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• Have you ever been hurt by something someone said to

you in the classroom or at school?

Have you ever felt angry at something someone said to


Has anyone ever felt angry with you because you said
something they didn’t like?
Misunderstandings usually lead to conflict at
school or in the classroom
What can we do to improve our
communication skills?
Watch the video about respectul communication,
stop it when instructed and discuss the questions
with your classmates
Using polite epressions
Read the following statements? Tick the polite
 Can you lend me a pen?
 Give me a pen
 Go away
 Could you give me five minutes? I’ll complete the
exercise and then talk to you.
 Move out of the way
 Excuse me
 Stop it
 Would you mind not shouting, please?
Read the following situations How
would you solve these conflicts politely?
 The boy/ girl who sits behind you keeps kicking your
 It’s a very cold morning. Your partner is wearing a
sweater and a jacket. He says it’s hot in the classroom
and opens the window. You close it but he opens it
 You are writing a composition during your English
class. Your parnter shouts at you: “You’ve stolen my

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