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Shreya Bhanja
Assistant Professor
The Neotia University
Alcoholism is a chronic relapsing disease
characterized by denial and inability to discontinue its
use despite knowing its adverse consequences.
A person is considered to suffer from chronic
alcoholism if his use of alcohol is up to such extent
that it interferes with successful physical and social
 The term “Alcoholism” means alcohol abuse or alcohol
dependency and describe the pattern of drinking which is
harmful to the individual or to him/her family.
 It is an addiction because there is-
 i. development of tolerance.
 ii. Inability to control its use.
 iii. Spending a great deal of time associated with alcohol use.
 iv. Giving up important activities for drinking.
 v. continuous use of alcohol in spite of physical and
psychological consequences.
 vi. Development of withdrawal symptoms or sudden stoppage
of use
The National Council on alcohol and drug dependency
and The American Society of Addiction Medicine
defines Alcoholism as “ a primary, chronic disease
characterized by impaired control over drinking,
preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol
despite adverse consequences, and distortions in
USE: refers to simple use of substances. An individual
who drinks any alcoholic beverage is using alcohol.
MODERATE USE: is defined as no more than two
alcoholic beverages per day for men and no more than
one alcoholic beverage per day for women.
ABUSE: is often used to refer to the illegal use of any
substances, use of prescription medication in excess of
the prescribed dosage or use of a prescription drug
without a prescription, and sometimes refers to use that
result in long term health problems.
 Men are more likely to have alcohol related health problems
and others than those of women.
 Cheaper the price of alcohol higher the consumption.
 Important level of ethanol in blood:
 Effect of drinking depends on the amount of ethanol
consumed per unit of body weight.
 Legal intoxication in the blood, alcohol concentration of at
least 80-100mg per deciliter.
 Behavioral, psychomotor and cognitive changes are seen at
level as low as 20-30 mg per deciliter.
 Drinking become hazardous at level above 21units per week
for men and 14units per week for women.
Nutrient value of Alcohol?
1gm of ethanol gives 7.1kcl of energy. These are
empty calories without any nutrients such as minerals,
protein and vitamins.
Social problems due to Alcoholism:
Absenteeism from work.
Child abuse.
Financial difficulties.
Problem with laws.
Marital tension.
Undue violence.
Psychological problems associated with
chronic Alcoholism:
Committing suicide and attempt for committing
Morbid, jealousy- a person develops a fear of
rejection, violence.
Acute alcoholic hallucination ( 20-25% of alcoholic
admitted in general hospital)
Loss of memory and loss of personality.
“Korsakoff’s Psychosis” (it is found in 10% of male
alcoholic, patient has to be admitted in mental
Physical problems due to Alcoholism:
Myopathy: any disease that affects the muscle that
control voluntary movement in the body. Patients
experience muscle weakness due to a dysfunction of
the muscle fibers.
Hypertension .
Cirrhosis of liver.
Wernick’s encephalopathy- acute neurological
Cancer of liver, oesophagus, oral etc.
Super added infection like T.B
High dosage of vitamin.
Psycho therapy
Drug therapy.
Withdrawal syndroms:
It develops at least 24-48hours of having last drink.
Sign and symptoms include- nausea, tremour,
depression, headache etc.
It is a self help group has started in 1935 by Dr. Bob
and Dr. Bill in the city of Ohio. It includes the
functions of psychotherapy and mentality development
programs for alcoholic person. The name and details of
the person should not be revealed.
Rehabilitation of the Alcoholic:
 There are 2 general categories-
 Attempt to help the alcoholic to achieve and maintain high
level of motivation towards abstinence.
 Make patient’s educated about alcohol and friends and
family are taught to protect the alcoholic from problem
caused by alcohol.
 Helping the patient to read just live without alcohol to
establish a functional lifestyle through personal counseling,
vocational rehabilitation and family support.
 After completing alcoholic rehabilitation, 60% or more of
the middle class alcoholic maintain abstinence for at least 1
year and very few for a life time.
Genetic factors:
It runs in families, children of alcoholics consume 4
times more than the children of non alcoholic. So if
father is alcoholic, children are having greater risk.

Poor stress management skills, loneliness, desire to
escape from reality, a sense of adventure, pleasure
seeking. Emotionally immature, need for praise and
Low frustration tolerance, feeling of inadequacy.
Psychological trauma during childhood as disturbed
parent child relationship.
Inferiority, low self esteem, poor impulse control.
Disorders like depression, anxiety, phobia are prone to
consume as an escape.

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