Lesson 3 Patterns

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Lesson 3: Patterns of

Development in Writing
Parts of a Paragraph
Topic Sentence – shows the main idea of the
paragraphs. Supports the thesis by clearly
stating a main point in the discussion;
announces what the paragraph will be about;
and controls the subject matter of the
Supporting Details – pieces of
information that provide specific details to
the idea.
Conclusion – a restatement or a summary
of the ideas discussed in the paragraph.
Supporting Details – pieces of
information that provide specific details to
the idea.
Conclusion – a restatement or a summary
of the ideas discussed in the paragraph.
A.) Narration is a basic strategy used by
writers in presenting action or tells a story or
recount and event. It can be fiction or non-
fiction. (about, after, as soon as, at this point,
eventually, meanwhile, prior to, soon, today,
Extended narrative or a long episode that
by itself illustrates or supports an essay’s
Brief narrative of a shorter incident that is
often used in a body paragraph.
Objective Narration presents facts to
create an accurate time line of events.
Subjective Narration conveys the
impressions, feelings, insights or a point of
How to write effective narration:
a. Determine your purpose. (What is your reason for
telling the story)
b. Select an appropriate point of view. (Are you
speaking from a first-person point of
view or by an omniscient-all knowing-narrator?)
How to write effective narration:
c. Follow a logical time sequence. (When did the
story happen?)
d. Use details to present the setting. (How can you
describe the story? Use vivid
How to write effective narration:
c. Follow a logical time sequence. (When did the
story happen?)
d. Use details to present the setting. (How can you
describe the story? Use vivid
How to write effective narration:
e. Make your characters believable. (Who are your
characters? What do they feel?
How do they look)
f. Use dialogue realistically. (What important did the
character say?)
B.) Description draws or creates in words a
picture of a person, place, object, feeling, or
event. It is creating impressions and images
through words that appeal to the reader’s
senses. (above, amidst, beneath, beyond, by,
farther, here, on)
Types of Description
1. Informative/ Objective Description -
describes physical properties and
Ex. The man sitting on the green arm chair is
my best friend.
2.Evocative/Impressionistic- conveys
moods and feelings
Ex. The bluish white face of the man
gave me a hint that he is already lifeless
C.) Definition gives the meaning of a term
or concept. Definition can be used to
provide an interpretation of a vague,
controversial or misunderstood term; (is
defined as, as defined, means, refers, to
define, to illustrate)
Three ways of Defining a Term
1. A one-sentenced logical
definition is made up of only one
sentence with three elements:
Term – the word or phrase to be defined
Genus – class where the term belongs,
Differentia –characteristic that makes the term different
from the other members of the class.
Ex: Creosote is a thick oily liquid made by distilling coal
or wood tar.
2. Dictionary Definition is the meaning to a
word given by a dictionary. This is the literal
meaning of the word based in the following
•Spelling •Tense •Function
3. Extended Definition explains something with the use
of several related sentences.
D.) Comparison and Contrast Comparisons serve two
purposes: to explain differences between subjects or to
persuade readers that one subject is superior than others
(also, both, equally, likewise, similarly, but, conversely,
despite, instead, however, nonetheless, on the contrary,
otherwise, unlike, whereas, yet)
3. Extended Definition explains something with the use
of several related sentences.
D.) Comparison and Contrast Comparisons serve two
purposes: to explain differences between subjects or to
persuade readers that one subject is superior than others
(also, both, equally, likewise, similarly, but, conversely,
despite, instead, however, nonetheless, on the contrary,
otherwise, unlike, whereas, yet)
E.) Cause and Effect t is a method of development
in which the writer analyzes the reason(s) for an
action, event, or decision; or analyzes resulting
consequences to support a point. Cause and effect
essay focus on why things happen (causes) and
what happens as a result (effect).

Due to
For the reason that

As a consequence
As a result
So that
The advancement in technology and economy has created major changes in modern society.
One of these changes is globalization. As we know, globalization has affected the world in
many ways. First, it served as a catalyst in worldwide trading, thus allowing countries to
access foreign products. Although this had positive effects, it also posed a real threat to the
merchandise of local traders. Second, globalization affected the financial market. As a result,
different countries had more access to funds, and the exchange in the national currencies
dramatically increased. Finally, globalization also led to the privatization of various facilities,
such as public health institutions. These institutions were being privatized due to the idea that
the private sector can better manage and provide health services. In consequence, health
policies become more and more of a commodity on a global scale.
F.) Problem – Solution arranges the ideas
from the discussion of the problem of concern
to the outlining of the solutions. (but, first,
nonetheless, one reason for the, one way is)
Today, most of the energy resources we have are generated from coal, oil, and natural gas.
However, these resources are limited. If continuously consumed at an alarming rate, fossil
fuels necessary for generating power to operate vehicles and factories will run out before long.
Nonetheless, this problem can be resolved using alternative sources of energy and
conservations efforts. First, using alternative sources of energy such as solar energy and
fusion energy would lessen pollution. These alternatives are more accessible and cost-
efficient. Although there are some potential risks in using fusion energy, these risks can be
mitigated by implementing strict safety measures. The second solution that governments can
adopt is the enhancement of conservation efforts. To do this, the governments need to make
the public more aware of the benefits of conservation, as well as ways of conserving energy,
such as recycling. Laws can also be passed to mandate the public and all stakeholders to
recycle energy.
Activity #2
Will be given on thursday

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