Drio and Fernandez. (Family Case Study)

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In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

community health nursing rle

Submitted by: Drio, Kent Mico D.

Fernandez, Kristine Jade
Student Nurse
Submitted to:
Hacermida, Kathryn Ann B. RN, MAN
Clinical Instructor
Accomplished family survey form
First level assessment
* Important DATA *

a. Presence of health threat

Risk for respiratory diseases r/t air pollution

Mrs. Joann Viray frequently covers her nose when the

wind carries unpleasant odors from the nearby dumpsite. She
presents with a resting RR of 10 BPM, a BP of 140/90 mmHg, and is
First level assessment
* Important DATA *

b. Presence of health deficit

Failure to thrive for normal blood pressure r/t unhealthy
lifestyle r/t unhealthy lifestyle

At the age of 40, Mrs. Joann Viray is at risk of

hypertension, given her elevated blood pressure of 140/90, which
exceeds the normal range. Her daily caloric intake surpasses the
recommended limit of 2,000 calories. Mrs. Joann's BMI falls within
the obese category, and she engages in limited physical activity.
First level assessment
* Important DATA *

c. Presence of health threat

Risk for Vector-Borne diseases r/t Presence of breeding or
resting sites of vectors of diseases

Mrs. Joann Viray exhibited a sudden physical reaction,

slapping her body, indicative of insect bites, presumably caused by
mosquitoes. Despite the presence of visible insect bite marks
discernible upon assessment, Mrs. Viray denies the existence of
mosquitoes within her residence.
second level assessment
* Important DATA *

The family is in risk for Mrs. Joann lacks physical

respiratory diseases r/t air activities that lead to high
blood pressure (Presence of
pollution (Presence of Health
Health Deficit)
Threat) Lack of/inadequate knowledge about
Lack of or inadequate knowledge the disease/health condition (nature,
severity, complications, prognosis and
Poor home/environmental management)
condition/sanitation: air pollution due to
nearby dumpsite Lack of or inadequate knowledge and
skill in carrying out the necessary
e (e.g. complex therapeutic regimen or
healthy lifestyle program)
second level assessment
* Important DATA *

Risk for Vector-Borne diseases r/t

Presence of breeding or resting sites of
vectors of diseases (Presence of Health Threat)
Attitude/philosophy in life which hinders
recognition/acceptance of a problem;
Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and
supplies for care;
Absence of responsible member;
Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation: presence
of breeding or resting sites of vector of diseases
nursing diagnosis
Important assessment findings that supports the
Typology of Nursing Problems
Important assessment findings that supports the
Typology of Nursing Problems
Important assessment findings that supports the
Typology of Nursing Problems
Chapter 3 Prioritization of family
nursing problem
Computation for prioritization and ranking of fndx
Family Nursing care
Chapter 4 plan with nursing
Family nursing care plan with evaluation
Inspirational quotes about family nursing care

“Way back before you were born, God knew that there
was a need. So God picked your fertile heart and
planted a caring seed. Then He waited and He
watched. Knowing before too long, the desire in you to
help others will continue to grow strong”

-Edwin C. Hofert, The Calling


Barnard, A. (2023). Family. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/family- kinship

Janssen, S., et al.(2019). A Cross-Sectional Study on the Relationship between the Family Nutrition Climate and Children’s

Nutrition Behavior. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6836050/

Nuclear Family Meaning: What is it and why is it called Nuclear Family. (2022). Marca Review. https://

To God Almighty, Jesus Christ, in order to make this case study posible and safe.
Thank you

To Purok Chieftain and Barangay Captain Esoy for allowing us to freely conduct our
courtesy and interventions in their community.

To Viray Family, who became our interviewee and spared us their time for many

To our Community Nursing RLE Clinical Instructor, Ma’am Kathryn Ann B.

Hacermida RN MAN and Ma’am Jenny Soliman for their guidance towards learnings
and lessons about community nursing.

Thank you! Accomplishing this is not easy, but with your supports and guides. It is
now accomplished.

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