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Section H


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New technologies have become central to the lives of

every individual in this planet. Whether you are
talking on the phone, sending an electronic mail,
going to the back, using the library, watching news
on television, going to the doctor, catching flight, or
seeing a movie, you are using ICT. Almost everything
that we do in the modern world is influenced by the
new technologies.

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DICT Roadmap
In our country, the Department of Information and Communication
Technology (DICT) has formulated a roadmap to guide all agencies in the
utilization, regulation, and enhancement of ICT. Each project has a
corresponding policy statements and guidelines. The ICT for Education
(ICT4E) is a program under the DICT that supports all the efforts of the
education sector in incorporating the use of ICT as well as in determining
and gaining access to the infrastructure (hardware, software,
telecommunications facilities, and others) which are necessary to use
and deploy learning technologies at all levels of education.

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7 Programs that have applications
to education, teaching, and
1.ICT in education Masterplan for all levels, including a
National Roadmap for faculty Development in ICT in Education.
A National Framework Plan for ICTs in Basic Education was
2.Content and application development through the Open
Content in Education Initiative (OCEI) which converts DepEd
materials into interactive multi-media content, develop applications
used in schools, and conduct students and teachers’ competitions to
promote the development of education-related web content.
3. PhedNET is a “walled” garden that hosts educational learning
and teaching materials and applications for use by the Filipino
students, their parents and teachers. All public high schools will
be part of this network with only DepEd approved multi-media
applications, materials and mirrored internet sites accessible from
school’s PCs.
4.Established Community eLearning Centers called eskwela for
out-of- school youth (OSY) providing them with ICT enhanced
alternative education opportunities.
5.eQuality Program for Tertiary education through partnerships
with state universities and colleges (SUCs) to improve quality of IT
education and the use of ICT in education in the country, particularly
outside of Metro Manila.
6.Digital Media Arts Program which builds digital media skills
for government using Open-Source technologies. Beneficiary
agencies include the Philippine Information Agency and the other
government media organizations, the Cultural Center of the
Philippines, National Commission for Culture and Arts and other
government art agencies, State Universities and Colleges and
other local government units.

7.ICT skills strategic plan which develops an inter-agency

approach to identifying strategic and policy and program
recommendations to address ICT skills demand-supply type.
Some Issues on ICT
and Internet Policy
and Regulations

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Global Issues
Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues in ICT
Policy which are crucial to the modern society. The other
concern is civil liberties which refer to human rights and
freedom. These include freedom of expression, the right to
privacy, the right to communicate and intellectual
property rights. Access of the Use of Internet and ICT.
Access means the possibility for everyone to use the
internet and other media. In richer countries, basic access
to internet is almost available to all with faster broadband
connections. There are still countries where access to
internet is still a challenge.
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Issue No 1: Freedom of Expression and Censorship
Under international human rights convention, all people are
guaranteed the rights for free expression. However, with the shift
from communicating through letter, newspapers, and public
meetings to electronic communications and on- line networking, a
need to look into how these new means modifies the
understanding of freedom of expression and censorship.
Issue No. 2: Privacy and Security
Privacy policies are an issue. Most commercial sites have a
privacy policy. When someone uses a site and clicks “I agree”, it is
as if you have turned over private information to any authority
that may access it.
Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Data
The use of electronic communications has enhanced the development
of indirect surveillance, there is no direct contact between the agent
and the subject of surveillance, but evidence of activities can be traced.
The new and powerful form of indirect surveillance is dataveillance.
Dataveillance is the use of personal information to monitor a person’s
activities while data retention is the storage and use of information
from communication system.
Issue No. 4: E-pollutants from E-waste

Large amount of e-waste is generated by ICT. These are, terminal

equipment's used for computing (PCs, laptops), broadcasting
(television and radio sets), telephony (fixed and mobile phones) and
peripherals (fax machines, printers, and scanners). The accumulated
e-waste is due to rapid turnover of equipment due to rapid
improvement of software. While material waste can be destroyed
by crushing, toxic material brought about by the different
equipment requires utmost management.
Implications to
Teaching and Learning

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For the Teachers and Teaching
1.Guide the teachers on what they should teach that relate to ICT, and
how to teach it. Since ICT development comes so rapid and fast,
teachers might be overwhelmed by its rapid speed. Temperance in its
use is a caution that should be looked at.
2.Technology should never replace any human teacher. The tools are
support instructional materials for the teachers which are available for
use. The teacher should learn how to appropriately use them. The human
touch of the teacher is still a vital component in teaching. Teachers should
always be reminded that there are always limitations in the use of the
different gadget and tools.
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3.There are rules and regulations that govern the use of
technology. Caution should be observed to protect individual
privacy. As teachers, you must be aware that the use of
technology may jeopardize your privacy and security.

4.All the issues and many more shall be part of the teaching
content as each teacher will be encouraged to use technology
in teaching.

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For the Learners and Learning
The learners of the 21st Century are even more advanced than
some of the teachers. However, learners still need guidance on
how to use, regulate technology use. As there are positive and
negative effects of technology use, learners should know the
difference. Learners should not only know the benefits of
technology use, but they should also know how they can be
protected from the hazards that technology brings to their

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Ag e

Safety Issues on the Use of

Technology is a phenomenon that seems to be uncontrollable.
Despite the so many benefits for teaching and learning, there are
also negative effects or influence on the learners. Hence as future
teachers, you have to be aware of how to safeguard learners in the
school communities where they spend most of their waking hours
and also in their homes or facilities that provide opportunities to use
digital technologies like Internet Cafes. Safeguard and protection
should be the primordial role of parents, teachers, and schools.
There are so many risks that we must be aware of in the use of
digital technologies.
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Ag e

Example of risk risks that we must be aware of in the

use of digital technologies
1.Exposure to inappropriate content, including on-line
pornography, extremism (exposure to violence associated with
racist language);
2.Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide sites and hate
3. Cyber-bullying in all forms, receiving sexually explicit images
or messages.
4. Privacy issues including disclosure of personal information.
5.Health and well-being (amount of time spent on-line,
internet gaming and many more.
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Ag e

Minor Misuse of ICT

In school, some minor misuse made by learners include
the following:
Copying information into assignment and failing to
acknowledge the source (plagiarism and copyright
infringement) Downloading materials not relevant to their
Misconduct associated with subject logins, such as
using someone else’s password
Leaving a mobile phone turned on during class period.
Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with mobile
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Ag e

E-Safety Rules
E-safety takes care not only of the internet technologies but also of electronic
communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. It
highlights the need to educate children and young people about the benefits, risks,
and responsibilities of using information technology. Here are some issues of e-
• e-safety helps safeguard children and young people in the digital world.
• e-safety emphasizes learning to understand and new technologies in a
positive way.
• e-safety educates children about the risks as well as the benefits so we
can feel confident online; and
• e-safety supports young learners and adults to develop safer online
behaviors, both in and out of school.
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1. Safety in the Use of Network in Schools

1.1Make clear t hat no one should log on as anot her user.

1.2 Require all users to always log off when they have finished
1.3Maintain equipment to ensure health and safety.
1.4 Provide students with access to content and resources
through guided e-learning.
1. 5 Set up a clear disaster recovery system in place for critical data
that include secure, remote back up of critical data.
1.6 Secure wireless network to appropriate standards
suitable for educational use.

1.7Install all computer equipment professionally and

meet health and safety and security.
2. Password Policy

2.1 Only authorized users will have individual passwords. Users are not
permitted to disclose their passwords unless they got permission from
the owner or from the management. The equipment that keeps the
personal information shall be locked when unattended to prevent
unauthorized access.
3. Personal mobile phones and mobile devices

3.1 All mobile phones shall be kept away in a box away from the children
or learners and access is only allowed at breaktime or at the end of the
classes or when needed during the class period.
4. Cameras

4.1 Taking pictures only from parents or caregivers and not from
any other family member or friend while the child attends class.
4.2 Any picture taken of children shall be on cameras solely for
the purpose
Setting Up an
Technology Room
Schools that plan to dedicate a room where the students can access
technologies for learning should include the following basic safety

1.Provide tilt tables. These tables can be tilted and adjusted to the height of
the users.
2. Provide anti-glare screen filters.
3. Provide adjustable chairs.
4. Provide foot support.
5. Make sure lighting is suitable.
6. Make sure workstations are not cramped.
7. Plan work at a computer so that there are frequent breaks.
More specifically safety rules that can reduce risk of accidents in the
working stations should include:

1. No trailing wires across or around the room which people can trip on.
2. Electrical sockets should not be overloaded.
3. Electrical equipment should be safety-tested at least once a year.
4. There should be adequate space around desk for people to move.
5. Bags and obstacles should be stored out of the way.
6. Food and drinks should not be placed near machines.
7.Heating and ventilation should be suitable for the working
8. Fire extinguishers should be available.
9. Fire exits should be clearly marked and free from clutter.
Direction. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it’s

1.E safety helps safeguard children and young people in the digital
2.New technologies have become central to the lives of every individual
in this planet.
3.It is not important to know the programs and application for the
teaching and learning.
4.One of the issue in ICT is the freedom of expression and Censorship.
5.Password policy is one of the part of network management.
6. The meaning of DICT stands for Department of Intelligence and
Communication technology.
7.PhedNET is a “walled” garden that hosts educational learning and teaching
materials and applications for use by the Filipino
8.eQuality Program for Tertiary education through partnerships with state
universities and colleges Technology is not as cost effective as other
interventions because equipment requires extensive support.
9.The learners of the 21st Century are even more advanced than some of the
10.There are 8 Programs that have applications to education, teaching, and
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Section H

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