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Speaking Class

Phrasal Verbs
# First day
1) Turn On: Switch on, make something function
2) Turn off: Switch off
3) Right away: Immediately, instantly
4) Get in: to enter, ride a vehicle
5) Get out: to exit, to leave a vehicle
6) Put on: to wear
7) Take off: to change clothes, remove clothes
8) Run after: follow, chase
9) Run away: escape, flee
10) Find out: understand, get information
Speaking Class
Phrasal Verbs
# Second day
1) Sooner or later: eventually, finally, after a long time
2) Get up: to stand up, to arise from bed
3) Wake up: wake, awaken
4) Dress up: to wear formal clothes
5) Look for: search, investigate
6) Little by little: step by step, gradually
7) All right: okay, fine, acceptable
8) All along: all the time, from the beginning to present time
9) Never mind: don’t be concerned, ignore what was said,
not important
10) To lie down: to recline, stretch back
Speaking Class
Phrasal Verbs
# Third day
1) To take one’s time: to do without rash
2) On purpose: deliberately, for a reason, not accidental
3) Take part in: participate, be in on, being involoved
4) So far: until now, up to now
5) To take a walk/ stroll: to go for a walk or stroll
6) To try on: wearing clothes to check it, try or test
7) To think over: consider carefully, speculate
8) To take a trip: to go on a journey
9) Take place: happen, occur
10)Look out: watch out, be careful or cautious
Speaking Class
Phrasal Verbs
# Fourth day
1) Get back: return, come back
2) Catch cold: become sick with a cold of the nose or throat
3) Make up one’s mind: to reach a decision, to decide
4) Change one’s mind: to alter one’s opinion or decision
5) For good: permanently, forever
6) Put off: to cancel, postpone
7) Under the weather: not feeling well, sick
8) Make friend: to become friendly with others
9) Out of order: not working, destroyed
10) Get to: arrive, reach in a place
Speaking Class
Phrasal Verbs
# Fifth day
1) To look over: examine, check, inspect
2) Go on: keep on, continue, to happen
3) Put out: extinguish fire, turn off
4) To be over: to be finished, to end
5) To get better/well/sick/old/tired…: to become better/well…
6) Figure out: to find a solution, solve, to understand
7) Over and over (again): repeatedly, time after time
8) Throw away: discard, dispose
9) To go out: to stop functioning, to stop burning, to leave a place
10) Out of the question: impossible, not feasible
Speaking Class
Phrasal Verbs
# Sixth day
1) To be in charge of: to have responsibility for
2) As soon as: just after, when
3) Get in touch with: contact, communicate
4) To have a good time: to enjoy
5) In no time: very quickly, rapidly
6) To make sure: to be sure, ascertain
7) Now and then: sometimes, occasionally
8) To get rid of: eliminate, remove, discard
9) Mix up: shake well, to confuse, bewilder
10) By heart: by memorizing

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