane to sky dive.
Lesson Objectives:

1.describe how sounds are produced;

2. explain how temperature affects

the speed of sound;

3.give examples of real life situations
about sound refraction.
Guess the Words
Determine the words associated with sound waves. Some of the concepts
and terms in the game were discussed in Science Grade 7 Quarter 3 as
part of lesson within the curriculum.

1. The degree of hotness or coldness of a material. T_ _P_ _AT_ _E

2. A medium in which sound travels the fastest. SO_I_
3. Space where sound waves are unable to travel. V_C_U_
4. Repetition of sound caused by the reflection of sound waves. E_H_
5. Material through which sound waves can travel. _ED_ _M

Speed of Sound
Directions: The table below shows the speed of sound in air at
various temperatures. Plot the data provided and answer the
questions that follow.
Temperature ( C)
Speed (m/s)

0 331
5 334
10 337
20 343
1.Based on the graph, what happens to the
speed of sound as temperature increases?
2.What is the relationship of temperature
to the speed of sound in air?
Directions: Study the picture below. Analyze carefully how temperature
affects the speed of sound.
Guide Questions:

1.Based from the thermometer readings, which of the

three places has highest temperature? Lowest?
2.In which place does sound travel fastest? Slowest?
Based on the picture above, how can you relate
temperature to the speed of sound?
1. Why are concerts held at night?
Making Generalizations
I learned that our lesson is all about__________________.

I found out that__________________________________.

Finally, I have learned
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write your answers before each number.

1. How are sounds produced?

a. Through electricity
b. Through vibration of particles
c. Through electromagnetic waves
d. Through changes in the temperature
2. What is the speed of sound at dry air (0OC)?
e. 331 m/s
f. 335 m/s
g. 333 m/s
h. 334 m/s
3. What happens to the speed of sound as the temperature increases?
i. Constant
j. Decreases
k. Increases
l. Cannot be determined.
3. Which of the following is an application of sound refraction?
a. echo sounding c. concerts held at night
b. apparent depth d. use of curtains to minimize noise

4. Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship of the speed of sound and temperature?
c. The lower the temperature, the faster the sound travels.
d. The higher the temperature, the faster the sound travels.
e. The higher the temperature, the slower the sound travels.
f. Sound travels at the same speed in high and low temperature.
What are the different properties of

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