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Chapter # 1: Vector Analysis
Scalar quantities are those which have characterized by its magnitude; e.g. mass, time, volume,
temperature, etc. They are represented by un-bold letters such as m, V, T, etc.
Vector quantities are those which have both magnitude and direction; e.g. velocity, position, force,
electric and magnetic fields, etc. They are represented by bold letters such as v, F, E, B, etc.
Vector operations:
(i) Addition of two vectors: Vector addition is commutative i.e., A+B=B+A
Addition is also associative i.e., (A + B ) + C = A + (B + C )
To subtract a vector, add its opposite : A - B = A + (-B)
(ii) Multiplication by a scalar: Scalar multiplication is distributive i.e., a(A + B) = aA + aB
(iii) Dot product of two vectors: The dot product of two vectors is defined by A . B = ABcosθ,
Note that A . B is itself a scalar (hence the alternative name scalar product).
Geometrically, A . B is the product of A times the projection of B along A
(or the product of B times the projection of A along B).
The dot product is commutative, A.B=B.A
Also, dot product is distributive, A· (B+C) = A·B + A·C
If the two vectors are parallel, then A . B=AB
If two vectors are perpendicular, then A.B=0
In particular, for any vector A, A . A = A2

(iv) Cross product of two vectors: The cross product of two vectors is defined by
A x B = AB sinθ n
where n is a unit vector (vector of length 1) pointing perpendicular to the plane of A and B.
(iv) Cross product of two vectors: The cross product of two vectors is defined by
A x B = AB sinθ n
where n is a unit vector (vector of length 1) pointing perpendicular to the plane of A and B.
A x B points n inward ; B x A points n outward.
The cross product is distributive, A x (B + C) = (A x B) + (A x C)
but not commutative. In fact, (B x A) = -(A x B)
If two vectors are parallel, their cross product is zero. In particular,
Vector Algebra: Component Form
An arbitrary vector A can be expanded in terms of these basis vectors:
A = A x i + Ay j + A z k
The numbers Ax, Ay, and Az, are called components of A; geometrically,
they are the projections of A along the three coordinate axes.

Triple Products
Since the cross product of two vectors is itself a vector, it can be dotted or crossed with a third vector to
form a triple product.
(i) Scalar triple product: A· (B x C).
Geometrically, A· (B x C) is the volume of the parallelepiped generated by
A, B, and C, since BxC is the area of the base, and Acosθ is the altitude.
Dot and cross can be interchanged ; A · (B x C) = (A x B) . C
In component form

How Vectors Transform
For two dimensional case, the component of vector A w.r.t
yz plan are

the component of vector A w.r.t plan are

From the figure , thus

Transformation matrix: Describes rotation of coordinate system while an object
remain fixed.
Rotation matrix: Describes rotation of an object in fixed coordinate system.

Differential Calculus

Consider a function T (x,y,z), its derivative (dT) can be defined as:

Here is called gradient of function “T” and it is a vector quantity with three components.


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