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Research Topic Proposal

Group : 4
Student’s Name:
1.Gontinias, Cristina A.
2.Malinao, Alyza Mae G.
3.Sanay, James Andrew B.
4.Sta. Romana, Aldrich A.
5.Endaila, Datu Aljuhari D.

Track & Strand: TVL-ICT-CSS

Grade & Section: 11-Matthew

Research Topic: The Lack of Facilities and Equipment at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior
High School
Primary Research Question/Objective: To Identify the Effects of the Lack of Facilities and
Equipment on the Performance of TVL Students at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High
School, Year 2023-2024
Research Title: The Effects of the Lack of Facilities and Equipment in the Performance of TVL
Students at General Pantaleon Garcia SHS

Specific Questions:

1. W h a t e s s e n t i a l t o o l s o r e q u i p m e n t a r e l a c k i n g i n T V L c l a s s r o o m s ,
and how does this affect hand-on learning experiences?

2. H o w d o T V L s t u d e n t s p e r c e i v e t h e i r c a r e e r p r o s p e c t s c o n s i d e r i n g
the challenges posed by the lack of facilities?

Frazier, L. M. (1993, May 1). Deteriorating School Facilities and Student Learning. SciSpace - Paper.

VP Sara: Lack of school facilities still basic education’s main problem. (2023, January 30).
GMA News Online.

Lack of facilities hounds first day of classes in public schools. (2023, August 29). GMA News Online.

Sheets, M. E. (2009, May 1). The relationship between the condition of school facilities and certain
educational outcomes, particularly in rural public high schools in texas. SciSpace - Paper.

Poor facilities in public schools. (n.d.). Education in the Philippines.

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