Xii Akl - Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Made by Nathania
English task
A general journal is a journal that is used to record various
transactions that cannot be recorded in a special journal. In
simple terms, this general journal is identical to a diary, which
is used to record every debit or credit transaction that occurs in
a certain order.
In other words, a general journal is used to record various
financial transaction activities of a business or enterprise
during a certain period to facilitate internal and external
financial management.
• Understand the concept of the basic accounting equation
The formula is,
Assets = Liabilities + Equity
• Collecting Transaction Evidence and Carrying Out Identification
The identification process referred to is filtering transactions that cause changes in
financial position. Beyond that, transactions do not need to be entered into a journal.
• Carrying out Journal Recording
Generally, recording in a journal uses a double-entry system. With this system,
every transaction contained in the journal will have an effect on debit and credit or two
financial positions with equal amounts.
The general accounting journal format is actually not that complicated. Basically, you will
create a column consisting of date, description, reference, debit, and credit.
• Date: The date column is filled with the date and month when the transaction occurred
• Description: Information is filled with transaction journal entries. However, before that,
you need to write down the amount of the debited transaction. To facilitate transactions,
notes in the form of short descriptions can be made for each transaction.
• Reference: The reference column contains the numbers of journal entries that have been
transferred to the ledger.
• Debit: Record of the transaction amount that must be debited. This recording is carried
out for every transaction.
• Credit: Contains a record of the transaction amount that must be credited. Every credit
transaction must be recorded.
• Assets: If assets or assets increase, you need to make a note in the debit column.
Conversely, if assets decrease, make a note in the credit column. The normal balance
column in the asset account is in the debit position.
• Liabilities: When obligations or debts increase, you need to make a note in the credit
column. Meanwhile, if there is a reduction in liabilities, the transaction is recorded in the
debit column. The normal balance column in the liability account is recorded on the credit
• Capital: If the capital account increases, you must record the transaction in the credit
column. Conversely, record transactions in the debit column when capital decreases. The
normal balance column is in the credit position
• Revenue: If revenue increases, the transaction is recorded in the credit column. However,
when income decreases or decreases, the transaction is written in the debit column. The
normal balance in the revenue account is in credit position.
• Expenses: Recording of expense accounts is the same as asset accounts. Additional
expenses are recorded in the debit column, while reductions in expenses are recorded in
the credit column. The normal balance on the expense account is in the debit position.
So, a general journal is a journal that is used to record various financial
transaction activities of a business or enterprise within a certain period
to facilitate internal and external financial management.

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