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Shri. Abhik Chakraborty
ROLL NO. 20120067 General Manager
SAIL, Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP)

The basic aim of BF operator is to produce hot metal with required specification and the lowest possible cost.

Coke forms the major portion (60 – 65%) of the cost of hot metal. Also, sources of metallurgical coal needed to produce coke are limited. Therefore, decreasing
the coke consumption has always been an important task in B.F iron making. The motivation of coke economy has led to numerous investigations into the basic
understanding of the B.F process, especially in the last six decades and thereby to a large improvement in performance indices of the BF viz productivity & Coke rate.
The specific coke consumption is coke consumed for production of a ton of hot metal is
termed as coke rate of the B F.

𝐵𝐹 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑇𝐻𝑀/𝑑𝑎𝑦) = 𝐶𝑜𝑘𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑡 (𝑇𝑜𝑛𝑠/𝑑𝑎𝑦)

𝐶𝑜𝑘𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝑇𝑜𝑛𝑠/𝑇𝐻𝑀)
Coke is made from coal by carbonisation (destructive distillation) of coal under controlled
conditions in a coke oven. The coke quality depends upon following factors :-
•Coal quality – (i) Chemistry (ii) Rank (iii) Coking Properties,
• Coal carbonisation technique,
The quality of coke expressed in terms of room temperature and high temperature strength,
reactivity, ash content , chemistry The quality of coke primarily depends on the quality of coal
(or, more often, coal blend) used to make coke and the pre-carbonisation techniques adopted
prior to charging coal into the coke ovens.
The coke output can be increased by:
a) Increased oxygen supply at the tuyeres through –

b) Increased blast volume

c) Oxygenated blast

The coke rate can be decreased by:

a) Better raw materials

b) Increased blast

c) Blast additives like auxiliary fuel injectants

Since all the above measures relate either to increasing coke burning intensity or decreasing specific coke
consumption, let us first understand the basics of B.F. process and the role of coke in it.
Regression Analysis
Regression is a type of data analysis that considers the linear relationship between a dependent variable and
one or more independent variables. It is typically used to visually show the strength of the relationship or
correlation between various factors and the dispersion of results.

Linear regression:-
The model can be written as;
Y = a + bx + ε
ε : regression residual

Multiple Regression:-
Regression model which is carried out to established a relationship between two or more independent
variable with one dependent variable is called multiple regression and the model can be written as:
Y= a + b1x1+ b2x2+ b3x3+ ………bnxn+ ε

The data was analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Technique and a model was developed to predict the coke
Rate and productivity for a given set of data. The regression analysis was done With the help of standard software
i.e MINITAB using Microsoft Excel and the formula for coke Rate calculation was developed. The formula
obtained for coke rate

COKE RT. = 453 - 0.888 CDI RT. + 0.0060 HBT - 13.0 TOP PR. + 0.025 MOIST. % - 0.97 O2 % + 6.88 COKE
ASH - 0.308 -5MM IN SINTE R

This is the regression equation developed through analyzing data this would help to know how significant the
factors are and how they will affect the coke rate accordingly.
As the signs shows there significance we can derive :

These are in good agreement with theory As for example, theory says that the coke rate should go down if the
CDI rate is increased. This fact is validated by the coke rate formula shown above. In the same way, other factors
also influence the coke rate If the coke rate formula developed above is looked into carefully, we would observe
that the factors like CDI rate, Top pressure, o2 % , Availability -5mm in sinter, in burden are positive factors.
That means that with their increasing values, the coke rate will be decreases.
Similarly factors like HBT, moisture ,and coke ash, are negative ones because with their increasing values, coke
rate will go up.
After analyzing the various factors influencing the blast furnaces' coke rate at the Bhilai Steel Plant, the
following conclusions can be drawn:

That on the basis of statistical data coke consumption can be controlled as a certain factor could be increased
to overcome lack of contribution from any other factor still keeping the coke rate constant for eg if coke
consumption is need to be reduced from the above mentioned equation we can use to increase the top
pressure resulting in no change in coke rate. Though there could be numerous ways to achieve it we tried to
mention some. As producing hot metal is a complex process where many factors are to be kept in account.
Still it is very vital to keep it economically as well as environmentally efficient.

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