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A Research Proposal
Group 2
January 18, 2024

General Academic
Catarman National High School
Jhon Reeve C. Orsolino
Maria Angela B. Garcia

Jummil B. Prudenciado Marian O. Duenog

Jannah Mhel A. Candelaria Mark Allen J. Munez

Princess P. Diano Lala B. Lucban

Icy Jarito Aileen G. Cangayao

Joanna Marie P. Sayde Dickford H. Alvarez

Jake Manuel A. Tido

Evalyn T. Jarito

Chenard L. Varela
• In the Philippines however, as observed by the
researcher, speaking in English seems to by very
difficult most especially to students in the secondary
level. There are various factors that affect the learning
of speaking in English, one of which is attitude. Attitude
is determined by the individuals beliefs about outcomes
or attributes of performing the behaviors (behavioral
beliefs), weighted or attitudes towards the targets
languages was emphasized by Gardner (2012).
• Stated that the learners attitudes towards learning
another language play a key role in enhancing and
motivating them to learn that languages. Moreover,
gender has been an important perspective under second
languages learning investigation; highlighting females
to execute more interest, positive behaviors and
performances, and comparison to the males (Keller,
2011; Aecken, 2012; Dornyei & Shoaib, 2014).
• According to the article publish by, Filane Mikee Cervantes Almost half of
Filipino adults nationwide are competent with the English language, according
to the latest Social Weather Stations survey. The poll, conducted from March 26
to 29, 2023, showed that at least 47 percent of Filipinos have the ability to think
in English. The March survey also revealed that Filipino adults' understanding
of spoken and written English was at 80 percent. In terms of their skills in
writing or speaking English, SWS said 69 percent of Filipinos write the
language, while 55 percent speak the language. Only around 9 percent do not
apply any of these skills. Meanwhile, the pollster said the usage of the English
language has been at its highest since September 2000. The survey showed that
Filipinos who use English fully jumped from 5 percent in December 2016 to 9
percent in March 2023. Those who fairly use the language also increased from
28 percent in 2016 to 35 percent in 2023, while those who use it partially only
declined from 43 percent in 2016 to 41 percent in 2023. Only 14 percent have
no use of the language in 2023.The same survey also revealed that at least three
out of four adult Filipinos, or 75 percent, are competent with the Filipino
Objectives of the study

1. determine the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1. age;

2. sex:

3. educational attainment of parents;

4. grade in English subjects:

2. find out the students' attitude towards speaking in English; and

1. oral communication

2. reading and writing;

3. English in academic and professional purposes;

3. determine the relationship that exist between the profile and attitude of the respondents towards English speaking.
Significance of the Study

Catarman National High School. This research can be the framework to establish new practices

in order inal and cayors and attain high rate of effective progression.

Students. This study will help students to widen their insights in developing their skills.

Moreover, this will determine students' attitude towards English language learning.

Teachers. To ascertain the students' performance, diagnose the weaknesses and strength in the

students' fluency in English speaking, and to improve their teaching strategies to develop

required language proficiency in their students.

Department of Education. this study will aid as basis in decision making. program designing,

and implementation, plan formulation and adjustment. In this way, both education practitioners

and learners will benefit for continuous improvement from the new or/and more efficient


Future Researchers. The concepts offered in this study may be used as reference material for

future researchers, as well as for examining the reliability of related research findings. This

study will also act as their cross-reference, providing them with background information or an

overview of the research on how the chosen strands and the attitude of the learners relates to
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study focuses on determining the attitudes towards
speaking in English and academic performance of Grade 12
General Academic Students in Catarman National High
School, School Year 2023-2024. Researchers will use
questionnaire as research instrument to gather the
information needed.
Respondents attitudes towards speaking in English will be
the Grade 12 General Academic Students only and limited to
the use of questionnaire to gather information and data from
the respondents and does not include interviews or
Theoretical Framework
• The Mentalist Theory, this empirical research purposed to determine the languages
attitude towards English of one thousand fifty-four Filipino Elementary Pre-
service Teachers. Data collection was realized with a survey questionnaire. The
analysis of the data revealed that the respondents, on the average, are exhibiting
positive attitude towards English. Somblingo, R.A., & Alieto, E. 0. (2020). English
Language Attitude among Filipino Prospective Language Teacher: An Analysis
through the Mentalist Theoretical Lens. Online Submission.
• In the study of Rula Diab (2011), it stated that positive attitudes Towards a subject
affect learning and the students viewed English as an Easy language. Rula, L.
(2006). An International Journal of educational Technology and Applied
Linguistics. University Students’ Beliefs about Learning English and French in
Lebanon Diab, 34(1), 80-96.
• Abdel – Rahman Husni and Abu-Melhim (2013) that positive
attitudes and accommodating students ‘Preferences in learning
will be no doubt lead to more successful learning. Abu-Melhim,
Abdel-Rahman & Al- Omari, Sana. (2013). Promising as a
speech act in Jordanian Arabic. International forum of teaching
and studies. 9 30-34.
Conceptual Framework
The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual
framework. This includes the two variables: Independent variables
include the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational
attainment of parents, grades of English subject, to the dependent
variables includes the attitude towards speaking in English in terms of
oral communication, reading and writing, English in academic and
professional purposes
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of the Respondents Attitudes Towards

in terms of; Speaking in English; and

• Age • Oral Communication

• Sex • Reading and Writing
• Educational Attainment • English in Academic and
of Parents Professional Purposes
• Grade of English Subject

Ho: There is no significant relationship between attitudes towards speaking English

and academic performance.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between attitudes towards speaking English

and academic Performance

Definition of Terms
Attitude. Conceptually, a settled way of thinking or feelings or something
typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior (Oxford
Languages,2011). Operationally, attitudes is a relation to our study,
defined us their Attitudes Towards Speaking in English.

English in Academic and Professional Purposes. Conceptually, Settings

has received great attention over the last 50 years, as it use has become
a key asset for everyone interested in improving his/her chance of
communicating internationally. (Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido, Juan Carlos
Palmer, Inmaculada Fortanet-Gomez Rodopi,2010). Operationally, in
relation to our study define as operationally, Is a specialized from of
English Language in developing language skills and attitudes of Grade 12
General Academic Students.
Grade In English Subject. Conceptually, a measure of the quality of a
students performance (Oxford Languages, 2012). Operationally, It is the
evaluation of students performance in English language.

Oral Communication. Conceptually, Is the process of verbally

transmitting information and ideas from one individual on the group to
another (Oxford Languages,2014). Operationally, it is the process of
exchanging information, Idea and emotions towards speaking English.

Speaking English. Conceptually, The action of conveying information or

expressing one thoughts and feelings in spoken language. “Clear
thinking aids clear speaking”
(Oxford Languages, 2012). Operationally, Express thoughts, ideas and
information in English language.
Reading and Writing. Conceptually, Reading means for languages
acquisition, communication and sharing information and ideas.
Writing is a medium if human communication that represent
language with sign and symbols. (Owl Excelsior, 2011). Operationally,
It analyze information and effectively express their thoughts and
ideas involving English speaking.

Vocabulary. Conceptually, The word vocabulary is primarily

associated with the number of words that a person knows; one
either has a large or small vocabulary. Operationally, it refers to the
knowledge and understanding of the meanings specially in the
attitudes of English speaking of Grade 12 General Academic Students.

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