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1 Grab a pen and paper!

2 Listen carefully to your teacher. Your teacher

will read out a description of a scene or animal.

3 Draw as many details as you can. Try

guess what the scene might look like!

4 Once done, show your classmates your pictures.

Listen carefully.

This is a picture of a food that you can

make sandwiches with. The food is in a
clear plastic bag, sitting on a table.

Can you guess what the picture looks like?

Did you get it right?

Now you try! Draw the

items that you hear.
Challenge 1

Click to reveal description

This picture is a pink bird walking through

water. It has long legs, a long neck, and a black
beak. The water is showing the reflection of the

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 2

Click to reveal description

This is a picture of a small animal that lives in

ponds and rivers. It’s green, has four legs, and
has a very long tongue. It’s trying to eat a

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 3

Click to reveal description

This is a picture of a girl in a striped

T-shirt. She has her arm stretched out. She’s
taking a selfie.

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 4

Click to reveal description

There is a boy holding a magnifying glass. He’s

looking at a very small, slimy
animal: it’s green and has a shell.
It’s sitting on some plants.

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 5

Click to reveal description

This is a picture of a very colourful bird. It’s

sitting on a branch. It has a beak that’s green,
red, orange and blue. Its feathers are yellow
and black.

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 6

Click to reveal description

This is a picture of a round, cheesy food that is

from Italy. Someone is lifting up one slice, and
the melted cheese is stretching down to the

Click to reveal picture

Challenge 7

Click to reveal description

This is a snowy picture. There is a man made of

snow – he is made out of three snowballs. He’s
wearing a hat and scarf. He has a carrot for a
nose, and sticks for arms.

Click to reveal picture

Final Challenge!

Click to reveal description

There is a big grey animal. He has a long trunk

and big ears. He’s standing on something white
and fluffy, that you can normally see in the sky.

Click to reveal picture

Did you get them right?

Thanks for playing!

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