En Ville Role Play

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En ville


• In groups of 2-3, you will create a

captivating role play called "The
Francophone Adventure" that will put your
French vocabulary and communication
skills to the test. Follow these instructions
to embark on your language quest:
Choisissez votre

• Obtain a map of your chosen city

and label it in French. Highlight
key locations, such as a famous
museum, a post office, a nice
café, and a thrilling theme park.
Add clear annotations with street
names, directions, and
approximate distances between

• Begin your role play with a

friendly greeting in French. Use
phrases like "Bonjour" (Hello)
and "Comment ça va ?" (How
are you?) to engage with your
group members.
Touriste perdu
• One group member will play the role of a lost tourist in the city. The tourist
should explain, in French, that they are lost and need directions to the famous
museum. Encourage the use of phrases like "Excusez-moi, je suis perdu(e)"
(Excuse me, I am lost) and "Pourriez-vous m'aider ?" (Could you help me?).
• The other group member(s) will act as
the tour guide(s). Take turns providing
clear and detailed directions to the
famous museum, using phrases like

"Prenez la rue X" (Take street X),
"Tournez à droite/gauche" (Turn
right/left), and "Continuez tout droit"
(Go straight ahead). Make sure to refer
to landmarks and street names on the
annotated map.
Inversio • Once the tourist reaches the museum,
express gratitude in French, such as
saying "Merci beaucoup" (Thank you

n des
very much). Then, switch roles within
your group. A new tourist will ask for
directions to the museum, post office,
café, or theme park. Repeat steps 4 and

5 for each destination.
• Wrap up your role play with a polite
farewell in French, using phrases like
"Au revoir" (Goodbye) and "Bonne
journée" (Have a nice day).

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